Boost Container provides additional advantages:

(1) The interface of the containers resemble those of the containers in the C++11 standard library.

(2) With boost::container::slist or boost::container::stable_vector, Boost container offers containers the standard library doesn't provide.

(3) The implementation is platform independent.

(4) The containers from Boost Container support incomplete types and can be used to define recursive containers.

#include <boost/container/stable_vector.hpp>
#include <iostream> using namespace boost::container; int main() {
stable_vector<int> v(, );
int& i = v[];
std::cout << i << std::endl;
return ;


boost::container::stable_vector behaves similarly to std::vector, except that if boost::container::stable_vector is changed, all iterators and references to existing elements remain valid. This is possible because elements aren't stored contiguously in boost::container::stable_vector. It is still possible to access elements with an index even though elements are not stored next to each other in memory.

Additional containers provided by Boost Container are boost::container::flat_set, boost::container::flat_map, boost::container_slist, boost::container::static_vector.

boost::container::static_vector stores elements like std::array directly in the container. Like std::array, the container has a constant capacity. The capacity is conastant, but can be changed with resize(). push_back() doesn't change the capacity, throws an exception of type std::bad_alloc.

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