UVA 10529 - Dumb Bones (概率dp)
For instance, if you've already placed dominos in the pattern DD__DxDDD_D, and you try placing a domino at position x, there is a chance it will fall and knock over the domino to the left or the three dominos to its right, forcing you to place them again.
This human error is somewhat unavoidable, but you can make the odds somewhat more favourable by using a domino-placing technique that leads to dominos falling in one direction more often than in the other.
Given the number of dominos you are trying to set up, and the probability that you'll knock over any individual domino either to the left or to the right while placing it, determine the average number of dominos you'll need to place before you finish. Assume that you're using an optimal placement strategy.
The last test case is followed by a line containing a single 0.
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std;
const int maxn = ;
int n;
double l,r;
double dp[maxn];
double calc (int n,int x)
return (1.0+l*dp[x-]+r*dp[n-x])/(-l-r)+dp[x-]+dp[n-x];
int main()
while (~scanf("%d",&n)){
if (n==) break;
for (int i=;i<=n;++i){
for (int j=;j<=i;++j)
return ;
using namespace std;
double f[];
double pl,pr,ans;
int n;
inline double cal(int n,int i){
return (pl*f[i-]+pr*f[n-i]+)/(1.0-pl-pr)+f[i-]+f[n-i];//计算期望
int main(){
int i,j,x=;
return ;
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