【leetcode】1175. Prime Arrangements
Return the number of permutations of 1 to
so that prime numbers are at prime indices (1-indexed.)(Recall that an integer is prime if and only if it is greater than 1, and cannot be written as a product of two positive integers both smaller than it.)
Since the answer may be large, return the answer modulo
10^9 + 7
.Example 1:
Input: n = 5
Output: 12
Explanation: For example [1,2,5,4,3] is a valid permutation, but [5,2,3,4,1] is not because the prime number 5 is at index 1.Example 2:
Input: n = 100
Output: 682289015Constraints:
1 <= n <= 100
class Solution(object):
def numPrimeArrangements(self, n):
:type n: int
:rtype: int
prime = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97]
import bisect
prime_count = bisect.bisect_right(prime,n)
no_prime_count = n - prime_count
def calc(num):
factorial = 1
for i in range(1, num + 1):
factorial = factorial * i
return factorial total = calc(prime_count) * calc(no_prime_count)
return total % (10**9 + 7)
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