利用java mail发送邮件(转)
Activation Framework),JAF在Java6之后已经合并到JDK中,而JDK5之前须要另外下载JAF的类库。下载地址例如以下:
JavaMail包括两部分内容。一部分是JavaMail API,定义了一组平台无关、独立于通讯协议的邮件程序框架,该部分称为应用级接口,也就是供我们调用的部分。还有一部分是service provider。该部分使用特定的协议语言来实现第一部分定义的抽象类和接口。这些协议包括:SMTP、NNTP、POP3、IMAP,假设让JavaMail与邮件server通信。就须要对应的协议支持,该部分称为服务提供者接口。也就是JavaMail自身须要的协议支持。
API部分和SUN自己实现的service provider部分。可能也有特殊的时候,我们应用程序中须要自己实现service provider部分,那我们仅仅须要mailapi.jar。以下通过几个类来简单认识下JavaMail API:
public class JavaMailTest1 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws MessagingException {
Properties props = new Properties();
// 开启debug调试
props.setProperty("mail.debug", "true");
// 发送server须要身份验证
props.setProperty("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
// 设置邮件server主机名
props.setProperty("mail.host", "smtp.163.com");
// 发送邮件协议名称
props.setProperty("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp"); // 设置环境信息
Session session = Session.getInstance(props); // 创建邮件对象
Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
// 设置邮件内容
msg.setText("这是一封由JavaMail发送的邮件! ");
// 设置发件人
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("java_mail_001@163.com")); Transport transport = session.getTransport();
// 连接邮件server
transport.connect("java_mail_001", "javamail");
// 发送邮件
transport.sendMessage(msg, new Address[] {new InternetAddress("java_mail_002@163.com")});
// 关闭连接
Name | Type | Description |
mail.debug | boolean | The initial debug mode. Default is false. |
mail.from | String | The return email address of the current user, used by theInternetAddress methodgetLocalAddress . |
mail.mime.address.strict | boolean | The MimeMessage class uses the InternetAddress methodparseHeader toparse headers in messages. This property controls the strict flag passed to the parseHeader method.The default is true. |
mail.host | String | The default host name of the mail server for both Stores and Transports. Used if themail.protocol.host propertyisn’t set. |
mail.store.protocol | String | Specifies the default message access protocol. The Session methodgetStore() returnsa Store object that implements this protocol. By default the first Store provider in the configuration files is returned. |
mail.transport.protocol | String | Specifies the default message transport protocol. TheSession methodgetTransport() returnsa Transport object that implements this protocol. By default the first Transport provider in the configuration files is returned. |
mail.user | String | The default user name to use when connecting to the mail server. Used if themail.protocol.user propertyisn’t set. |
mail.protocol.class | String | Specifies the fully qualified class name of the provider for the specified protocol. Used in cases where more than one provider for a given protocol exists; this property can be used to specify which provider to use by default. The provider must still be listed in a configuration file. |
mail.protocol.host | String | The host name of the mail server for the specified protocol. Overrides themail.host property. |
mail.protocol.port | int | The port number of the mail server for the specified protocol. If not specified the protocol’s default port number is used. |
mail.protocol.user | String | The user name to use when connecting to mail servers using the specified protocol. Overrides themail.user property. |
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