golang 中国

golang Applicable to all database connection pools


Lightweight and fast SQL builder for Go and XORM

Go 语言包管理

A web based database admin tool written by Golang support mysql/postgres/sqlite

Go 语言中文网 | Golang中文社区 | Go语言学习园地 源码
asofdate项目,不是一个前端or后台框架! 而是一个集成权限管理,菜单资源管理,域管理,角色管理,用户管理,组织架构管理,操作日志管理等等的快速开发平台. asofdate是一个基础产品,在这个基础产品上,根据业务需求,快速的开发应用服务

Configuration loader in Go
My personal golang lib.
Type-safe Redis client for Golang

like python-sh, for easy call shell with golang.

功能完备的 Go 路由器
Go 中间件

A minimalistic and flexible request multiplexer for Go GoDoc
A high productivity, full-stack web framework for the Go language.
超全的Go Http路由框架性能比较


Zipkin is a distributed tracing system 分布式跟踪系统--github

An open source load testing tool
Hystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex distributed systems where failure is inevitable.
The fastest web framework for Go in (THIS) Earth. HTTP/2 Ready-To-GO
Micro 一个用Go语言实现的微服务框架
A microservice toolkit for distributed systems development
A microservice for user management and authentication
A microservice ecosystem. Simplifying distributed systems development.
A powerful URL router and dispatcher for golang.
golang使用http client发起get和post请求示例
Go 微服务实践
A high performance HTTP request router that scales well
Solving distributed data management problems in a microservice architecture
Gorilla web toolkit
A Go "clone" of the great and famous Requests library
A developer-friendly HTTP request library for Gopher.
Golang 微服务框架 Go kit 介绍(一)
The smart copilot for programmers
a golang micro-service framework compatible with alibaba dubbo. just using jsonrpc 2.0 protocol over http now.
A pair programming service using Operational Transforms
这是一个基于 Revel 开发的在线图书馆.
A new object oriented language written in Go aim at developing microservice efficiently.
Simple HTTP and REST client for Go inspired by Ruby rest-client
Robust & Easy to use struct mapper and utility methods for Go

Go bindings for Lua C API - in progress
GopherLua: VM and compiler for Lua in Go

Gobot is a framework for robotics, physical computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT), written in the Go programming language.
periph.io/x/periph is a standalone library with no external dependency to interface with low-level board facilities exposed by the OS or leveraged against OS’ will. It can be viewed as a lower level layer than Gobot, and yes we’re discussing to collaborate in the future!

Dashboard for microservices toolchain micro.

Design-based APIs and microservices in Go

It's like go run for any go function

golang 微服务以及相关web框架的更多相关文章

  1. golang微服务框架go-micro 入门笔记2.2 micro工具之微应用利器micro web

    micro web micro 功能非常强大,本文将详细阐述micro web 命令行的功能 阅读本文前你可能需要进行如下知识储备 golang分布式微服务框架go-micro 入门笔记1:搭建go- ...

  2. golang微服务框架go-micro 入门笔记2.4 go-micro service解读

    本章节阐述go-micro 服务发现原理 go-micro架构 下图来自go-micro官方 阅读本文前你可能需要进行如下知识储备 golang分布式微服务框架go-micro 入门笔记1:搭建go- ...

  3. golang微服务框架go-micro 入门笔记2.3 micro工具之消息接收和发布

    本章节阐述micro消息订阅和发布相关内容 阅读本文前你可能需要进行如下知识储备 golang分布式微服务框架go-micro 入门笔记1:搭建go-micro环境, golang微服务框架go-mi ...

  4. golang微服务框架go-micro 入门笔记2.1 micro工具之micro api

    micro api micro 功能非常强大,本文将详细阐述micro api 命令行的功能 重要的事情说3次 本文全部代码https://idea.techidea8.com/open/idea.s ...

  5. 【GoLang】golang 微服务框架 go-kit

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  6. 【GoLang】GoLang 微服务、开源库等参考资料

    参考资料: GoLang书籍: https://github.com/dariubs/GoBooksGo名库: https://github.com/Unknwon/go-rock-libraries ...

  7. 微服务架构的基础框架选择:Spring Cloud还是Dubbo?

    最近一段时间不论互联网还是传统行业,凡是涉及信息技术范畴的圈子几乎都在讨论微服务架构.近期也看到各大技术社区开始组织一些沙龙和论坛来分享Spring Cloud的相关实施经验,这对于最近正在整理Spr ...

  8. 【GoLang】golang 微服务框架 介绍

    原文如下: rpcx是一个类似阿里巴巴 Dubbo 和微博 Motan 的分布式的RPC服务框架,基于Golang net/rpc实现. 谈起分布式的RPC框架,比较出名的是阿里巴巴的dubbo,包括 ...

  9. [goa]golang微服务框架学习--安装使用

      当项目逐渐变大之后,服务增多,开发人员增加,单纯的使用go来写服务会遇到风格不统一,开发效率上的问题. 之前研究go的微服务架构go-kit最让人头疼的就是定义服务之后,还要写很多重复的框架代码, ...


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