题解:CF593D Happy Tree Party
题解:CF593D Happy Tree Party
Bogdan has a birthday today and mom gave him a tree consisting of \(n\) vertecies. For every edge of the tree \(i\) , some number \(x_i\) was written on it. In case you forget, a tree is a connected non-directed graph without cycles. After the present was granted, \(m\) guests consecutively come to Bogdan's party. When the \(i\)-th guest comes, he performs exactly one of the two possible operations:
- Chooses some number \(y_i\) , and two vertecies \(a_i\) and \(b_i\). After that, he moves along the edges of the tree from vertex \(a_i\) to vertex \(b_i\) using the shortest path (of course, such a path is unique in the tree). Every time he moves along some edge \(j\) , he replaces his current number \(y_i\) by \(\large y_i =\lfloor \frac{y_i}{x_j} \rfloor\), that is, by the result of integer division \(y_i \ div \ x_j\).
- Chooses some edge \(p_i\) and replaces the value written in it \(x_{p_i}\) by some positive integer \(c_i < x_{p_i}\) .
As Bogdan cares about his guests, he decided to ease the process. Write a program that performs all the operations requested by guests and outputs the resulting value \(y_i\) for each \(i\) of the first type.
数据保证 \(2 \leq n,m \leq 2e5, \ 1 \leq x_i \leq 1e18\)
给出一棵有边权的树。树上共有 \(n\) 个结点,现在给出 \(m\) 个操作,操作有两类:
给你一个数 \(y\) ,走一条 \(u \to \dots \to v\) 的简单路径,每经过一条权为 \(x\) 的边就令
\[\large y := \lfloor \frac{y}{x} \rfloor
\]询问最终 \(y\) 的值。
\lfloor \frac {\lfloor \frac {\lfloor \frac {\lfloor \frac{y}{x_1} \rfloor}{x_2} \rfloor} {\vdots} \rfloor} {x_n} \rfloor = \lfloor \frac{y} {\prod _ {i = 1} ^ n x_i} \rfloor
这是个并不困难的问题,可以简单地用树链剖分 + 线段树解决。
然而,观察数据范围,\(x_i\) 在 \(1e18\) 的量级,走一条简单路径的乘积最大值可能达到
给定 \(y\) 的值也在 \(1e18\) 的量级,这意味着 \(\prod_{i=1}^n x_i\) 一旦超过了 \(1e18\) ,结果就必然为0了。
当然了,两个 \(1e18\) 乘起来依然会爆 long long
- 正统地,取对数解决。或有精度误差,但影响不大。
- 还有我
和long double
解决不了的事吗? //啊这,CF 用__int128_t
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
int n, m;
template<typename T>
inline void read(T &x)
char c = getchar(); x = 0;
while(c < '0' || '9' < c) c = getchar();
while('0' <= c && c <= '9')
x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + c - 48;
c = getchar();
struct Mint {
long double val;
Mint():val(1) {}
Mint(ll x):val(x) {}
friend Mint operator * (Mint a, Mint b)
long double ret = a.val * b.val;
return (ret > 1e18)? 0: ret;
Mint &operator *= (Mint &a, Mint b) {
return a = a * b;
template<const int N, const int M>
class Tree {
int beg[N], nex[M], tar[M], len;
int dep[N], siz[N], fat[N], hea[N];
int top[N], dfn[N], id[N], cnt;
Mint cst[M], vap[N], seg[N << 2];
Tree():len(1), cnt(0) {}
inline void add_edge(int a, int b, ll c)
nex[len] = beg[a], beg[a] = len;
tar[len] = b, cst[len] = c;
void dfs1(int cur, int pa)
dep[cur] = dep[pa] + 1;
fat[cur] = pa, siz[cur] = 1;
for(int i = beg[cur]; i; i = nex[i])
if(tar[i] == pa) continue;
dfs1(tar[i], cur);
vap[tar[i]] = cst[i];
siz[cur] += siz[tar[i]];
if(hea[cur] == -1 || siz[tar[i]] > siz[hea[cur]])
hea[cur] = tar[i];
void dfs2(int cur, int pa)
top[cur] = pa, ++cnt;
dfn[cur] = cnt, id[cnt] = cur;
if(hea[cur] == -1) return;
dfs2(hea[cur], pa);
for(int i = beg[cur]; i; i = nex[i])
if(tar[i] != hea[cur] && tar[i] != fat[cur])
dfs2(tar[i], tar[i]);
#define lson (nod <<1)
#define rson ((nod <<1) | 1)
void build(int nod, int lef, int rig)
if(lef == rig) seg[nod] = vap[id[lef]];
int mid = (lef + rig) >> 1;
build(lson, lef, mid);
build(rson, mid + 1, rig);
seg[nod] = seg[lson] * seg[rson];
inline void init_treecut() {
memset(hea, -1, sizeof(hea));
dfs1(1, 0);
dfs2(1, 1);
vap[id[1]] = 1;
build(1, 1, n);
void update(int nod, int lef, int rig, int goa, Mint val)
if(lef == rig) seg[nod] = val;
int mid = (lef + rig) >> 1;
if(goa <= mid) update(lson, lef, mid, goa, val);
else update(rson, mid + 1, rig, goa, val);
seg[nod] = seg[lson] * seg[rson];
Mint query(int nod, int lef, int rig, int goal, int goar)
if(goar < lef || rig < goal) return Mint(1);
if(goal <= lef && rig <= goar) return seg[nod];
Mint ret = 1;
int mid = (lef + rig) >> 1;
ret *= query(lson, lef, mid, goal, goar);
ret *= query(rson, mid + 1, rig, goal, goar);
return ret;
Mint query_path(int u, int v)
Mint ret = 1;
while(top[u] != top[v])
if(dep[top[u]] < dep[top[v]]) swap(u, v);
ret *= query(1, 1, n, dfn[top[u]], dfn[u]);
u = fat[top[u]];
if(dfn[u] > dfn[v]) swap(u, v);
ret *= query(1, 1, n, dfn[u] + 1, dfn[v]);
return ret;
void update_point(int x, Mint y)
int u = tar[x << 1], v = tar[x << 1 | 1];
if(dep[u] < dep[v]) swap(u, v);
update(1, 1, n, dfn[u], y);
Tree<262144, 524288> T;
int main()
read(n), read(m);
ll x, res;
for(int i = 1, u, v; i != n; ++i)
read(u), read(v), read(x);
T.add_edge(u, v, x);
T.add_edge(v, u, x);
for(int i = 0, a, b, key; i != m; ++i)
if(key == 1)
read(a), read(b), read(x);
res = (ll)T.query_path(a, b).val;
if(res) printf("%lld\n", x / res);
else puts("0");
read(a), read(x);
T.update_point(a, x);
return 0;
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