Implementing Code To Discover XSS in Parameters

1. Watch the URL of the XSS reflected page carefully.

2. Add the  test_xss_in_link method in the Scanner class.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import requests
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.parse import urljoin class Scanner:
def __init__(self, url, ignore_links):
self.session = requests.Session()
self.target_url = url
self.target_links = []
self.links_to_ignore = ignore_links def extract_links_from(self, url):
response = self.session.get(url)
return re.findall('(?:href=")(.*?)"', response.content.decode(errors='ignore')) def crawl(self, url=None):
if url == None:
url = self.target_url
href_links = self.extract_links_from(url)
for link in href_links:
link = urljoin(url, link) if "#" in link:
link = link.split("#")[0] if self.target_url in link and link not in self.target_links and link not in self.links_to_ignore:
self.crawl(link) def extract_forms(self, url):
response = self.session.get(url)
parsed_html = BeautifulSoup(response.content.decode(), features="lxml")
return parsed_html.findAll("form") def submit_form(self, form, value, url):
action = form.get("action")
post_url = urljoin(url, action)
method = form.get("method") inputs_list = form.findAll("input")
post_data = {}
for input in inputs_list:
input_name = input.get("name")
input_type = input.get("type")
input_value = input.get("value")
if input_type == "text":
input_value = value post_data[input_name] = input_value
if method == "post":
return, data=post_data)
return self.session.get(post_url, params=post_data) def run_scanner(self):
for link in self.target_links:
forms = self.extract_forms(link)
for form in forms:
print("[+] Testing form in " + link) if "=" in link:
print("[+] Testing " + link) def test_xss_in_link(self, url):
xss_test_script = "<sCript>alert('test')</scriPt>"
url = url.replace("=", "=" + xss_test_script)
response = self.session.get(url)
return xss_test_script in response.content.decode() def test_xss_in_form(self, form, url):
xss_test_script = "<sCript>alert('test')</scriPt>"
response = self.submit_form(form, xss_test_script, url)
return xss_test_script in response.content.decode()

3. Test this scanner.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import scanner

target_url = ""
links_to_ignore = "" data_dict = {"username": "admin", "password": "password", "Login": "submit"} vuln_scanner = scanner.Scanner(target_url, links_to_ignore)"", data=data_dict) # vuln_scanner.crawl()
forms = vuln_scanner.extract_forms("")
response = vuln_scanner.test_xss_in_link("")

Test the web page -


It is vulnerable on XSS.

Test the web page -


It is not vulnerable on XSS.

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