
C++: MatExpr abs(const Mat& m)
C++: void absdiff(InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst)
C = abs(A-B) is equivalent to absdiff(A, B, C)
C = abs(A) is equivalent to absdiff(A, Scalar::all(), C)
C++: void add(InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray(), int dtype=-)
C++: void addWeighted(InputArray src1, double alpha, InputArray src2, double beta, double gamma, Out-
putArray dst, int dtype=-)
C++: void bitwise_and(InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray())
C++: void bitwise_not(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray())
C++: void bitwise_or(InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray())
C++: void bitwise_xor(InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, InputArray mask=noArray())
C++: void calcCovarMatrix(const Mat* samples, int nsamples, Mat& covar, Mat& mean, int flags, int
C++: void cartToPolar(InputArray x, InputArray y, OutputArray magnitude, OutputArray angle, bool an-
C++: void magnitude(InputArray x, InputArray y, OutputArray magnitude)
C++: bool checkRange(InputArray a, bool quiet=true, Point* pos=, double minVal=-DBL_MAX, double
maxVal=DBL_MAX )
C++: void compare(InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, int cmpop)
C++: void completeSymm(InputOutputArray mtx, bool lowerToUpper=false)
C++: void convertScaleAbs(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, double alpha=, double beta=)
C++: int countNonZero(InputArray src)
C++: Mat cvarrToMat(const CvArr* arr, bool copyData=false, bool allowND=true, int coiMode= )
C++: void dct(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int flags=)
C++: void idct(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int flags=)
C++: void dft(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int flags=, int nonzeroRows=)
C++: void idft(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int flags=, int nonzeroRows=)
C++: void divide(InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst, double scale=, int dtype=-)
C++: double determinant(InputArray mtx)
C++: bool eigen(InputArray src, OutputArray eigenvalues, int lowindex=-, int highindex=-)
C++: void exp(InputArray src, OutputArray dst)
C++: void extractImageCOI(const CvArr* arr, OutputArray coiimg, int coi=- )
C++: void insertImageCOI(InputArray coiimg, CvArr* arr, int coi=- )
C++: void flip(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int flipCode)
C++: void gemm(InputArray src1, InputArray src2, double alpha, InputArray src3, double gamma, OutputArray dst, int flags= )
C++: ConvertData getConvertElem(int fromType, int toType)
C++: int getOptimalDFTSize(int vecsize)
C++: void inRange(InputArray src, InputArray lowerb, InputArray upperb, OutputArray dst)
C++: double invert(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int flags=DECOMP_LU)
C++: void log(InputArray src, OutputArray dst)
C++: void LUT(InputArray src, InputArray lut, OutputArray dst, int interpolation= )
C++: double Mahalanobis(InputArray v1, InputArray v2, InputArray icovar)
C++: void max(InputArray src1, InputArray src2, OutputArray dst)


class CV_EXPORTS MatOp
virtual ~MatOp(); virtual bool elementWise(const MatExpr& expr) const;
virtual void assign(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m, int type=-) const = ;
virtual void roi(const MatExpr& expr, const Range& rowRange,
const Range& colRange, MatExpr& res) const;
virtual void diag(const MatExpr& expr, int d, MatExpr& res) const;
virtual void augAssignAdd(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m) const;
virtual void augAssignSubtract(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m) const;
virtual void augAssignMultiply(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m) const;
virtual void augAssignDivide(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m) const;
virtual void augAssignAnd(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m) const;
virtual void augAssignOr(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m) const;
virtual void augAssignXor(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m) const; virtual void add(const MatExpr& expr1, const MatExpr& expr2, MatExpr& res) const;
virtual void add(const MatExpr& expr1, const Scalar& s, MatExpr& res) const; virtual void subtract(const MatExpr& expr1, const MatExpr& expr2, MatExpr& res) const;
virtual void subtract(const Scalar& s, const MatExpr& expr, MatExpr& res) const; virtual void multiply(const MatExpr& expr1, const MatExpr& expr2, MatExpr& res, double scale=) const;
virtual void multiply(const MatExpr& expr1, double s, MatExpr& res) const; virtual void divide(const MatExpr& expr1, const MatExpr& expr2, MatExpr& res, double scale=) const;
virtual void divide(double s, const MatExpr& expr, MatExpr& res) const; virtual void abs(const MatExpr& expr, MatExpr& res) const; virtual void transpose(const MatExpr& expr, MatExpr& res) const;
virtual void matmul(const MatExpr& expr1, const MatExpr& expr2, MatExpr& res) const;
virtual void invert(const MatExpr& expr, int method, MatExpr& res) const; virtual Size size(const MatExpr& expr) const;
virtual int type(const MatExpr& expr) const;

//modules/core/src/matop.cpp  定义了很多不同的操作,每种操作会重载部分函数
class MatOp_Identity : public MatOp
MatOp_Identity() {}
virtual ~MatOp_Identity() {} bool elementWise(const MatExpr& /*expr*/) const { return true; }
void assign(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m, int type=-) const; static void makeExpr(MatExpr& res, const Mat& m);
}; static MatOp_Identity g_MatOp_Identity; //一种默认的MatOp
static inline bool isIdentity(const MatExpr& e) { return e.op == &g_MatOp_Identity; } class MatOp_T : public MatOp
MatOp_T() {}
virtual ~MatOp_T() {} bool elementWise(const MatExpr& /*expr*/) const { return false; }
void assign(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m, int type=-) const; void multiply(const MatExpr& e1, double s, MatExpr& res) const;
void transpose(const MatExpr& expr, MatExpr& res) const; static void makeExpr(MatExpr& res, const Mat& a, double alpha=);
}; static MatOp_T g_MatOp_T;
static inline bool isT(const MatExpr& e) { return e.op == &g_MatOp_T; } //其他函数的实现举例:
void MatOp::add(const MatExpr& e1, const MatExpr& e2, MatExpr& res) const
if( this == e2.op )
double alpha = , beta = ;
Scalar s;
Mat m1, m2;
if( isAddEx(e1) && (! || e1.beta == ) )
m1 = e1.a;
alpha = e1.alpha;
s = e1.s;
e1.op->assign(e1, m1); if( isAddEx(e2) && (! || e2.beta == ) )
m2 = e2.a;
beta = e2.alpha;
s += e2.s;
e2.op->assign(e2, m2);
MatOp_AddEx::makeExpr(res, m1, m2, alpha, beta, s);
e2.op->add(e1, e2, res);
} void MatOp::add(const MatExpr& expr1, const Scalar& s, MatExpr& res) const
Mat m1;
expr1.op->assign(expr1, m1);
MatOp_AddEx::makeExpr(res, m1, Mat(), , , s);
} void MatOp::subtract(const MatExpr& e1, const MatExpr& e2, MatExpr& res) const
if( this == e2.op )
double alpha = , beta = -;
Scalar s;
Mat m1, m2;
if( isAddEx(e1) && (! || e1.beta == ) )
m1 = e1.a;
alpha = e1.alpha;
s = e1.s;
e1.op->assign(e1, m1); if( isAddEx(e2) && (! || e2.beta == ) )
m2 = e2.a;
beta = -e2.alpha;
s -= e2.s;
e2.op->assign(e2, m2);
MatOp_AddEx::makeExpr(res, m1, m2, alpha, beta, s);
e2.op->subtract(e1, e2, res);
} void MatOp::subtract(const Scalar& s, const MatExpr& expr, MatExpr& res) const
Mat m;
expr.op->assign(expr, m);
MatOp_AddEx::makeExpr(res, m, Mat(), -, , s);

class CV_EXPORTS MatExpr
explicit MatExpr(const Mat& m); MatExpr(const MatOp* _op, int _flags, const Mat& _a = Mat(), const Mat& _b = Mat(),
const Mat& _c = Mat(), double _alpha = , double _beta = , const Scalar& _s = Scalar()); operator Mat() const;
template<typename _Tp> operator Mat_<_Tp>() const; Size size() const;
int type() const; MatExpr row(int y) const;
MatExpr col(int x) const;
MatExpr diag(int d = ) const;
MatExpr operator()( const Range& rowRange, const Range& colRange ) const;
MatExpr operator()( const Rect& roi ) const; MatExpr t() const;
MatExpr inv(int method = DECOMP_LU) const;
MatExpr mul(const MatExpr& e, double scale=) const;
MatExpr mul(const Mat& m, double scale=) const; Mat cross(const Mat& m) const;
double dot(const Mat& m) const; const MatOp* op;
int flags; Mat a, b, c;
double alpha, beta;
Scalar s;
}; CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator + (const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator + (const Mat& a, const Scalar& s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator + (const Scalar& s, const Mat& a);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator + (const MatExpr& e, const Mat& m);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator + (const Mat& m, const MatExpr& e);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator + (const MatExpr& e, const Scalar& s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator + (const Scalar& s, const MatExpr& e);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator + (const MatExpr& e1, const MatExpr& e2); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator - (const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator - (const Mat& a, const Scalar& s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator - (const Scalar& s, const Mat& a);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator - (const MatExpr& e, const Mat& m);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator - (const Mat& m, const MatExpr& e);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator - (const MatExpr& e, const Scalar& s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator - (const Scalar& s, const MatExpr& e);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator - (const MatExpr& e1, const MatExpr& e2); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator - (const Mat& m);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator - (const MatExpr& e); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator * (const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator * (const Mat& a, double s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator * (double s, const Mat& a);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator * (const MatExpr& e, const Mat& m);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator * (const Mat& m, const MatExpr& e);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator * (const MatExpr& e, double s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator * (double s, const MatExpr& e);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator * (const MatExpr& e1, const MatExpr& e2); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator / (const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator / (const Mat& a, double s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator / (double s, const Mat& a);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator / (const MatExpr& e, const Mat& m);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator / (const Mat& m, const MatExpr& e);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator / (const MatExpr& e, double s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator / (double s, const MatExpr& e);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator / (const MatExpr& e1, const MatExpr& e2); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator < (const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator < (const Mat& a, double s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator < (double s, const Mat& a); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator <= (const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator <= (const Mat& a, double s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator <= (double s, const Mat& a); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator == (const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator == (const Mat& a, double s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator == (double s, const Mat& a); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator != (const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator != (const Mat& a, double s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator != (double s, const Mat& a); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator >= (const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator >= (const Mat& a, double s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator >= (double s, const Mat& a); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator > (const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator > (const Mat& a, double s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator > (double s, const Mat& a); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator & (const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator & (const Mat& a, const Scalar& s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator & (const Scalar& s, const Mat& a); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator | (const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator | (const Mat& a, const Scalar& s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator | (const Scalar& s, const Mat& a); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator ^ (const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator ^ (const Mat& a, const Scalar& s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator ^ (const Scalar& s, const Mat& a); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr operator ~(const Mat& m); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr min(const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr min(const Mat& a, double s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr min(double s, const Mat& a); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr max(const Mat& a, const Mat& b);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr max(const Mat& a, double s);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr max(double s, const Mat& a); CV_EXPORTS MatExpr abs(const Mat& m);
CV_EXPORTS MatExpr abs(const MatExpr& e); } // cv

MatExpr::MatExpr(const Mat& m) : op(&g_MatOp_Identity), flags(), a(m), b(Mat()), c(Mat()), alpha(), beta(), s(Scalar())
MatExpr MatExpr::diag(int d) const
MatExpr e;
op->diag(*this, d, e);
return e;
MatExpr MatExpr::t() const
MatExpr e;
op->transpose(*this, e);
return e;
MatExpr operator + (const Mat& a, const Mat& b)
MatExpr e;
MatOp_AddEx::makeExpr(e, a, b, , );
return e;
class MatOp_AddEx : public MatOp
MatOp_AddEx() {}
virtual ~MatOp_AddEx() {} bool elementWise(const MatExpr& /*expr*/) const { return true; }
void assign(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m, int type=-) const; void add(const MatExpr& e1, const Scalar& s, MatExpr& res) const;
void subtract(const Scalar& s, const MatExpr& expr, MatExpr& res) const;
void multiply(const MatExpr& e1, double s, MatExpr& res) const;
void divide(double s, const MatExpr& e, MatExpr& res) const; void transpose(const MatExpr& e1, MatExpr& res) const;
void abs(const MatExpr& expr, MatExpr& res) const; static void makeExpr(MatExpr& res, const Mat& a, const Mat& b, double alpha, double beta, const Scalar& s=Scalar());
}; static MatOp_AddEx g_MatOp_AddEx;
inline void MatOp_AddEx::makeExpr(MatExpr& res, const Mat& a, const Mat& b, double alpha, double beta, const Scalar& s)
    res = MatExpr(&g_MatOp_AddEx, 0, a, b, Mat(), alpha, beta, s);


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