Unit 4 Youth Issues: Computer Use

1 Model1题目及范文分析

Some teenagers spend a lot of time playing computer games and this can cause both social and health problems for them, What are some of the problems caused by playing computer games?

Model 1

Playing computer games for a long time, either individually or with friends, causes a lot of problems. One major issue is the tendency for people to play for hours andneglect their studies. If they stay up very late, they will have trouble getting up in the morning for school or work. Another issue is the lack of exercise because the players spend so much time sitting down. If teenagers waste a lot of time playing on the computer and do no exercise, this can lead to health and obesity problems. In addition, spending hours using the console controls and making repetitive movements many times can cause eye strain or muscle problems.


The abuse of natural resources causes a lot of problems. One major issue is that the price will go up such as coal, oil and natural gas. If a country unrestrictedly uses oil, the energy will undoubtedly be on the verge of depletion. Another major issue is that the environment will become more serious because of deforestation. In addition, the natural habitats of wildlife will be ruined.


Some teenagers spend a lot of time on social networking sites, such as Xiaonei or MySpace, and this can cause problems for them. What are some of the problems caused by putting personal information onto the internet?

Model 2

Spending a lot of time on the internet can cause a lot of problems for young people. One major problem is the tendency for people to post photos and personal information on social networking sites such as MySpace or Xiaonei. If they do this, it can lead to privacy issues because this information is available to people all over the world. Another issue is adults pretending to be teenagers so they can make contact with young people through these sites. If the teenagers meet these adults, they will have a lot of problems. Finally, spending a lot of time on the internet can cause health problems due to lack of exercise.

3.Writing practice思路分析

Many young people spend a lot of time on the internet without any parental supervision or control. What are some problems caused by unrestricted use of the internet?



Model 1

Playing computer games for a long time, either individually or with friends, causesa lot of problems. One major issue is the tendency for people to play for hours andneglect their studies. If they stay up very late, they will have trouble getting up in the morning for school or work. Another issue is the lack of exercise because theplayers spend so much time sitting down. If teenagers waste a lot of time playing onthe computer and do no exercise, this can lead to health and obesity problems. Inaddition, spending hours using the console controls and making repetitive movementsmany times can cause eye strain or muscle problems.


Model 2

Spending a lot of time on the internet can cause a lot of problems for youngpeople. One major problem is the tendency for people to post photos and personal information on social networking sites such as MySpace or Xiaonei. If they do this, it can lead to privacy issues because this information is available to people all over the world. Another issue is adults pretending to be teenagers so they can make contact with young people through these sites. If the teenagers meet these adults, they will have a lot of problems. Finally, spending a lot of time on the internet can cause health problems due to lack of exercise.


1) 练习1 因果逻辑

Language Focus

-Linking words for cause and effect

When you are writing about problems, you need language to talk about cause and effect. There are many ways to do this in English. Here are three common ways.

(to) cause (effects)

(to) lead to (effects) followed by a noun or noun phrase

(to) be due to (causes)


Computer games can cause health problems.

This can lead to eye strain.

Muscle strain can be due to repetitive hand movements.

2) 练习2

Join these ideas together. Use the linking words above. Think carefully about which is cause and which is the effect.

a. Playing computer games--health problems.

b. Poor school work--late nights.

c. Eye strain--staring at the monitor.

d. Repetitive hand movements--muscle strain.

e. Posting photos on the net--problems with privacy.


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