




敌人如果选则树中\(u,v\)节点之间加一条边,则路径\(u \to v\)中所有的边都会变成环。




#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stack>
using namespace std; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const int maxn = 10000 + 10;
const int maxm = 200000 + 10; struct Edge
int v, w, nxt;
Edge() {}
Edge(int v, int w, int nxt): v(v), w(w), nxt(nxt) {}
}; struct Graph
int ecnt, head[maxn];
Edge edges[maxm]; void init() { ecnt = 0; memset(head, -1, sizeof(head)); } void AddEdge(int u, int v, int w) {
edges[ecnt] = Edge(v, w, head[u]);
head[u] = ecnt++;
}; Graph g, t; int n, m; stack<int> S;
int dfs_clock, pre[maxn], low[maxn];
int scc_cnt, sccno[maxn]; void dfs(int u, int fa) {
pre[u] = low[u] = ++dfs_clock;
bool flag = false;
for(int i = g.head[u]; ~i; i = g.edges[i].nxt) {
int v = g.edges[i].v;
if(v == fa && !flag) { flag = true; continue; }
if(!pre[v]) {
dfs(v, u);
low[u] = min(low[u], low[v]);
} else if(!sccno[v]) low[u] = min(low[u], pre[v]);
} if(low[u] == pre[u]) {
for(;;) {
int x = S.top(); S.pop();
sccno[x] = scc_cnt;
if(x == u) break;
} void find_scc() {
memset(pre, 0, sizeof(pre));
memset(sccno, 0, sizeof(sccno));
dfs_clock = scc_cnt = 0;
dfs(1, 0);
} int ans; int dfs2(int u, int fa) {
int min1 = INF, min2 = INF;
for(int i = t.head[u]; ~i; i = t.edges[i].nxt) {
int v = t.edges[i].v;
if(v == fa) continue;
int tmp = t.edges[i].w;
tmp = min(tmp, dfs2(v, u));
if(tmp < min2) min2 = tmp;
if(min2 < min1) swap(min1, min2);
ans = min(ans, min2);
return min1;
} int main()
while(scanf("%d%d", &n, &m) == 2) {
while(m--) {
int u, v, w; scanf("%d%d%d", &u, &v, &w);
g.AddEdge(u, v, w);
g.AddEdge(v, u, w);
} find_scc(); t.init();
int a, b, minEdge = INF;
for(int u = 1; u <= n; u++) {
for(int i = g.head[u]; ~i; i = g.edges[i].nxt) {
int v = g.edges[i].v;
if(sccno[u] == sccno[v]) continue;
int w = g.edges[i].w;
t.AddEdge(sccno[u], sccno[v], w);
if(w < minEdge) { minEdge = w; a = sccno[u]; b = sccno[v]; }
} ans = INF;
dfs2(a, b);
dfs2(b, a);
if(ans == INF) ans = -1;
printf("%d\n", ans);
} return 0;

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