
Given two integers n and k, return all possible combinations of k numbers out of 1 ... n.

For example,

If n = 4 and k = 2, a solution is:



给定两个整数 n 和 k,返回1 ... n中k个数字的全部的组合。


假设n=4 and k=2,解为:





public class Solution
public ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> combine(int n, int k)
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> res = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
if(n<=0 || n<k)
return res;
helper(n,k,1,new ArrayList<Integer>(), res);
return res;
private void helper(int n, int k, int start, ArrayList<Integer> item, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> res)
res.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(item));
for(int i=start;i<=n;i++) // try each possibility number in current position
helper(n,k,i+1,item,res); // after selecting number for current position, process next position
item.remove(item.size()-1); // clear the current position to try next possible number

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