The Playables API provides a way to create tools, effects or other gameplay mechanisms by organizing
and evaluating data sources in a tree-like structure known as the PlayableGraph. The PlayableGraph
allows you to mix, blend, and modify multiple data sources, and play them through a single output.
## playables 接口
The Playables API supports animation, audio and scripts. The Playables API also provides the
capacity to interact with the animation system and audio system through scripting.
Playables 接口支持动画,声音,脚本。也提通过脚本去处理动画系统和声音系统的功能。
Although the Playables API is currently limited to animation, audio, and scripts, it is a generic
API that will eventually be used by video and other systems.
虽然现在Playables API目前只限制于动画,声音,脚本,但是他是一个通用的API,这个API最终回使用到视频和
## Playable vs Animation
The animation system already has a graph editing tool, it’s a state machine system that is
restricted to playing animation. The Playables API is designed to be more flexible and to support
other systems. The Playables API also allows for the creation of graphs not possible with the state
machine. These graphs represent a flow of data, indicating what each node produces and consumes. In
addition, a single graph is not limited to a single system. A single graph may contain nodes for
animation, audio, and scripts.

Playables API(翻译)



Playables API

  1. The Playables API provides a way to create tools, effects or other gameplay mechanisms by organizing and evaluating data sources in a tree-like structure known as the PlayableGraph. The PlayableGraph allows you to mix, blend, and modify multiple data sources, and play them through a single output.

playables 接口


  1. The Playables API supports animation, audio and scripts. The Playables API also provides the capacity to interact with the animation system and audio system through scripting.

Playables 接口支持动画,声音,脚本。也提通过脚本去处理动画系统和声音系统的功能。

  1. Although the Playables API is currently limited to animation, audio, and scripts, it is a generic API that will eventually be used by video and other systems.

虽然现在Playables API目前只限制于动画,声音,脚本,但是他是一个通用的API,这个API最终回使用到视频和其他系统


Playable vs Animation

  1. The animation system already has a graph editing tool, it’s a state machine system that is restricted to playing animation. The Playables API is designed to be more flexible and to support other systems. The Playables API also allows for the creation of graphs not possible with the state machine. These graphs represent a flow of data, indicating what each node produces and consumes. In addition, a single graph is not limited to a single system. A single graph may contain nodes for animation, audio, and scripts.

动画系统有一个图形编辑工具,他的状态机系统是仅仅是播放动画。Playables API是设计为更灵核的并且支持其他系统。Playables API允许创建状态机不可能实现的图形。这些图形呈现了数据流,表明了每个节点的内容。另外,一个单独的图形是不限制到一个单独的系统的,一个单独的图形可以包含动画,音效和脚本节点。


Advantages of using the Playables API

使用Playables 接口的优点

  1. The Playables API allows for dynamic animation blending. This means that objects in the scenes could provide their own animations. For example, animations for weapons, chests, and traps could be dynamically added to the PlayableGraph and used for a certain duration.


  1. The Playables API allows you to easily play a single animation without the overhead involved in creating and managing an AnimatorController asset.

Playables 接口允许我们很容易的使用带个动画,不需要提前包含在一个动画管理器资源里面。

  1. The Playables API allows users to dynamically create blending graphs and control the blending weights directly frame by frame.

Playables 接口允许我们动态创建混合图形,以及控制每帧的混合的权重。

  1. A PlayableGraph can be created at runtime, adding playable node as needed, based on conditions. Instead of having a huge “one-size-fit-all” graph where nodes are enabled and disabled, the PlayableGraph can be tailored to fit the requirements of the current situation.

一个PlayableGraph 可以在运行时创建,如果需要可以在某些条件下添加playable节点。而不是有一个包含了所有的非常大的一个图形,在这个图形里节点被显示或者隐藏。可以根据当前的情况量身定做适合的PlayableGraph。


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