Centos 7 安装部署 GitLab 服务器





Centos 版本:Centos
GitLab 服务器版本:gitlab-ce-8.17.8-ce.0.el7.x86_64.rpm
Git 下载地址:https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/gitlab-ce/yum/el7


yum -y install policycoreutils openssh-server openssh-clients postfix

安装 GitLab

rpm -i gitlab-ce-8.0.0-ce.0.el7.x86_64.rpm
  • 修改 gitlab 配置文件指定服务器的 ip/域名 和 自定义端口。
vi /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
1 ## GitLab configuration settings
2 ##! This file is generated during initial installation and **is not** modified
3 ##! during upgrades.
4 ##! Check out the latest version of this file to know about the different
5 ##! settings that can be configured by this file, which may be found at:
6 ##! https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/raw/master/files/gitlab-config-template/gitlab.rb.template
9 ## GitLab URL
10 ##! URL on which GitLab will be reachable.
11 ##! For more details on configuring external_url see:
12 ##! https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/configuration.html#configuring-the-external-url-for-gitlab
13 external_url 'http://gitlab.develop.com:6666'
  • 修改 gitlab 数据存储路径,默认的 gitlab 数据存储路径,在目录 /var/opt/gitlab/git-data 下,可能根目录的空间比较小,修改配置文件中的路径。
259 ### For setting up different data storing directory
260 ###! Docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/settings/configuration.html#storing-git-data-in-an-alternative-directory
261 ###! **If you want to use a single non-default directory to store git data use a
262 ###! path that doesn't contain symlinks.**
263 # git_data_dirs({"default" => "/home/develop/data/gitlab-data"})
  • 重置配置信息。
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
Recipe: gitlab::gitlab-rails
* execute[clear the gitlab-rails cache] action run
- execute /opt/gitlab/bin/gitlab-rake cache:clear
Recipe: gitlab::unicorn
* service[unicorn] action restart
- restart service service[unicorn]
Recipe: gitlab::sidekiq
* service[sidekiq] action restart
- restart service service[sidekiq]
Recipe: gitlab::nginx
* service[nginx] action restart
- restart service service[nginx] Running handlers:
Running handlers complete
Chef Client finished, 12/319 resources updated in 24 seconds
gitlab Reconfigured!
  • 重启 gitlab 服务。
# gitlab-ctl restart
ok: run: gitlab-workhorse: (pid 47282) 0s
ok: run: logrotate: (pid 47289) 1s
ok: run: nginx: (pid 47296) 0s
ok: run: postgresql: (pid 47303) 0s
ok: run: redis: (pid 47312) 1s
ok: run: sidekiq: (pid 47317) 0s
ok: run: unicorn: (pid 47322) 1s
常用 gitlab 命令 说明
gitlab-ctl reconfigure 重置配置信息
gitlab-ctl restart 重启 gitlab 服务
gitlab-ctl status 查看 gitlab 状态
gitlab-ctl stop 停止 gitlab 服务
gitlab-ctl tail 查看 gitlab 运行日志
gitlab-ctl stop unicorn 停止 unicorn 服务


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