四、 模块开发----统计分析

select * from ods_weblog_detail limit 2;
| ods_weblog_detail.valid | ods_weblog_detail.remote_addr | ods_weblog_detail.remote_user | ods_weblog_detail.time_local | ods_weblog_detail.daystr | ods_weblog_detail.timestr | ods_weblog_detail.month | ods_weblog_detail.day | ods_weblog_detail.hour | ods_weblog_detail.request | ods_weblog_detail.status | ods_weblog_detail.body_bytes_sent | ods_weblog_detail.http_referer | ods_weblog_detail.ref_host | ods_weblog_detail.ref_path | ods_weblog_detail.ref_query | ods_weblog_detail.ref_query_id | ods_weblog_detail.http_user_agent | ods_weblog_detail.datestr |
| false | | - | 2013-09-18 06:49:18 | 2013-09-18 | 06:49:18 | 09 | 18 | 06 | /wp-content/uploads/2013/07/rstudio-git3.png | 304 | 0 | "-" | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | "Mozilla/4.0(compatible;)" | 20130918 |
| false | | - | 2013-09-18 06:49:33 | 2013-09-18 | 06:49:33 | 09 | 18 | 06 | / | 200 | 20 | "-" | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | "DNSPod-Monitor/1.0" | 20130918 |

1. 流量分析
--计算每小时pvs,注意gruop by语句的语法
select count(*) as pvs,month,day,hour from ods_weblog_detail group by month,day,hour;
1.1. 多维度统计PV总量
1.1.1 计算该处理批次(一天)中的各小时pvs
drop table if exists dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday;
create table if not exists dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday(month string,day string,hour string,pvs bigint) partitioned by(datestr string);

insert into table dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday partition(datestr='20130918')
select a.month as month,a.day as day,a.hour as hour,count(*) as pvs from ods_weblog_detail a
where a.datestr='20130918' group by a.month,a.day,a.hour;

drop table if exists dw_pvs_everyday;
create table if not exists dw_pvs_everyday(pvs bigint,month string,day string);

insert into table dw_pvs_everyday
select count(*) as pvs,a.month as month,a.day as day from ods_weblog_detail a
group by a.month,a.day;

| dw_pvs_everyday.pvs | dw_pvs_everyday.month | dw_pvs_everyday.day |
| 10777 | 09 | 18 |
| 2993 | 09 | 19 |

1.1.2 第二种方式:与时间维表关联查询

drop table dw_pvs_everyday;
create table dw_pvs_everyday(pvs bigint,month string,day string);

insert into table dw_pvs_everyday
select count(*) as pvs,a.month as month,a.day as day from (select distinct month, day from t_dim_time) a
join ods_weblog_detail b
on a.month=b.month and a.day=b.day
group by a.month,a.day;

drop table dw_pvs_everymonth;
create table dw_pvs_everymonth (pvs bigint,month string);

insert into table dw_pvs_everymonth
select count(*) as pvs,a.month from (select distinct month from t_dim_time) a
join ods_weblog_detail b on a.month=b.month group by a.month;

Insert into table dw_pvs_everyday
Select sum(pvs) as pvs,month,day from dw_pvs_everyhour_oneday group by month,day having day='18';
| pvs | month | day |
| 10777 | 09 | 18 |
| 2993 | 09 | 19 |

1.2 按照来访维度统计pv

--统计每小时各来访url产生的pv量,查询结果存入:( "dw_pvs_referer_everyhour" )

drop table if exists dw_pvs_referer_everyhour;
create table if not exists dw_pvs_referer_everyhour
(referer_url string,referer_host string,month string,day string,
hour string,pv_referer_cnt bigint) partitioned by(datestr string);

insert into table dw_pvs_referer_everyhour partition(datestr='20130918')
select http_referer,ref_host,month,day,hour,count(1) as pv_referer_cnt
from ods_weblog_detail
group by http_referer,ref_host,month,day,hour
having ref_host is not null
order by hour asc,day asc,month asc,pv_referer_cnt desc;


drop table dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour;
create table dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour(ref_host string,month string,day string,hour string,ref_host_cnts bigint) partitioned by(datestr string);

insert into table dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour partition(datestr='20130918')
select ref_host,month,day,hour,count(1) as ref_host_cnts
from ods_weblog_detail
group by ref_host,month,day,hour
having ref_host is not null
order by hour asc,day asc,month asc,ref_host_cnts desc;

1.3 统计pv总量最大的来源TOPN

select ref_host,ref_host_cnts,concat(month,day,hour),
row_number() over (partition by concat(month,day,hour) order by ref_host_cnts desc) as od
from dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour;

drop table dw_pvs_refhost_topn_everyhour;
create table dw_pvs_refhost_topn_everyhour(
hour string,
toporder string,
ref_host string,
ref_host_cnts string
)partitioned by(datestr string);

insert into table dw_pvs_refhost_topn_everyhour partition(datestr='20130918')
select t.hour,t.od,t.ref_host,t.ref_host_cnts from
(select ref_host,ref_host_cnts,concat(month,day,hour) as hour,
row_number() over (partition by concat(month,day,hour) order by ref_host_cnts desc) as od
from dw_pvs_refererhost_everyhour) t where od<=3;

1.4 人均浏览页数

select '20130918',count(1) / count(distinct remote_addr) from ods_weblog_detail where datestr='20130918'; --13.4 (20.744 seconds)
select count(request) / count(distinct remote_addr) from ods_weblog_detail where datestr='20130918'; -- 13.4 (20.888 seconds)
select count(request) / (select count(1) from (select remote_addr from ods_weblog_detail group by remote_addr) t) from ods_weblog_detail;报错:
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: ParseException line 1:25 cannot recognize input near 'select' 'count' '(' in expression specification (state=42000,code=40000)

select count(distinct remote_addr) from ods_weblog_detail; --1027(19.466 seconds)
select count(1) from (select remote_addr from ods_weblog_detail group by remote_addr) t; --1027(36.809 seconds)

drop table dw_avgpv_user_everyday;
create table dw_avgpv_user_everyday(
day string,
avgpv string);

insert into table dw_avgpv_user_everyday
select '20130918',count(1) / count(distinct remote_addr) from ods_weblog_detail where datestr='20130918';
--select '20130918',sum(b.pvs)/count(b.remote_addr) --这个方法实际上效率还要低一些
select remote_addr,count(1) as pvs from ods_weblog_detail where datestr='20130918'
group by remote_addr
) b;

第2节 网站点击流项目(下):3、流量统计分析,分组求topN的更多相关文章

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