cd <directory>

  Short for "change directory".

  The shorthand name for the current directory is  .

  The shorthand name for the parent directory is ..


  present working directory


  list the contents of the present directory

mkdir <directory>  //<directory> is the represent for the name of the directory

  Short for "make directory",this command will create a new subdirectory called <directory> located in the current directory

cp <source> <destination>  // 仅复制单个文件,不能复制文件夹

  Short for "copy",this command will allow you to create a duplicate of the file you specify as <source>,whichi it will save in <destination>

  eg.  cp hello.c hi.c  // copy hello.c and rename the copyfile as hi.c in the present directory


  -r <directory> <destinction>  //加了参数 -r 表示复制文件夹

    Short for "recursive",copy the directory recursively.copy the <directory> and copy every folder that exists inside of it and every file that exists inside of it.In other words, It need to recursively dive down into <destincton> and make a copy of everything in there

rm <file>  // 仅删除单个文件,不能删除文件夹

  Short for "remove",this command will delete<file> after it asks you to confirm (y/n) you want to delete it.

  -f <file>

    Short for "force",foce rm to do exactly what we're telling it to do.  

    but use at your own peri!there's no undo.

  -r <directory>

    to delete entire directories you need to use the -r flag,just as was the case with cp.


    combine the -r and -f flags into -rf .Again,careful!There's no undo!

mv  // 移动文件

  Short for "move",this command will allow you to effectively rename a file,moving it from <source> to <destination>. 

  Rename Source to DEST,or move SOURCE(s)to DIRECTORY.

problem: su command cannot use

  sudo passwd  // set root password;and then you can use su command  


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