之前发过一篇帖子应用.Net+Consul维护RabbitMq的高可用性,然后最近老大问我当初我这么搞是抽的什么想法- -然后顺便贴了两行C#代码:

         var factory = new ConnectionFactory()
UserName = "username",
Password = "password",
AutomaticRecoveryEnabled = true,
TopologyRecoveryEnabled = true
Connection = factory.CreateConnection(new string[] { "ip1", "ip2", "ip3" });


TopologyRecoveryEnabled 重连后恢复当前的工作进程,比如channel、queue、发布的消息进度等。









       /// <summary>
/// Create a connection using a list of hostnames using the configured port.
/// By default each hostname is tried in a random order until a successful connection is
/// found or the list is exhausted using the DefaultEndpointResolver.
/// The selection behaviour can be overriden by configuring the EndpointResolverFactory.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hostnames">
/// List of hostnames to use for the initial
/// connection and recovery.
/// </param>
/// <returns>Open connection</returns>
/// <exception cref="BrokerUnreachableException">
/// When no hostname was reachable.
/// </exception>
public IConnection CreateConnection(IList<string> hostnames)
return CreateConnection(hostnames, null);
} /// <summary>
/// Create a connection using a list of hostnames using the configured port.
/// By default each endpoint is tried in a random order until a successful connection is
/// found or the list is exhausted.
/// The selection behaviour can be overriden by configuring the EndpointResolverFactory.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hostnames">
/// List of hostnames to use for the initial
/// connection and recovery.
/// </param>
/// <param name="clientProvidedName">
/// Application-specific connection name, will be displayed in the management UI
/// if RabbitMQ server supports it. This value doesn't have to be unique and cannot
/// be used as a connection identifier, e.g. in HTTP API requests.
/// This value is supposed to be human-readable.
/// </param>
/// <returns>Open connection</returns>
/// <exception cref="BrokerUnreachableException">
/// When no hostname was reachable.
/// </exception>
public IConnection CreateConnection(IList<string> hostnames, String clientProvidedName)
var endpoints = hostnames.Select(h => new AmqpTcpEndpoint(h, this.Port, this.Ssl));
return CreateConnection(new DefaultEndpointResolver(endpoints), clientProvidedName);
} /// <summary>
/// Create a connection using a list of endpoints. By default each endpoint will be tried
/// in a random order until a successful connection is found or the list is exhausted.
/// The selection behaviour can be overriden by configuring the EndpointResolverFactory.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="endpoints">
/// List of endpoints to use for the initial
/// connection and recovery.
/// </param>
/// <returns>Open connection</returns>
/// <exception cref="BrokerUnreachableException">
/// When no hostname was reachable.
/// </exception>
public IConnection CreateConnection(IList<AmqpTcpEndpoint> endpoints)
return CreateConnection(new DefaultEndpointResolver(endpoints), null);
} /// <summary>
/// Create a connection using an IEndpointResolver.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="endpointResolver">
/// The endpointResolver that returns the endpoints to use for the connection attempt.
/// </param>
/// <param name="clientProvidedName">
/// Application-specific connection name, will be displayed in the management UI
/// if RabbitMQ server supports it. This value doesn't have to be unique and cannot
/// be used as a connection identifier, e.g. in HTTP API requests.
/// This value is supposed to be human-readable.
/// </param>
/// <returns>Open connection</returns>
/// <exception cref="BrokerUnreachableException">
/// When no hostname was reachable.
/// </exception>
public IConnection CreateConnection(IEndpointResolver endpointResolver, String clientProvidedName)
IConnection conn;
if (AutomaticRecoveryEnabled)
var autorecoveringConnection = new AutorecoveringConnection(this, clientProvidedName);
conn = autorecoveringConnection;
IProtocol protocol = Protocols.DefaultProtocol;
conn = protocol.CreateConnection(this, false, endpointResolver.SelectOne(this.CreateFrameHandler), clientProvidedName);
catch (Exception e)
throw new BrokerUnreachableException(e);
} return conn;



               if (AutomaticRecoveryEnabled)
var autorecoveringConnection = new AutorecoveringConnection(this, clientProvidedName);
conn = autorecoveringConnection;
IProtocol protocol = Protocols.DefaultProtocol;
conn = protocol.CreateConnection(this, false, endpointResolver.SelectOne(this.CreateFrameHandler), clientProvidedName);



         public static T SelectOne<T>(this IEndpointResolver resolver, Func<AmqpTcpEndpoint, T> selector)
var t = default(T);
Exception exception = null;
foreach(var ep in resolver.All())
t = selector(ep);
if(t.Equals(default(T)) == false)
return t;
catch (Exception e)
exception = e;
} if(Object.Equals(t, default(T)) && exception != null)
throw exception;
} return t;


     public class DefaultEndpointResolver : IEndpointResolver
private List<AmqpTcpEndpoint> endpoints;
private Random rnd = new Random(); public DefaultEndpointResolver (IEnumerable<AmqpTcpEndpoint> tcpEndpoints)
this.endpoints = tcpEndpoints.ToList();
} public IEnumerable<AmqpTcpEndpoint> All()
return endpoints.OrderBy(item => rnd.Next());



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