L205 EE
As an Electrical Engineer at P, you will:
Design, build, and verify PCBAs
Create, modify, and update schematics, BOMs, and PCB layouts for new and existing products
Write test specifications and procedures for electrical and electromechanical assemblies
Provide test fixture repair support for manufacturing, QA, and contract manufacturers during NPI
Troubleshoot product failures on PCBs, power supplies, and electromechanical assemblies during initial ramp
Document new product releases or corrective actions (NCR, CAPA) by creating DCNs (ECOs)
Write embedded or PC-level software to control PCB test fixtures
Execute verification and validation protocols for test fixtures, procedures, and software
Follow PAX Labs’ design control and documentation procedures
Create meetings, document action items and maintain project schedules and progress within the development team
Travel to support manufacturing builds
Report and present to management on project status and schedules
Support New Product Introduction
Support Sustaining Engineering
Minimum 3 years of relevant Electrical Engineering experience in one or more of the following areas: product design, new product release, test engineering, manufacturing support
Experience with hardware test automation and/or data analysis (Python/R/etc.)
Previous experience with medical devices or other regulated products is desirable
Strong analog, digital, and power circuit design, test, and debugging capabilities.
Schematic and PCB layout experience, preferably with Altium Designer
SMD and through-hole soldering
Experience with embedded microcontrollers and low power devices
Familiarity with wired/wireless communications (I2C, SPI, USB, Bluetooth)
Electromechanical design, assembly, and troubleshooting skills
Software Experience - C is a requirement; Python is a plus
Other required or beneficial knowledge:
BLE (beneficial)
Real-time Operating System (RTOS) (beneficial)
Understanding of serial communication protocols I2C, SPI, UART (required)
Working with EE to bring up a PCB (required)
Experience with sensors or other ICs communicating over SPI and/or I2C
PLM Experience (beneficial)
Key attributes necessary for success:
Self-motivated, team player, and strong desire to learn new skills and grow
Ability to multi-task or focus on detailed problems, and tenacity to drive issues until resolved
Strong communication skills, the ability to work effectively with peers and management alike in a high-paced global environment
A sense of flexibility and an ability to respond quickly, energetically, and enthusiastically to changes.
Excellent cross-functional communication skills and experience
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