



// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// minMatrix.js
// version 0.0.1
// Copyright (c) doxas
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function matIV(){
this.create = function(){
return new Float32Array(16);
this.identity = function(dest){
dest[0] = 1; dest[1] = 0; dest[2] = 0; dest[3] = 0;
dest[4] = 0; dest[5] = 1; dest[6] = 0; dest[7] = 0;
dest[8] = 0; dest[9] = 0; dest[10] = 1; dest[11] = 0;
dest[12] = 0; dest[13] = 0; dest[14] = 0; dest[15] = 1;
return dest;
this.multiply = function(mat1, mat2, dest){
var a = mat1[0], b = mat1[1], c = mat1[2], d = mat1[3],
e = mat1[4], f = mat1[5], g = mat1[6], h = mat1[7],
i = mat1[8], j = mat1[9], k = mat1[10], l = mat1[11],
m = mat1[12], n = mat1[13], o = mat1[14], p = mat1[15],
A = mat2[0], B = mat2[1], C = mat2[2], D = mat2[3],
E = mat2[4], F = mat2[5], G = mat2[6], H = mat2[7],
I = mat2[8], J = mat2[9], K = mat2[10], L = mat2[11],
M = mat2[12], N = mat2[13], O = mat2[14], P = mat2[15];
dest[0] = A * a + B * e + C * i + D * m;
dest[1] = A * b + B * f + C * j + D * n;
dest[2] = A * c + B * g + C * k + D * o;
dest[3] = A * d + B * h + C * l + D * p;
dest[4] = E * a + F * e + G * i + H * m;
dest[5] = E * b + F * f + G * j + H * n;
dest[6] = E * c + F * g + G * k + H * o;
dest[7] = E * d + F * h + G * l + H * p;
dest[8] = I * a + J * e + K * i + L * m;
dest[9] = I * b + J * f + K * j + L * n;
dest[10] = I * c + J * g + K * k + L * o;
dest[11] = I * d + J * h + K * l + L * p;
dest[12] = M * a + N * e + O * i + P * m;
dest[13] = M * b + N * f + O * j + P * n;
dest[14] = M * c + N * g + O * k + P * o;
dest[15] = M * d + N * h + O * l + P * p;
return dest;
this.scale = function(mat, vec, dest){
dest[0] = mat[0] * vec[0];
dest[1] = mat[1] * vec[0];
dest[2] = mat[2] * vec[0];
dest[3] = mat[3] * vec[0];
dest[4] = mat[4] * vec[1];
dest[5] = mat[5] * vec[1];
dest[6] = mat[6] * vec[1];
dest[7] = mat[7] * vec[1];
dest[8] = mat[8] * vec[2];
dest[9] = mat[9] * vec[2];
dest[10] = mat[10] * vec[2];
dest[11] = mat[11] * vec[2];
dest[12] = mat[12];
dest[13] = mat[13];
dest[14] = mat[14];
dest[15] = mat[15];
return dest;
this.translate = function(mat, vec, dest){
dest[0] = mat[0]; dest[1] = mat[1]; dest[2] = mat[2]; dest[3] = mat[3];
dest[4] = mat[4]; dest[5] = mat[5]; dest[6] = mat[6]; dest[7] = mat[7];
dest[8] = mat[8]; dest[9] = mat[9]; dest[10] = mat[10]; dest[11] = mat[11];
dest[12] = mat[0] * vec[0] + mat[4] * vec[1] + mat[8] * vec[2] + mat[12];
dest[13] = mat[1] * vec[0] + mat[5] * vec[1] + mat[9] * vec[2] + mat[13];
dest[14] = mat[2] * vec[0] + mat[6] * vec[1] + mat[10] * vec[2] + mat[14];
dest[15] = mat[3] * vec[0] + mat[7] * vec[1] + mat[11] * vec[2] + mat[15];
return dest;
this.rotate = function(mat, angle, axis, dest){
var sq = Math.sqrt(axis[0] * axis[0] + axis[1] * axis[1] + axis[2] * axis[2]);
if(!sq){return null;}
var a = axis[0], b = axis[1], c = axis[2];
if(sq != 1){sq = 1 / sq; a *= sq; b *= sq; c *= sq;}
var d = Math.sin(angle), e = Math.cos(angle), f = 1 - e,
g = mat[0], h = mat[1], i = mat[2], j = mat[3],
k = mat[4], l = mat[5], m = mat[6], n = mat[7],
o = mat[8], p = mat[9], q = mat[10], r = mat[11],
s = a * a * f + e,
t = b * a * f + c * d,
u = c * a * f - b * d,
v = a * b * f - c * d,
w = b * b * f + e,
x = c * b * f + a * d,
y = a * c * f + b * d,
z = b * c * f - a * d,
A = c * c * f + e;
if(mat != dest){
dest[12] = mat[12]; dest[13] = mat[13];
dest[14] = mat[14]; dest[15] = mat[15];
} else {
dest = mat;
dest[0] = g * s + k * t + o * u;
dest[1] = h * s + l * t + p * u;
dest[2] = i * s + m * t + q * u;
dest[3] = j * s + n * t + r * u;
dest[4] = g * v + k * w + o * x;
dest[5] = h * v + l * w + p * x;
dest[6] = i * v + m * w + q * x;
dest[7] = j * v + n * w + r * x;
dest[8] = g * y + k * z + o * A;
dest[9] = h * y + l * z + p * A;
dest[10] = i * y + m * z + q * A;
dest[11] = j * y + n * z + r * A;
return dest;
}; this.lookAt = function(eye, center, up, dest){
var eyeX = eye[0], eyeY = eye[1], eyeZ = eye[2];
var centerX = center[0], centerY = center[1], centerZ = center[2];
var upX = up[0], upY = up[1], upZ = up[2]; if(eyeX == centerX && eyeY == centerY && eyeZ == centerZ){
return this.identity(dest);
} var x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2, z0, z1, z2, l; z0 = eyeX - centerX; z1 = eyeY - centerY; z2 = eyeZ - centerZ;
l = 1 / Math.sqrt(z0 * z0 + z1 * z1 + z2 * z2);
z0 *= l; z1 *= l; z2 *= l; x0 = upY * z2 - upZ * z1; x1 = upZ * z0 - upX * z2; x2 = upX * z1 - upY * z0;
l = Math.sqrt(x0 * x0 + x1 * x1 + x2 * x2);
x0 = 0; x1 = 0; x2 = 0;
} else {
l = 1 / l;
x0 *= l; x1 *= l; x2 *= l;
} y0 = z1 * x2 - z2 * x1; y1 = z2 * x0 - z0 * x2; y2 = z0 * x1 - z1 * x0;
l = Math.sqrt(y0 * y0 + y1 * y1 + y2 * y2);
y0 = 0; y1 = 0; y2 = 0;
} else {
l = 1 / l;
y0 *= l; y1 *= l; y2 *= l;
} dest[0] = x0; dest[1] = y0; dest[2] = z0; dest[3] = 0;
dest[4] = x1; dest[5] = y1; dest[6] = z1; dest[7] = 0;
dest[8] = x2; dest[9] = y2; dest[10] = z2; dest[11] = 0;
dest[12] = -(x0 * eyeX + x1 * eyeY + x2 * eyeZ);
dest[13] = -(y0 * eyeX + y1 * eyeY + y2 * eyeZ);
dest[14] = -(z0 * eyeX + z1 * eyeY + z2 * eyeZ);
dest[15] = 1;
return dest;
}; this.view = function(eye, at, up, dest){ var forward = [];
forward[0] = at[0] - eye[0];
forward[1] = at[1] - eye[1];
forward[2] = at[2] - eye[2];
var l = Math.sqrt(forward[0]*forward[0] + forward[1]*forward[1] + forward[2]*forward[2]);
forward[0] = forward[0]/l; forward[1] = forward[1]/l; forward[2] = forward[2]/l; var side = [];
side[0] = forward[2]*up[1] - up[2]*forward[1];
side[1] = forward[0]*up[2] - up[0]*forward[2];
side[2] = forward[1]*up[0] - up[1]*forward[0];
l = Math.sqrt(side[0]*side[0] + side[1]*side[1] + side[2]*side[2]);
side[0] = side[0]/l; side[1] = side[1]/l; side[2] = side[2]/l; up[0] = side[2]*forward[1] - forward[2]*side[1];
up[1] = side[0]*forward[2] - forward[0]*side[2];
up[2] = side[1]*forward[0] - forward[1]*side[0]; var dest = [];
dest[0] = side[0]; dest[1] = up[0]; dest[2] = -forward[0]; dest[3] = 0;
dest[4] = side[1]; dest[5] = up[1]; dest[6] = -forward[1]; dest[7] = 0;
dest[8] = side[2]; dest[9] = up[2]; dest[10]= -forward[2]; dest[11]= 0;
dest[12]= 0; dest[13]= 0; dest[14]= 0; dest[15]= 1; dest[0] = dest[0]; dest[1] = dest[1]; dest[2] = dest[2]; dest[3] = dest[3];
dest[4] = dest[4]; dest[5] = dest[5]; dest[6] = dest[6]; dest[7] = dest[7];
dest[8] = dest[8]; dest[9] = dest[9]; dest[10] = dest[10]; dest[11] = dest[11];
dest[12] = dest[0] * (-eye[0]) + dest[4] * (-eye[1]) + dest[8] * (-eye[2]) + dest[12];
dest[13] = dest[1] * (-eye[0]) + dest[5] * (-eye[1]) + dest[9] * (-eye[2]) + dest[13];
dest[14] = dest[2] * (-eye[0]) + dest[6] * (-eye[1]) + dest[10] * (-eye[2]) + dest[14];
dest[15] = dest[3] * (-eye[0]) + dest[7] * (-eye[1]) + dest[11] * (-eye[2]) + dest[15]; return dest;
} /**
* 正交投影
this.ortho = function(left, right, bottom, top, near, far, dest){ var a = 2/(right-left);
var b = -(right+left)/(right-left);
var c = 2/(top-bottom);
var d = -(top+bottom)/(top-bottom);
var e = 2/(far-near);
var f = -(far+near)/(far-near); dest[0] = a; dest[1] = 0; dest[2] = 0; dest[3] = b;
dest[4] = 0; dest[5] = c; dest[6] = 0; dest[7] = d;
dest[8] = 0; dest[9] = 0; dest[10]= e; dest[11]= f;
dest[12]= 0; dest[13]= 0; dest[14]= 0; dest[15]= 1; return dest;
} /**
* 透视投影
this.perspective = function(fovy, aspect, near, far, dest){
var t = near * Math.tan(fovy * Math.PI / 360);
var r = t * aspect;
var a = r * 2, b = t * 2, c = far - near;
dest[0] = near * 2 / a;
dest[1] = 0;
dest[2] = 0;
dest[3] = 0;
dest[4] = 0;
dest[5] = near * 2 / b;
dest[6] = 0;
dest[7] = 0;
dest[8] = 0;
dest[9] = 0;
dest[10] = -(far + near) / c;
dest[11] = -1;
dest[12] = 0;
dest[13] = 0;
dest[14] = -(far * near * 2) / c;
dest[15] = 0;
return dest;
this.transpose = function(mat, dest){
dest[0] = mat[0]; dest[1] = mat[4];
dest[2] = mat[8]; dest[3] = mat[12];
dest[4] = mat[1]; dest[5] = mat[5];
dest[6] = mat[9]; dest[7] = mat[13];
dest[8] = mat[2]; dest[9] = mat[6];
dest[10] = mat[10]; dest[11] = mat[14];
dest[12] = mat[3]; dest[13] = mat[7];
dest[14] = mat[11]; dest[15] = mat[15];
return dest;
this.inverse = function(mat, dest){
var a = mat[0], b = mat[1], c = mat[2], d = mat[3],
e = mat[4], f = mat[5], g = mat[6], h = mat[7],
i = mat[8], j = mat[9], k = mat[10], l = mat[11],
m = mat[12], n = mat[13], o = mat[14], p = mat[15],
q = a * f - b * e, r = a * g - c * e,
s = a * h - d * e, t = b * g - c * f,
u = b * h - d * f, v = c * h - d * g,
w = i * n - j * m, x = i * o - k * m,
y = i * p - l * m, z = j * o - k * n,
A = j * p - l * n, B = k * p - l * o,
ivd = 1 / (q * B - r * A + s * z + t * y - u * x + v * w);
dest[0] = ( f * B - g * A + h * z) * ivd;
dest[1] = (-b * B + c * A - d * z) * ivd;
dest[2] = ( n * v - o * u + p * t) * ivd;
dest[3] = (-j * v + k * u - l * t) * ivd;
dest[4] = (-e * B + g * y - h * x) * ivd;
dest[5] = ( a * B - c * y + d * x) * ivd;
dest[6] = (-m * v + o * s - p * r) * ivd;
dest[7] = ( i * v - k * s + l * r) * ivd;
dest[8] = ( e * A - f * y + h * w) * ivd;
dest[9] = (-a * A + b * y - d * w) * ivd;
dest[10] = ( m * u - n * s + p * q) * ivd;
dest[11] = (-i * u + j * s - l * q) * ivd;
dest[12] = (-e * z + f * x - g * w) * ivd;
dest[13] = ( a * z - b * x + c * w) * ivd;
dest[14] = (-m * t + n * r - o * q) * ivd;
dest[15] = ( i * t - j * r + k * q) * ivd;
return dest;
this.rotateByAnyAxis = function(RawMat, axis, rad, destMat){ };

接下来就要贴出几何体生成工具 polyhedron.js,我们用到的几何体是其中的圆锥 coneGeo和圆柱 cylinderGeo,这两个类都是PolyhedronGeometry的子类,几何体都包含顶点成员this.vertices,法向成员this.normals,索引成员this.faces。具体构造详见代码如下

* Created by ccentry on 2018/10/15.
*/ /**
* 圆锥
* radius:底面半径
* height:圆锥高度
* meshDensity:网格密度
* */
var coneGeo = function(radius, height, segment){
var top = [0, height, 0];
var sliceNum = segment || 3;
var rad = Math.PI*2/sliceNum;
var bottom = [];
for(var i=0; i<sliceNum; i++){
bottom[i*3] = radius*Math.cos(rad*i);
bottom[i*3 + 1] = 0;
bottom[i*3 + 2] = radius*Math.sin(rad*i);
this.vertices = [];
this.normals = [];
for(var i=0; i<sliceNum; i++){
this.vertices[i*3] = top[0];
this.vertices[i*3+1] = top[1];
this.vertices[i*3+2] = top[2];
for(var i=0; i<bottom.length; i++){
this.vertices[3*sliceNum+i] = bottom[i];
for(var i=0; i<bottom.length; i++){
this.vertices[2*3*sliceNum+i] = bottom[i];
this.vertices.push(0, 0, 0);
this.faces = [];
for(var i=sliceNum; i<2*sliceNum-1; i++){
this.faces.push(i, i-sliceNum, i+1);
this.faces.push(3*sliceNum, sliceNum+i, sliceNum+i+1);
this.faces.push(2*sliceNum-1, sliceNum-1, sliceNum);
this.faces.push(3*sliceNum, 3*sliceNum-1, 2*sliceNum);
}; /**
* 圆柱
* radius:底面半径
* height:圆柱高度
* meshDensity:网格密度
* */
var cylinderGeo = function(radius, height, segment){
radius = radius || 1;
height = height || 1;
var sliceNum = segment || 3;
var rad = Math.PI*2/sliceNum;
var bottomVertices = [];
var topVertices = [];
for(var i=0; i<sliceNum; i++){
bottomVertices[3*i] = radius * Math.cos(rad * i);
bottomVertices[3*i+1] = 0;
bottomVertices[3*i+2] = radius * Math.sin(rad * i); topVertices[3*i] = radius * Math.cos(rad * i);
topVertices[3*i+1] = height;
topVertices[3*i+2] = radius * Math.sin(rad * i);
this.vertices = [];
for(var i=0; i<bottomVertices.length; i++){
this.vertices[i] = bottomVertices[i];
this.vertices[bottomVertices.length + i] = topVertices[i];
this.vertices[2*bottomVertices.length + i] = bottomVertices[i];
this.vertices[3*bottomVertices.length + i] = topVertices[i];
this.vertices.push(0, 0, 0);
this.vertices.push(0, height, 0);
this.faces = [];
for(var i=0; i<sliceNum-1; i++){
this.faces.push(4*sliceNum, i, i+1);
this.faces.push(4*sliceNum+1, sliceNum+i+1, sliceNum+i);
this.faces.push(2*sliceNum+i, 3*sliceNum+i, 2*sliceNum+i+1);
this.faces.push(3*sliceNum+i, 3*sliceNum+i+1, 2*sliceNum+i+1);
this.faces.push(4*sliceNum, sliceNum-1, 0);
this.faces.push(4*sliceNum+1, sliceNum, 2*sliceNum-1);
this.faces.push(3*sliceNum-1, 4*sliceNum-1, 2*sliceNum);
this.faces.push(4*sliceNum-1, 3*sliceNum, 2*sliceNum);
this.normals = [];
}; /**
* 球体
* radius:球体半径
* meshDensity:网格密度
* */
var sphereGeo = function(radius, widthSegments, heightSegments){
var phiStart = 0;
var phiLength = Math.PI * 2;
var thetaStart = 0;
var thetaLength = Math.PI;
var thetaEnd = thetaStart + thetaLength;
var ix, iy;
var index = 0;
var grid = [];
var vertex = {};
var normal = {};
var indices = [];
var vertices = [];
var normals = [];
var uvs = [];
for ( iy = 0; iy <= heightSegments; iy ++ ) {
var verticesRow = [];
var v = iy / heightSegments;
for ( ix = 0; ix <= widthSegments; ix ++ ) {
var u = ix / widthSegments;
vertex.x = - radius * Math.cos( phiStart + u * phiLength ) * Math.sin( thetaStart + v * thetaLength );
vertex.y = radius * Math.cos( thetaStart + v * thetaLength );
vertex.z = radius * Math.sin( phiStart + u * phiLength ) * Math.sin( thetaStart + v * thetaLength );
vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );
normal.x = vertex.x; normal.y = vertex.y; normal.z = vertex.z;
this.normalize([normal.x, normal.y, normal.z]);
normals.push( normal.x, normal.y, normal.z );
uvs.push( u, 1 - v );
verticesRow.push( index ++ );
grid.push( verticesRow );
for ( iy = 0; iy < heightSegments; iy ++ ) {
for ( ix = 0; ix < widthSegments; ix ++ ) {
var a = grid[ iy ][ ix + 1 ];
var b = grid[ iy ][ ix ];
var c = grid[ iy + 1 ][ ix ];
var d = grid[ iy + 1 ][ ix + 1 ];
if ( iy !== 0 || thetaStart > 0 ) indices.push( a, b, d );
if ( iy !== heightSegments - 1 || thetaEnd < Math.PI ) indices.push( b, c, d );
this.faces = indices;
this.vertices = vertices;
this.normals = normals;
//this.uv = uvs;
}; var cubeGeo = function(width, height, depth){
this.vertices = [];
this.faces = [];
var bottom = [];
bottom[0] = [width/2, 0, depth/2];
bottom[1] = [-width/2, 0, depth/2];
bottom[2] = [-width/2, 0, -depth/2];
bottom[3] = [width/2, 0, -depth/2];
var top = [];
top[0] = [width/2, height, depth/2];
top[1] = [-width/2, height, depth/2];
top[2] = [-width/2, height, -depth/2];
top[3] = [width/2, height, -depth/2];
for(var i=0; i<4; i++){
for(var j=0; j<3; j++){
for(var i=0; i<4; i++){
for(var j=0; j<3; j++){
for(var i=0; i<3; i++){
this.faces.push(i, i+4, i+1);
this.faces.push(i+4, i+5, i+1);
this.faces.push(3, 7, 0);
this.faces.push(7, 4, 0);
this.faces.push(0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0);
this.faces.push(4, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4);
}; var PolyhedronGeometry = function(){
this.type = "PolyhedronGeometry";
}; PolyhedronGeometry.prototype = {
normalize : function(arr){
if(arr instanceof Array){
var sum = 0;
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
sum += arr[i]*arr[i];
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
arr[i] = arr[i]/sum;
computeVertexNormal: function(face3){
var v1_0 = {};
v1_0.x = face3[1][0] - face3[0][0];
v1_0.y = face3[1][1] - face3[0][1];
v1_0.z = face3[1][2] - face3[0][2];
var v2_1 = {};
v2_1.x = face3[2][0] - face3[1][0];
v2_1.y = face3[2][1] - face3[1][1];
v2_1.z = face3[2][2] - face3[1][2];
//v1_0 叉乘 v2_1
var normal = {};
normal.x = v1_0.y * v2_1.z - v2_1.y * v1_0.z;
normal.y = v1_0.z * v2_1.x - v2_1.z * v1_0.x;
normal.z = v1_0.x * v2_1.y - v2_1.x * v1_0.y;
var normalArray = [normal.x, normal.y, normal.z];
return normalArray;
var normalList = [];
for(var i=0; i<this.faces.length; i=i+3){
var vertex0 = this.faces[i];
var vertex1 = this.faces[i+1];
var vertex2 = this.faces[i+2];
var v0 = [this.vertices[3*vertex0], this.vertices[3*vertex0+1], this.vertices[3*vertex0+2]];
var v1 = [this.vertices[3*vertex1], this.vertices[3*vertex1+1], this.vertices[3*vertex1+2]];
var v2 = [this.vertices[3*vertex2], this.vertices[3*vertex2+1], this.vertices[3*vertex2+2]];
var face3 = [v0, v1, v2];
var normalArray = this.computeVertexNormal(face3);
var normal0 = {index:vertex0, normal:normalArray};
var normal1 = {index:vertex1, normal:normalArray};
var normal2 = {index:vertex2, normal:normalArray};
normalList.push(normal0, normal1, normal2);
var sortedNormalList = [];
var total = normalList.length;
for(var i=0; i<total; i++){
for(var j=0; j<normalList.length; j++){
if(normalList[j].index === i){
sortedNormalList[i] = {index:normalList[j].index, normal:normalList[j].normal};
normalList.splice(j, 1);
for(var i=0; i<sortedNormalList.length; i++){
var normal = sortedNormalList[i].normal;
this.normals.push(normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]);
}; coneGeo.prototype = new PolyhedronGeometry();
cylinderGeo.prototype = new PolyhedronGeometry();
sphereGeo.prototype = new PolyhedronGeometry();
cubeGeo.prototype = new PolyhedronGeometry();


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attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec3 normal;
attribute vec4 color;
uniform mat4 mvpMatrix;
uniform mat4 invMatrix;
uniform vec3 lightDirection;
uniform vec4 ambientColor;
varying vec4 vColor;
uniform float lightS; void main(void){
vec3 invLight = normalize(invMatrix * vec4(lightDirection, 0)).xyz;
float diffuse = clamp(dot(normal, invLight), 0.0, 1.0) * lightS;
vColor = color * vec4(vec3(diffuse), 1.0) + ambientColor;
gl_Position = mvpMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
</script> <script id="fs" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
precision mediump float;
varying vec4 vColor;
void main(void){
gl_FragColor = vColor;
</script> <script>
onload = function(){
// canvas对象获取
var c = document.getElementById('canvas');
c.width = 1000;
c.height = 800; // webgl的context获取
var gl = c.getContext('webgl') || c.getContext('experimental-webgl');
// 顶点着色器和片段着色器的生成
var v_shader = create_shader('vs');
var f_shader = create_shader('fs');
// 程序对象的生成和连接
var prg = create_program(v_shader, f_shader); // attributeLocation的获取
var attLocation = new Array(2);
attLocation[0] = gl.getAttribLocation(prg, 'position');
attLocation[1] = gl.getAttribLocation(prg, 'normal');
attLocation[2] = gl.getAttribLocation(prg, 'color'); // 将元素数attribute保存到数组中
var attStride = new Array(2);
attStride[0] = 3;
attStride[1] = 3;
attStride[2] = 4; /**
* 光
* */
// 环境光,漫反射光
var ambientColor = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0];
// 光照强度
var lightS = 1.6;
// 平行光源的方向
var lightDirection = [1, 1, 1]; /**
* 视图矩阵
// matIV对象生成
var m = new matIV();
// 画布的宽高比
var aspect = c.width / c.height;
var mMatrix = m.identity(m.create());
var invMatrix = m.identity(m.create());
var tmpMatrix = m.identity(m.create());
var mvpMatrix = m.identity(m.create());
// 将视图矩阵根据宽高比进行反比,避免X/Y平面内出现变形
tmpMatrix[0] = 1/aspect;
// 得到mvpMatrix定位坐标矩阵
//m.multiply(tmpMatrix, mMatrix, mvpMatrix);
// mMatrix的逆矩阵
//m.inverse(mMatrix, invMatrix); /**
* 绑定shader的uniform
* */
// 取得uniformLocation
var uniLocation = new Array();
uniLocation[0] = gl.getUniformLocation(prg, 'mvpMatrix');
uniLocation[1] = gl.getUniformLocation(prg, 'invMatrix');
uniLocation[2] = gl.getUniformLocation(prg, 'lightDirection');
uniLocation[3] = gl.getUniformLocation(prg, 'ambientColor');
uniLocation[4] = gl.getUniformLocation(prg, 'lightS');
// 向uniformLocation中传入坐标变换矩阵
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[0], false, mvpMatrix);
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[1], false, invMatrix);
gl.uniform3fv(uniLocation[2], lightDirection);
gl.uniform4fv(uniLocation[3], ambientColor);
gl.uniform1f(uniLocation[4], lightS); //绘制坐标系
drawCoordinates(0, 1, 0, 0); // 清理gl
gl.flush(); /**
* 交互
* */ //判断是否鼠标左键按下
var mouseLeftKeyDown = false;
var mouseRightKeyDown = false;
var mouseX;
var mouseY;
var mouseZ;
var R = 250; $('#canvas').mousedown(function(e){ var inCircle = false; if(e.which == 1){
mouseLeftKeyDown = true;
mouseRightKeyDown = false; mouseX = e.clientX - 0.5*c.width;
mouseY = -(e.clientY - 0.5*c.height);
if(R*R - mouseX*mouseX - mouseY*mouseY > 0){
mouseZ = Math.sqrt(R*R - mouseX*mouseX - mouseY*mouseY);
} else {
mouseLeftKeyDown = false;
} //转动前向量坐标
$('#cordZ').val(mouseZ); } else if(e.which == 3){
mouseRightKeyDown = true;
mouseLeftKeyDown = false;
}); $('#canvas').mouseup(function(e){
if(e.which == 1){
mouseLeftKeyDown = false;
} else if(e.which == 3){
mouseRightKeyDown = false;
}); $('#canvas').mouseout(function(e){
mouseLeftKeyDown = false;
mouseRightKeyDown = false;
}); $('#canvas').mousemove(function(e){
if(mouseLeftKeyDown){//鼠标左键按下 var X_1 = e.clientX - 0.5*c.width;
var Y_1 = -(e.clientY - 0.5*c.height);
if(R*R - X_1*X_1 - Y_1*Y_1 > 0){
var Z_1 = Math.sqrt(R*R - X_1*X_1 - Y_1*Y_1);
} else {
mouseLeftKeyDown = false;
} //转动前向量坐标
$('#cordZ').val(mouseZ); //转动后向量坐标
$('#cordZ1').val(Z_1); //先算出转动轴向量
var axisX = -(Z_1*mouseY-mouseZ*Y_1);
var axisY = -(X_1*mouseZ-mouseX*Z_1);
var axisZ = +(Y_1*mouseX-mouseY*X_1);
var mod_axis = Math.sqrt(axisX*axisX + axisY*axisY + axisZ*axisZ);
axisX = axisX/mod_axis;
axisY = axisY/mod_axis;
axisZ = axisZ/mod_axis; var a1 = mMatrix[0]*axisX + mMatrix[1]*axisY + mMatrix[2]*axisZ + mMatrix[3]*0;
var a2 = mMatrix[4]*axisX + mMatrix[5]*axisY + mMatrix[6]*axisZ + mMatrix[7]*0;
var a3 = mMatrix[8]*axisX + mMatrix[9]*axisY + mMatrix[10]*axisZ + mMatrix[11]*0;
var a4 = mMatrix[12]*axisX + mMatrix[13]*axisY + mMatrix[14]*axisZ + mMatrix[15]*0; axisX = a1;
axisY = a2;
axisZ = a3;
mod_axis = Math.sqrt(axisX*axisX + axisY*axisY + axisZ*axisZ);
axisX = axisX/mod_axis;
axisY = axisY/mod_axis;
axisZ = axisZ/mod_axis; //法向坐标
$('#axisZ').val(axisZ); //计算转轴向量和转前向量的点积
$('#00').val(axisX*mouseX + axisY*mouseY + axisZ*mouseZ);
$('#01').val(axisX*X_1 + axisY*Y_1 + axisZ*Z_1); //再计算转动角弧度
//a=(x1,y1,z1),b=(x2,y2,z2) a*b=x1x2+y1y2+z1z2 |a|=√(x1^2+y1^2+z1^2).|b|=√(x2^2+y2^2+z2^2)
//cosθ=a*b/(|a|*|b|) 角θ=arccosθ
//Math.acos(x) 反余弦函数
var ab = X_1*mouseX + Y_1*mouseY + Z_1*mouseZ;
var mod_a = Math.sqrt(X_1*X_1 + Y_1*Y_1 + Z_1*Z_1);
var mod_b = Math.sqrt(mouseX*mouseX + mouseY*mouseY + mouseZ*mouseZ);
var cosθ = ab/(mod_a*mod_b);
var rad = Math.acos(cosθ); //转角弧度
$('#rad').val(rad); rotateModel(axisX, axisY, axisZ, rad); mouseX = X_1;
mouseY = Y_1;
mouseZ = Z_1; }
}); $('#rotate').click(function(){
var axisX = $('.axisX').val();
var axisY = $('.axisY').val();
var axisZ = $('.axisZ').val();
var rad = $('.rad').val();
rad = rad * Math.PI / 180; var a1 = mMatrix[0]*axisX + mMatrix[1]*axisY + mMatrix[2]*axisZ + mMatrix[3]*0;
var a2 = mMatrix[4]*axisX + mMatrix[5]*axisY + mMatrix[6]*axisZ + mMatrix[7]*0;
var a3 = mMatrix[8]*axisX + mMatrix[9]*axisY + mMatrix[10]*axisZ + mMatrix[11]*0;
var a4 = mMatrix[12]*axisX + mMatrix[13]*axisY + mMatrix[14]*axisZ + mMatrix[15]*0; axisX = a1;
axisY = a2;
axisZ = a3;
mod_axis = Math.sqrt(axisX*axisX + axisY*axisY + axisZ*axisZ);
axisX = axisX/mod_axis;
axisY = axisY/mod_axis;
axisZ = axisZ/mod_axis; rotateModel(axisX, axisY, axisZ, rad);
}); /**
* 模型旋转函数
* x:旋转轴向量的x轴分量
* y:旋转轴向量的y轴分量
* z:旋转轴向量的z轴分量
* rad:绕旋转轴旋转的弧度
function rotateModel(x, y, z, rad){
initGL(gl); // 模型旋转6度
//var rad = 1 * Math.PI / 180;
// 模型坐标变换矩阵的生成(沿着Y轴旋转)
//m.rotate(mMatrix, rad, [x, y, z], mMatrix);
//m.multiply(tmpMatrix, mMatrix, mvpMatrix);
// mMatrix的逆矩阵
//m.inverse(mMatrix, invMatrix);
// 向uniformLocation中传入坐标变换矩阵
//gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[0], false, mvpMatrix);
//gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[1], false, invMatrix);
// 使用索引进行绘图,画三角面
//gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, index.length, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); drawCoordinates(x, y, z, rad); // context刷新
} /**
* 生成着色器的函数
function create_shader(id){
// 用来保存着色器的变量
var shader; // 根据id从HTML中获取指定的script标签
var scriptElement = document.getElementById(id); // 如果指定的script标签不存在,则返回
if(!scriptElement){return;} // 判断script标签的type属性
switch(scriptElement.type){ // 顶点着色器的时候
case 'x-shader/x-vertex':
shader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
break; // 片段着色器的时候
case 'x-shader/x-fragment':
shader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
default :
} // 将标签中的代码分配给生成的着色器
gl.shaderSource(shader, scriptElement.text); // 编译着色器
gl.compileShader(shader); // 判断一下着色器是否编译成功
if(gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)){ // 编译成功,则返回着色器
return shader;
}else{ // 编译失败,弹出错误消息
} /**
* 程序对象的生成和着色器连接的函数
function create_program(vs, fs){
// 程序对象的生成
var program = gl.createProgram(); // 向程序对象里分配着色器
gl.attachShader(program, vs);
gl.attachShader(program, fs); // 将着色器连接
gl.linkProgram(program); // 判断着色器的连接是否成功
if(gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS)){ // 成功的话,将程序对象设置为有效
gl.useProgram(program); // 返回程序对象
return program;
}else{ // 如果失败,弹出错误信息
} /**
* 生成VBO的函数
function create_vbo(data){
// 生成缓存对象
var vbo = gl.createBuffer(); // 绑定缓存
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo); // 向缓存中写入数据
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(data), gl.STATIC_DRAW); // 将绑定的缓存设为无效
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null); // 返回生成的VBO
return vbo;
} /**
* 绑定VBO相关的函数
function set_attribute(vbo, attL, attS){
// 处理从参数中得到的数组
for(var i in vbo){
// 绑定缓存
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo[i]); // 将attributeLocation设置为有效
gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attL[i]); //通知并添加attributeLocation
gl.vertexAttribPointer(attL[i], attS[i], gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
} /**
* IBO的生成函数
function create_ibo(data){
// 生成缓存对象
var ibo = gl.createBuffer(); // 绑定缓存
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ibo); // 向缓存中写入数据
gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, new Int16Array(data), gl.STATIC_DRAW); // 将缓存的绑定无效化
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, null); // 返回生成的IBO
return ibo;
} /**
* 初始化gl
* */
function initGL(gl){
// 设定canvas初始化的颜色
gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// 设定canvas初始化时候的深度
// canvas的初始化
// 将深度测试设置为有效
// 指定一般深度测试的评价方法
// 将遮挡剔除设置为有效
} /**
* bindBuffer
* */
function bindBuffer(vertexArray, normalArray, colorArray, indices){
* 三角面
// 生成VBO
var position_vbo = create_vbo(vertexArray);
var normal_vbo = create_vbo(normalArray);
var color_vbo = create_vbo(colorArray);
// 将VBO进行绑定并添加
set_attribute([position_vbo, normal_vbo, color_vbo], attLocation, attStride);
// 生成IBO
var ibo = create_ibo(indices);
// IBO进行绑定并添加
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ibo);
} /**
* 画坐标系
function drawCoordinates(x, y, z, rad){
* y轴
* */
mMatrix = m.identity(m.create());
m.rotate(mMatrix, rad, [x, y, z], mMatrix);
// 得到mvpMatrix定位坐标矩阵
m.multiply(tmpMatrix, mMatrix, mvpMatrix);
// mMatrix的逆矩阵
m.inverse(mMatrix, invMatrix);
// 向uniformLocation中传入坐标变换矩阵
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[0], false, mvpMatrix);
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[1], false, invMatrix);
var cylinder = new cylinderGeo(0.03, 0.5, 15);
var cylinderPositionY = cylinder.vertices;
var cylinderNormalY = cylinder.normals;
var cylinderColor = [];
for(var i=0; i<cylinderPositionY.length/3; i++){
cylinderColor.push(0.6, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
var cylinderIndexY = cylinder.faces;
bindBuffer(cylinderPositionY, cylinderNormalY, cylinderColor, cylinderIndexY);
// 使用索引进行绘图,画三角面
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, cylinderIndexY.length, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); //空间变换
mMatrix = m.identity(m.create());
m.translate(mMatrix, [0, 0.5, 0], mMatrix);
m.rotate(mMatrix, rad, [x, y, z], mMatrix);
// 得到mvpMatrix定位坐标矩阵
m.multiply(tmpMatrix, mMatrix, mvpMatrix);
// mMatrix的逆矩阵
m.inverse(mMatrix, invMatrix);
// 向uniformLocation中传入坐标变换矩阵
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[0], false, mvpMatrix);
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[1], false, invMatrix);
var cone = new coneGeo(0.05, 0.25, 15);
var conePositionY = cone.vertices;
var coneNormalY = cone.normals;
var coneColorY = [];
for(var i=0; i<conePositionY.length/3; i++){
coneColorY.push(0.6, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
var coneIndexY = cone.faces;
bindBuffer(conePositionY, coneNormalY, coneColorY, coneIndexY);
// 使用索引进行绘图,画三角面
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, coneIndexY.length, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); /**
* x轴
* */
mMatrix = m.identity(m.create());
m.rotate(mMatrix, -90*Math.PI/180, [0, 0, 1], mMatrix);
m.rotate(mMatrix, rad, [x, y, z], mMatrix);
// 得到mvpMatrix定位坐标矩阵
m.multiply(tmpMatrix, mMatrix, mvpMatrix);
// mMatrix的逆矩阵
m.inverse(mMatrix, invMatrix);
// 向uniformLocation中传入坐标变换矩阵
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[0], false, mvpMatrix);
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[1], false, invMatrix);
var cylinderPositionX = cylinder.vertices;
var cylinderNormalX = cylinder.normals;
var cylinderColorX = [];
for(var i=0; i<cylinderPositionX.length/3; i++){
cylinderColorX.push(0.6, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0);
var cylinderIndexX = cylinder.faces;
bindBuffer(cylinderPositionX, cylinderNormalX, cylinderColorX, cylinderIndexX);
// 使用索引进行绘图,画三角面
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, cylinderIndexX.length, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); //空间变换
mMatrix = m.identity(m.create());
m.translate(mMatrix, [0.5, 0, 0], mMatrix);
m.rotate(mMatrix, -90*Math.PI/180, [0, 0, 1], mMatrix);
m.rotate(mMatrix, rad, [x, y, z], mMatrix);
// 得到mvpMatrix定位坐标矩阵
m.multiply(tmpMatrix, mMatrix, mvpMatrix);
// mMatrix的逆矩阵
m.inverse(mMatrix, invMatrix);
// 向uniformLocation中传入坐标变换矩阵
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[0], false, mvpMatrix);
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[1], false, invMatrix);
var conePositionX = cone.vertices;
var coneNormalX = cone.normals;
var coneColorX = [];
for(var i=0; i<conePositionX.length/3; i++){
coneColorX.push(0.6, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0);
var coneIndexX = cone.faces;
bindBuffer(conePositionX, coneNormalX, coneColorX, coneIndexX);
// 使用索引进行绘图,画三角面
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, coneIndexX.length, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); /**
* z轴
* */
mMatrix = m.identity(m.create());
m.rotate(mMatrix, 90*Math.PI/180, [1, 0, 0], mMatrix);
m.rotate(mMatrix, rad, [x, y, z], mMatrix);
// 得到mvpMatrix定位坐标矩阵
m.multiply(tmpMatrix, mMatrix, mvpMatrix);
// mMatrix的逆矩阵
m.inverse(mMatrix, invMatrix);
// 向uniformLocation中传入坐标变换矩阵
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[0], false, mvpMatrix);
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[1], false, invMatrix);
var cylinderPositionZ = cylinder.vertices;
var cylinderNormalZ = cylinder.normals;
var cylinderColorZ = [];
for(var i=0; i<cylinderPositionZ.length/3; i++){
cylinderColorZ.push(0.0, 0.1, 0.6, 1.0);
var cylinderIndexZ = cylinder.faces;
bindBuffer(cylinderPositionZ, cylinderNormalZ, cylinderColorZ, cylinderIndexZ);
// 使用索引进行绘图,画三角面
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, cylinderIndexZ.length, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); //空间变换
mMatrix = m.identity(m.create());
m.translate(mMatrix, [0, 0, 0.5], mMatrix);
m.rotate(mMatrix, 90*Math.PI/180, [1, 0, 0], mMatrix);
m.rotate(mMatrix, rad, [x, y, z], mMatrix);
// 得到mvpMatrix定位坐标矩阵
m.multiply(tmpMatrix, mMatrix, mvpMatrix);
// mMatrix的逆矩阵
m.inverse(mMatrix, invMatrix);
// 向uniformLocation中传入坐标变换矩阵
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[0], false, mvpMatrix);
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(uniLocation[1], false, invMatrix);
var conePositionZ = cone.vertices;
var coneNormalZ = cone.normals;
var coneColorZ = [];
for(var i=0; i<conePositionZ.length/3; i++){
coneColorZ.push(0.0, 0.1, 0.6, 1.0);
var coneIndexZ = cone.faces;
bindBuffer(conePositionZ, coneNormalZ, coneColorZ, coneIndexZ);
// 使用索引进行绘图,画三角面
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, coneIndexZ.length, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
}; </script>
<script src="polyhedron.js"></script> </head>
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
转动前X坐标:<input id="cordX">转动前Y坐标:<input id="cordY">转动前Z坐标:<input id="cordZ">和转轴的点积:<input id="00">
转动后X坐标:<input id="cordX1">转动后Y坐标:<input id="cordY1">转动后Z坐标:<input id="cordZ1">和转轴的点积:<input id="01">
旋转轴X坐标分量:<input id="axisX">旋转轴Y坐标分量:<input id="axisY">旋转轴Z坐标分量:<input id="axisZ">
旋转角度:<input id="rad">
旋转轴X坐标分量:<input class='axisX'>旋转轴Y坐标分量:<input class="axisY">旋转轴Z坐标分量:<input class="axisZ">
旋转角度:<input class="rad">
<button id="rotate">旋转</button>





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    实验目的:按照一定规律生成类地行星地表地形区块,并用合理的方式将地形块显示出来 涉及知识:Babylon.js引擎应用.着色器编程.正态分布.数据处理.canvas像素操作 github地址:http ...

  9. WebGL场景的两种地面构造方法

    总述:大部分3D编程都涉及到地面元素,在场景中我们使用地面作为其他物体的承载基础,同时也用地面限制场景使用者的移动范围,还可以在通过设置地块的属性为场景的不同位置设置对应的计算规则.本文在WebGL平 ...


  1. windows下搭建nginx+php开发环境

    windows下搭建nginx+php开发环境 1.前言 windows下大多我们都是下载使用集成环境,但是本地已经存在一个集成环境,但不适合项目的需求.因此准备再自己搭建一个环境. 2.准备 工具: ...

  2. Xcode 错误收集及解决办法

    1.An unknown error occurred. 如果仅仅提示“An unknown error occurred.” 而没有别的提示,很有可能是设备内存已满,没有足够的空间来安装这个应用. ...

  3. nRF5 SDK for Mesh( 七 ) BLE MESH 的 架构(rchitecture)

    The mesh architecture   The mesh stack consists of a number of subsystems that are interfaced throug ...

  4. 【Javascript-基础-getOwnPropertyNames】Object.getOwnPropertyNames() 获取对象自身可枚举属性

    可枚举属性和不可枚举属性 在JavaScript中,对象的属性分为可枚举和不可枚举之分,它们是由属性的enumerable值决定的.可枚举性决定了这个属性能否被for-in查找遍历到. 可枚举属性 e ...

  5. II、Python HelloWorld

    大家都不是小孩子了,直接上 IDE 现在有个大问题!!没有解析器啊 这样 解析器地址比他多个 e OJBK

  6. 1006.Sign in and Sign out(25)—PAT 甲级

    At the beginning of every day, the first person who signs in the computer room will unlock the door, ...

  7. JAVA WEB 前台实时监控后台程序运行

    基本思路: 1. 操作状态在类中以静态变量方式(或公共类存储公共变量方式,SESSION方式.COOKIE方式)存在 2. 前台采用AJAX方式激发后台进行业务逻辑操作,并实时更新操作状态信息 3.  ...

  8. [笔记][SQL] 连接join

    在学习菜鸟教程里的MySQL教程时,对左右连接的结果有点不解. 其中有如下两个表: runoob_tbl: +-----------+--------------+---------------+-- ...

  9. C语言入门学习和整理 1-3

    1. int main() { char c = 'A'; printf("c=%c", c); } int main() { ; printf("c=%c", ...

  10. MySQL->复制表[20180509]

    MySQL复制表     通常复制表所采用CREATE TABLE .... SELECT 方式将资料复制,但无法将旧表中的索引,约束(除非空以外的)也复制.   完整复制MySQL数据表所需步骤: ...