【BZOJ1101】Zap [莫比乌斯反演]
Time Limit: 10 Sec Memory Limit: 162 MB
Sample Input
4 5 2
6 4 3
Sample Output
1<=n<= 50000, 1<=d<=a,b<=50000
- #include<iostream>
- #include<string>
- #include<algorithm>
- #include<cstdio>
- #include<cstring>
- #include<cstdlib>
- #include<cmath>
- using namespace std;
- typedef long long s64;
- const int ONE = ;
- int T;
- int n,m,k;
- bool isp[ONE];
- int prime[ONE],p_num;
- int miu[ONE],sum_miu[ONE];
- s64 Ans;
- int get()
- {
- int res=,Q=; char c;
- while( (c=getchar())< || c>)
- if(c=='-')Q=-;
- if(Q) res=c-;
- while((c=getchar())>= && c<=)
- res=res*+c-;
- return res*Q;
- }
- void Getmiu(int MaxN)
- {
- miu[] = ;
- for(int i=; i<=MaxN; i++)
- {
- if(!isp[i])
- prime[++p_num] = i, miu[i] = -;
- for(int j=; j<=p_num, i*prime[j]<=MaxN; j++)
- {
- isp[i * prime[j]] = ;
- if(i%prime[j] == )
- {
- miu[i * prime[j]] = ;
- break;
- }
- miu[i * prime[j]] = -miu[i];
- }
- miu[i] += miu[i-];
- }
- }
- void Solve()
- {
- n=get(); m=get(); k=get();
- if(n > m) swap(n,m);
- int N = n/k, M = m/k; Ans = ;
- for(int i=,j=; i<=N; i=j+)
- {
- j = min(N/(N/i), M/(M/i));
- Ans += (s64)(N/i) * (M/i) * (miu[j] - miu[i-]);
- }
- printf("%lld\n",Ans);
- }
- int main()
- {
- Getmiu(ONE-);
- T=get();
- while(T--)
- Solve();
- }
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