
格式:#awk '/pattern/ {action}' filename

术语:pattern, 样式是由正则表达式,或条件表达式,或两者共同的组合所构成的语句。

action, 动作是在大括号内的一个或多个语句,且以“,”隔开。


Practice script

# cat awk.sh
#/bin/bash echo '#print the contenct of employees'
cat employees;
echo ''
echo '#print line include eric'
awk '/^eric/' employees echo '#print $1,$2,$3,$4 in eric line'
awk '/eric/ {print $1,$2,$3,$4}' employees echo '#print $1 $2 $3 $4 in eric line'
awk '/eric/ {print $1 $2 $3 $4}' employees echo "#print date , month, year"
date | awk '{print "month:" $2 "\nyear:" $6}'
echo "" echo '#display error in /var/log/message'
cat /var/log/messages | awk '/error/{print $3,$5,$6}' echo '#print two tab'
awk '/beijing/{print "\t\t How are you doing, "$1"!"}' employees echo '#print space'
awk '{print $1 " ID is " $3 "\n"}' employees echo '#print $0,and the number of record'
awk '{print NR, $0 }' employees echo 'print $0,and the number of record'
awk '{print $0, NR }' employees echo 'print $0,and the number of field'
awk '{print $0, NF }' employees echo 'matching first line is frank, and show $1, $2'
awk '$1 ~/frank/ {print NR,$1,$2}' employees echo 'matching first line is not frank, and show $1, $2'
awk '$1 !~/frank/ {print NR,$1,$2}' employees echo 'matching line from frank to green, and show $1, $2'
awk '/frank/,/green/ {print $1,$2}' employees echo '#print line3 bigger then 200000'
cat employees | awk '$3>200000'
echo "" echo '#print number bigger then 200000'
cat employees | awk '$3>200000 {print "they are: " $1}' echo '#print line3 less then 200000'
cat employees | awk '$3<200000'
echo "" echo '#print the result of $3*$4'
awk '$1 ~/frank/ {salary=$3 * $4; print salary}' employees

Output of the script

# ./awk.sh
#print the contenct of employees
eric beijing
john xian
mark henan
frank tokoyo
green england #print line include eric
eric beijing
#print $,$,$,$ in eric line
eric beijing
#print $ $ $ $ in eric line
#print date , month, year
year: #display error in /var/log/message
#print two tab
How are you doing, eric!
#print space
eric ID is john ID is mark ID is frank ID is green ID is #print $,and the number of record
eric beijing
john xian
mark henan
frank tokoyo
green england
print $,and the number of record
eric beijing
john xian
mark henan
frank tokoyo
green england
print $,and the number of field
eric beijing
john xian
mark henan
frank tokoyo
green england
matching first line is frank, and show $, $
frank tokoyo
matching first line is not frank, and show $, $
eric beijing
john xian
mark henan
green england
matching line from frank to green, and show $, $
frank tokoyo
green england
#print line3 bigger then
john xian
mark henan
frank tokoyo
green england #print number bigger then
they are: john
they are: mark
they are: frank
they are: green
#print line3 less then
eric beijing #print the result of $*$

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