* Declares queue, creates if needed
* @param string $queue
* @param bool $passive
* @param bool $durable
* @param bool $exclusive
* @param bool $auto_delete
* @param bool $nowait
* @param null $arguments
* @param null $ticket
* @return mixed|null
public function queue_declare(
$queue = '',
$passive = false,
$durable = false,
$exclusive = false,
$auto_delete = true,
$nowait = false,
$arguments = null,
$ticket = null
) {
$arguments = $this->getArguments($arguments);
$ticket = $this->getTicket($ticket); list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->queueDeclare(
); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); if ($nowait) {
return null;
} return $this->wait(array(
} myPro\customer\composer\vendor\php-amqplib\php-amqplib\PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel.php
namespace PhpAmqpLib\Channel; use PhpAmqpLib\Exception\AMQPBasicCancelException;
use PhpAmqpLib\Exception\AMQPProtocolChannelException;
use PhpAmqpLib\Exception\AMQPRuntimeException;
use PhpAmqpLib\Helper\MiscHelper;
use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage;
use PhpAmqpLib\Wire\AMQPReader;
use PhpAmqpLib\Wire\AMQPWriter; class AMQPChannel extends AbstractChannel
/** @var array */
public $callbacks = array(); /** @var bool Whether or not the channel has been "opened" */
protected $is_open = false; /** @var int */
protected $default_ticket; /** @var bool */
protected $active; /** @var array */
protected $alerts; /** @var bool */
protected $auto_decode; /**
* These parameters will be passed to function in case of basic_return:
* param int $reply_code
* param string $reply_text
* param string $exchange
* param string $routing_key
* param AMQPMessage $msg
* @var callable
protected $basic_return_callback; /** @var array Used to keep track of the messages that are going to be batch published. */
protected $batch_messages = array(); /**
* If the channel is in confirm_publish mode this array will store all published messages
* until they get ack'ed or nack'ed
* @var AMQPMessage[]
private $published_messages = array(); /** @var int */
private $next_delivery_tag = 0; /** @var callable */
private $ack_handler; /** @var callable */
private $nack_handler; /**
* Circular buffer to speed up both basic_publish() and publish_batch().
* Max size limited by $publish_cache_max_size.
* @var array
* @see basic_publish()
* @see publish_batch()
private $publish_cache; /**
* Maximal size of $publish_cache
* @var int
private $publish_cache_max_size; /**
* @param \PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AbstractConnection $connection
* @param null $channel_id
* @param bool $auto_decode
* @throws \Exception
public function __construct($connection, $channel_id = null, $auto_decode = true)
if ($channel_id == null) {
$channel_id = $connection->get_free_channel_id();
} parent::__construct($connection, $channel_id); $this->publish_cache = array();
$this->publish_cache_max_size = 100; if ($this->debug) {
MiscHelper::debug_msg('using channel_id: ' . $channel_id);
} $this->default_ticket = 0;
$this->is_open = false;
$this->active = true; // Flow control
$this->alerts = array();
$this->callbacks = array();
$this->auto_decode = $auto_decode; try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
} /**
* Tear down this object, after we've agreed to close with the server.
protected function do_close()
if ($this->channel_id !== null) {
$this->channel_id = $this->connection = null;
$this->is_open = false;
} /**
* Only for AMQP0.8.0
* This method allows the server to send a non-fatal warning to
* the client. This is used for methods that are normally
* asynchronous and thus do not have confirmations, and for which
* the server may detect errors that need to be reported. Fatal
* errors are handled as channel or connection exceptions; non-
* fatal errors are sent through this method.
* @param AMQPReader $args
protected function channel_alert($args)
$reply_code = $args->read_short();
$reply_text = $args->read_shortstr();
$details = $args->read_table();
array_push($this->alerts, array($reply_code, $reply_text, $details));
} /**
* Request a channel close
* @param int $reply_code
* @param string $reply_text
* @param array $method_sig
* @return mixed
public function close($reply_code = 0, $reply_text = '', $method_sig = array(0, 0))
if ($this->is_open !== true || null === $this->connection) {
$this->do_close(); return; // already closed
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->channelClose(
); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* @param AMQPReader $args
* @throws \PhpAmqpLib\Exception\AMQPProtocolChannelException
protected function channel_close($args)
$reply_code = $args->read_short();
$reply_text = $args->read_shortstr();
$class_id = $args->read_short();
$method_id = $args->read_short(); $this->send_method_frame(array(20, 41));
$this->do_close(); throw new AMQPProtocolChannelException($reply_code, $reply_text, array($class_id, $method_id));
} /**
* Confirm a channel close
* Alias of AMQPChannel::do_close()
* @param AMQPReader $args
protected function channel_close_ok($args)
} /**
* Enables/disables flow from peer
* @param $active
* @return mixed
public function flow($active)
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->channelFlow($active);
$this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* @param AMQPReader $args
protected function channel_flow($args)
$this->active = $args->read_bit();
} /**
* @param $active
protected function x_flow_ok($active)
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->channelFlow($active);
$this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args);
} /**
* @param AMQPReader $args
* @return bool
protected function channel_flow_ok($args)
return $args->read_bit();
} /**
* @param string $out_of_band
* @return mixed
protected function x_open($out_of_band = '')
if ($this->is_open) {
return null;
} list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->channelOpen($out_of_band);
$this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* @param AMQPReader $args
protected function channel_open_ok($args)
$this->is_open = true; if ($this->debug) {
MiscHelper::debug_msg('Channel open');
} /**
* Requests an access ticket
* @param string $realm
* @param bool $exclusive
* @param bool $passive
* @param bool $active
* @param bool $write
* @param bool $read
* @return mixed
public function access_request(
$exclusive = false,
$passive = false,
$active = false,
$write = false,
$read = false
) {
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->accessRequest(
); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Grants access to server resources
* @param AMQPReader $args
* @return string
protected function access_request_ok($args)
$this->default_ticket = $args->read_short(); return $this->default_ticket;
} /**
* Declares exchange
* @param string $exchange
* @param string $type
* @param bool $passive
* @param bool $durable
* @param bool $auto_delete
* @param bool $internal
* @param bool $nowait
* @return mixed|null
public function exchange_declare(
$passive = false,
$durable = false,
$auto_delete = true,
$internal = false,
$nowait = false,
$arguments = null,
$ticket = null
) {
$arguments = $this->getArguments($arguments);
$ticket = $this->getTicket($ticket); list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->exchangeDeclare(
); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); if ($nowait) {
return null;
} return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Confirms an exchange declaration
protected function exchange_declare_ok($args)
} /**
* Deletes an exchange
* @param string $exchange
* @param bool $if_unused
* @param bool $nowait
* @param null $ticket
* @return mixed|null
public function exchange_delete(
$if_unused = false,
$nowait = false,
$ticket = null
) {
$ticket = $this->getTicket($ticket);
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->exchangeDelete(
); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); if ($nowait) {
return null;
} return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Confirms deletion of an exchange
protected function exchange_delete_ok($args)
} /**
* Binds dest exchange to source exchange
* @param string $destination
* @param string $source
* @param string $routing_key
* @param bool $nowait
* @param null $arguments
* @param null $ticket
* @return mixed|null
public function exchange_bind(
$routing_key = '',
$nowait = false,
$arguments = null,
$ticket = null
) {
$arguments = $this->getArguments($arguments);
$ticket = $this->getTicket($ticket); list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->exchangeBind(
); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); if ($nowait) {
return null;
} return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Confirms bind successful
protected function exchange_bind_ok($args)
} /**
* Unbinds dest exchange from source exchange
* @param string $destination
* @param string $source
* @param string $routing_key
* @param null $arguments
* @param null $ticket
* @return mixed
public function exchange_unbind($destination, $source, $routing_key = '', $arguments = null, $ticket = null)
$arguments = $this->getArguments($arguments);
$ticket = $this->getTicket($ticket); list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->exchangeUnbind(
); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Confirms unbind successful
protected function exchange_unbind_ok($args)
} /**
* Binds queue to an exchange
* @param string $queue
* @param string $exchange
* @param string $routing_key
* @param bool $nowait
* @param null $arguments
* @param null $ticket
* @return mixed|null
public function queue_bind($queue, $exchange, $routing_key = '', $nowait = false, $arguments = null, $ticket = null)
$arguments = $this->getArguments($arguments);
$ticket = $this->getTicket($ticket); list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->queueBind(
); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); if ($nowait) {
return null;
} return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Confirms bind successful
protected function queue_bind_ok($args)
} /**
* Unbind queue from an exchange
* @param string $queue
* @param string $exchange
* @param string $routing_key
* @param null $arguments
* @param null $ticket
* @return mixed
public function queue_unbind($queue, $exchange, $routing_key = '', $arguments = null, $ticket = null)
$arguments = $this->getArguments($arguments);
$ticket = $this->getTicket($ticket); list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->queueUnbind(
); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Confirms unbind successful
protected function queue_unbind_ok($args)
} /**
* Declares queue, creates if needed
* @param string $queue
* @param bool $passive
* @param bool $durable
* @param bool $exclusive
* @param bool $auto_delete
* @param bool $nowait
* @param null $arguments
* @param null $ticket
* @return mixed|null
public function queue_declare(
$queue = '',
$passive = false,
$durable = false,
$exclusive = false,
$auto_delete = true,
$nowait = false,
$arguments = null,
$ticket = null
) {
$arguments = $this->getArguments($arguments);
$ticket = $this->getTicket($ticket); list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->queueDeclare(
); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); if ($nowait) {
return null;
} return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Confirms a queue definition
* @param AMQPReader $args
* @return array
protected function queue_declare_ok($args)
$queue = $args->read_shortstr();
$message_count = $args->read_long();
$consumer_count = $args->read_long(); return array($queue, $message_count, $consumer_count);
} /**
* Deletes a queue
* @param string $queue
* @param bool $if_unused
* @param bool $if_empty
* @param bool $nowait
* @param null $ticket
* @return mixed|null
public function queue_delete($queue = '', $if_unused = false, $if_empty = false, $nowait = false, $ticket = null)
$ticket = $this->getTicket($ticket); list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->queueDelete(
); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); if ($nowait) {
return null;
} return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Confirms deletion of a queue
* @param AMQPReader $args
* @return string
protected function queue_delete_ok($args)
return $args->read_long();
} /**
* Purges a queue
* @param string $queue
* @param bool $nowait
* @param null $ticket
* @return mixed|null
public function queue_purge($queue = '', $nowait = false, $ticket = null)
$ticket = $this->getTicket($ticket);
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->queuePurge($ticket, $queue, $nowait); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); if ($nowait) {
return null;
} return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Confirms a queue purge
* @param AMQPReader $args
* @return string
protected function queue_purge_ok($args)
return $args->read_long();
} /**
* Acknowledges one or more messages
* @param string $delivery_tag
* @param bool $multiple
public function basic_ack($delivery_tag, $multiple = false)
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->basicAck($delivery_tag, $multiple);
$this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args);
} /**
* Called when the server sends a basic.ack
* @param AMQPReader $args
* @throws AMQPRuntimeException
protected function basic_ack_from_server(AMQPReader $args)
$delivery_tag = $args->read_longlong();
$multiple = (bool) $args->read_bit(); if (false === isset($this->published_messages[$delivery_tag])) {
throw new AMQPRuntimeException(sprintf(
'Server ack\'ed unknown delivery_tag %s',
} $this->internal_ack_handler($delivery_tag, $multiple, $this->ack_handler);
} /**
* Called when the server sends a basic.nack
* @param AMQPReader $args
* @throws AMQPRuntimeException
protected function basic_nack_from_server($args)
$delivery_tag = $args->read_longlong();
$multiple = (bool) $args->read_bit(); if (false === isset($this->published_messages[$delivery_tag])) {
throw new AMQPRuntimeException(sprintf(
'Server nack\'ed unknown delivery_tag %s',
} $this->internal_ack_handler($delivery_tag, $multiple, $this->nack_handler);
} /**
* Handles the deletion of messages from this->publishedMessages and dispatches them to the $handler
* @param string $delivery_tag
* @param bool $multiple
* @param $handler
protected function internal_ack_handler($delivery_tag, $multiple, $handler)
if ($multiple) {
$keys = $this->get_keys_less_or_equal($this->published_messages, $delivery_tag); foreach ($keys as $key) {
$this->internal_ack_handler($key, false, $handler);
} } else {
$message = $this->get_and_unset_message($delivery_tag);
$this->dispatch_to_handler($handler, array($message));
} /**
* @param array $array
* @param $value
* @return mixed
protected function get_keys_less_or_equal(array $array, $value)
$keys = array_reduce(
function ($keys, $key) use ($value) {
if (bccomp($key, $value, 0) <= 0) {
$keys[] = $key;
} return $keys;
); return $keys;
} /**
* Rejects one or several received messages
* @param string $delivery_tag
* @param bool $multiple
* @param bool $requeue
public function basic_nack($delivery_tag, $multiple = false, $requeue = false)
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->basicNack($delivery_tag, $multiple, $requeue);
$this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args);
} /**
* Ends a queue consumer
* @param string $consumer_tag
* @param bool $nowait
* @return mixed
public function basic_cancel($consumer_tag, $nowait = false)
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->basicCancel($consumer_tag, $nowait);
$this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* @param AMQPReader $args
* @throws \PhpAmqpLib\Exception\AMQPBasicCancelException
protected function basic_cancel_from_server(AMQPReader $args)
$consumerTag = $args->read_shortstr(); throw new AMQPBasicCancelException($consumerTag);
} /**
* Confirm a cancelled consumer
* @param AMQPReader $args
protected function basic_cancel_ok($args)
$consumer_tag = $args->read_shortstr();
} /**
* Starts a queue consumer
* @param string $queue
* @param string $consumer_tag
* @param bool $no_local
* @param bool $no_ack
* @param bool $exclusive
* @param bool $nowait
* @param callback|null $callback
* @param int|null $ticket
* @param array $arguments
* @return mixed|string
public function basic_consume(
$queue = '',
$consumer_tag = '',
$no_local = false,
$no_ack = false,
$exclusive = false,
$nowait = false,
$callback = null,
$ticket = null,
$arguments = array()
) {
$ticket = $this->getTicket($ticket);
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->basicConsume(
$this->protocolVersion == '0.9.1' ? $arguments : null
); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); if (false === $nowait) {
$consumer_tag = $this->wait(array(
} $this->callbacks[$consumer_tag] = $callback; return $consumer_tag;
} /**
* Confirms a new consumer
* @param AMQPReader $args
* @return string
protected function basic_consume_ok($args)
return $args->read_shortstr();
} /**
* Notifies the client of a consumer message
* @param AMQPReader $args
* @param AMQPMessage $msg
protected function basic_deliver($args, $msg)
$consumer_tag = $args->read_shortstr();
$delivery_tag = $args->read_longlong();
$redelivered = $args->read_bit();
$exchange = $args->read_shortstr();
$routing_key = $args->read_shortstr(); $msg->delivery_info = array(
'channel' => $this,
'consumer_tag' => $consumer_tag,
'delivery_tag' => $delivery_tag,
'redelivered' => $redelivered,
'exchange' => $exchange,
'routing_key' => $routing_key
); if (isset($this->callbacks[$consumer_tag])) {
$func = $this->callbacks[$consumer_tag];
} else {
$func = null;
} if ($func != null) {
call_user_func($func, $msg);
} /**
* Direct access to a queue if no message was available in the queue, return null
* @param string $queue
* @param bool $no_ack
* @param null $ticket
* @return mixed
public function basic_get($queue = '', $no_ack = false, $ticket = null)
$ticket = $this->getTicket($ticket);
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->basicGet($ticket, $queue, $no_ack); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Indicates no messages available
* @param AMQPReader $args
protected function basic_get_empty($args)
$cluster_id = $args->read_shortstr();
} /**
* Provides client with a message
* @param AMQPReader $args
* @param AMQPMessage $msg
* @return AMQPMessage
protected function basic_get_ok($args, $msg)
$delivery_tag = $args->read_longlong();
$redelivered = $args->read_bit();
$exchange = $args->read_shortstr();
$routing_key = $args->read_shortstr();
$message_count = $args->read_long(); $msg->delivery_info = array(
'delivery_tag' => $delivery_tag,
'redelivered' => $redelivered,
'exchange' => $exchange,
'routing_key' => $routing_key,
'message_count' => $message_count
); return $msg;
} /**
* @param string $exchange
* @param string $routing_key
* @param $mandatory
* @param $immediate
* @param $ticket
* @return mixed
private function pre_publish($exchange, $routing_key, $mandatory, $immediate, $ticket)
$cache_key = sprintf(
if (false === isset($this->publish_cache[$cache_key])) {
$ticket = $this->getTicket($ticket);
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->basicPublish(
); $pkt = $this->prepare_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args);
$this->publish_cache[$cache_key] = $pkt->getvalue();
if (count($this->publish_cache) > $this->publish_cache_max_size) {
$old_key = key($this->publish_cache);
} return $this->publish_cache[$cache_key];
} /**
* Publishes a message
* @param AMQPMessage $msg
* @param string $exchange
* @param string $routing_key
* @param bool $mandatory
* @param bool $immediate
* @param null $ticket
public function basic_publish(
$exchange = '',
$routing_key = '',
$mandatory = false,
$immediate = false,
$ticket = null
) {
$pkt = new AMQPWriter();
$pkt->write($this->pre_publish($exchange, $routing_key, $mandatory, $immediate, $ticket)); $this->connection->send_content(
mb_strlen($msg->body, 'ASCII'),
); if ($this->next_delivery_tag > 0) {
$this->published_messages[$this->next_delivery_tag] = $msg;
$this->next_delivery_tag = bcadd($this->next_delivery_tag, '1', 0);
} /**
* @param AMQPMessage $msg
* @param string $exchange
* @param string $routing_key
* @param bool $mandatory
* @param bool $immediate
* @param null $ticket
public function batch_basic_publish(
$exchange = '',
$routing_key = '',
$mandatory = false,
$immediate = false,
$ticket = null
) {
$this->batch_messages[] = func_get_args();
} /**
* Publish batch
* @return void
public function publish_batch()
if (empty($this->batch_messages)) {
} /** @var AMQPWriter $pkt */
$pkt = new AMQPWriter(); /** @var AMQPMessage $msg */
foreach ($this->batch_messages as $m) {
$msg = $m[0]; $exchange = isset($m[1]) ? $m[1] : '';
$routing_key = isset($m[2]) ? $m[2] : '';
$mandatory = isset($m[3]) ? $m[3] : false;
$immediate = isset($m[4]) ? $m[4] : false;
$ticket = isset($m[5]) ? $m[5] : null;
$pkt->write($this->pre_publish($exchange, $routing_key, $mandatory, $immediate, $ticket)); $this->connection->prepare_content(
mb_strlen($msg->body, 'ASCII'),
); if ($this->next_delivery_tag > 0) {
$this->published_messages[$this->next_delivery_tag] = $msg;
$this->next_delivery_tag = bcadd($this->next_delivery_tag, '1', 0);
} //call write here
$this->batch_messages = array();
} /**
* Specifies QoS
* @param int $prefetch_size
* @param int $prefetch_count
* @param bool $a_global
* @return mixed
public function basic_qos($prefetch_size, $prefetch_count, $a_global)
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->basicQos(
); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Confirms QoS request
protected function basic_qos_ok($args)
} /**
* Redelivers unacknowledged messages
* @param bool $requeue
* @return mixed
public function basic_recover($requeue = false)
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->basicRecover($requeue);
$this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Confirm the requested recover
protected function basic_recover_ok($args)
} /**
* Rejects an incoming message
* @param string $delivery_tag
* @param bool $requeue
public function basic_reject($delivery_tag, $requeue)
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->basicReject($delivery_tag, $requeue);
$this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args);
} /**
* Returns a failed message
* @param AMQPReader $args
* @param AMQPMessage $msg
protected function basic_return($args, $msg)
$reply_code = $args->read_short();
$reply_text = $args->read_shortstr();
$exchange = $args->read_shortstr();
$routing_key = $args->read_shortstr(); if (null !== ($this->basic_return_callback)) {
call_user_func_array($this->basic_return_callback, array(
)); } elseif ($this->debug) {
MiscHelper::debug_msg('Skipping unhandled basic_return message');
} /**
* @return mixed
public function tx_commit()
$this->send_method_frame(array(90, 20)); return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Confirms a successful commit
protected function tx_commit_ok($args)
} /**
* Rollbacks the current transaction
* @return mixed
public function tx_rollback()
$this->send_method_frame(array(90, 30)); return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Confirms a successful rollback
protected function tx_rollback_ok($args)
} /**
* Puts the channel into confirm mode
* Beware that only non-transactional channels may be put into confirm mode and vice versa
* @param bool $nowait
public function confirm_select($nowait = false)
list($class_id, $method_id, $args) = $this->protocolWriter->confirmSelect($nowait); $this->send_method_frame(array($class_id, $method_id), $args); if ($nowait) {
return null;
} $this->wait(array($this->waitHelper->get_wait('confirm.select_ok')));
$this->next_delivery_tag = 1;
} /**
* Confirms a selection
* @return void
public function confirm_select_ok()
} /**
* Waits for pending acks and nacks from the server.
* If there are no pending acks, the method returns immediately
* @param int $timeout Waits until $timeout value is reached
public function wait_for_pending_acks($timeout = 0)
$functions = array(
); while (count($this->published_messages) !== 0) {
if ($timeout > 0) {
$this->wait($functions, true, $timeout);
} else {
} /**
* Waits for pending acks, nacks and returns from the server. If there are no pending acks, the method returns immediately.
* @param int $timeout If set to value > 0 the method will wait at most $timeout seconds for pending acks.
public function wait_for_pending_acks_returns($timeout = 0)
$functions = array(
); while (count($this->published_messages) !== 0) {
if ($timeout > 0) {
$this->wait($functions, true, $timeout);
} else {
} /**
* Selects standard transaction mode
* @return mixed
public function tx_select()
$this->send_method_frame(array(90, 10)); return $this->wait(array(
} /**
* Confirms transaction mode
protected function tx_select_ok($args)
} /**
* @param mixed $arguments
* @return array|mixed
protected function getArguments($arguments)
return (null === $arguments) ? array() : $arguments;
} /**
* @param mixed $ticket
* @return int
protected function getTicket($ticket)
return (null === $ticket) ? $this->default_ticket : $ticket;
} /**
* Helper method to get a particular method from $this->publishedMessages, removes it from the array and returns it.
* @param $index
* @return AMQPMessage
protected function get_and_unset_message($index)
$message = $this->published_messages[$index];
unset($this->published_messages[$index]); return $message;
} /**
* Sets callback for basic_return
* @param callable $callback
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if $callback is not callable
public function set_return_listener($callback)
if (false === is_callable($callback)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'Given callback "%s" should be callable. %s type was given.',
} $this->basic_return_callback = $callback;
} /**
* Sets a handler which called for any message nack'ed by the server, with the AMQPMessage as first argument.
* @param callable $callback
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function set_nack_handler($callback)
if (false === is_callable($callback)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'Given callback "%s" should be callable. %s type was given.',
} $this->nack_handler = $callback;
} /**
* Sets a handler which called for any message ack'ed by the server, with the AMQPMessage as first argument.
* @param callable $callback
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function set_ack_handler($callback)
if (false === is_callable($callback)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'Given callback "%s" should be callable. %s type was given.',
} $this->ack_handler = $callback;

$rabbitmq = new Rabbitmq();//实例化
$rabbitmq->set($list,'qName' ,true);
* @param bool $passive
true  被动式 要求队列存在,不能主动创建;
false  主动式 即使队列存在,会主动创建;

"""The blocking connection adapter module implements blocking semantics on top
of Pika's core AMQP driver. While most of the asynchronous expectations are
removed when using the blocking connection adapter, it attempts to remain true
to the asynchronous RPC nature of the AMQP protocol, supporting server sent
RPC commands. The user facing classes in the module consist of the
and the :class:`~pika.adapters.blocking_connection.BlockingChannel`
classes. """
# Suppress too-many-lines
# pylint: disable=C0302 # Disable "access to protected member warnings: this wrapper implementation is
# a friend of those instances
# pylint: disable=W0212 from collections import namedtuple, deque
import contextlib
import functools
import logging
import time import pika.channel
from pika import compat
from pika import exceptions
import pika.spec
# NOTE: import SelectConnection after others to avoid circular depenency
from pika.adapters.select_connection import SelectConnection LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _CallbackResult(object):
""" CallbackResult is a non-thread-safe implementation for receiving
callback results; INTERNAL USE ONLY!
__slots__ = ('_value_class', '_ready', '_values')
def __init__(self, value_class=None):
:param callable value_class: only needed if the CallbackResult
instance will be used with
`set_value_once` and `append_element`.
*args and **kwargs of the value setter
methods will be passed to this class. """
self._value_class = value_class
self._ready = None
self._values = None
self.reset() def reset(self):
"""Reset value, but not _value_class"""
self._ready = False
self._values = None def __bool__(self):
""" Called by python runtime to implement truth value testing and the
built-in operation bool(); NOTE: python 3.x
return self.is_ready() # python 2.x version of __bool__
__nonzero__ = __bool__ def __enter__(self):
""" Entry into context manager that automatically resets the object
on exit; this usage pattern helps garbage-collection by eliminating
potential circular references.
return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Reset value"""
self.reset() def is_ready(self):
:returns: True if the object is in a signaled state
return self._ready @property
def ready(self):
"""True if the object is in a signaled state"""
return self._ready def signal_once(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
""" Set as ready :raises AssertionError: if result was already signalled
assert not self._ready, '_CallbackResult was already set'
self._ready = True def set_value_once(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Set as ready with value; the value may be retrieved via the `value`
property getter :raises AssertionError: if result was already set
self._values = (self._value_class(*args, **kwargs),)
except Exception:
"set_value_once failed: value_class=%r; args=%r; kwargs=%r",
self._value_class, args, kwargs)
raise def append_element(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Append an element to values"""
assert not self._ready or isinstance(self._values, list), (
'_CallbackResult state is incompatible with append_element: '
'ready=%r; values=%r' % (self._ready, self._values)) try:
value = self._value_class(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
"append_element failed: value_class=%r; args=%r; kwargs=%r",
self._value_class, args, kwargs)
raise if self._values is None:
self._values = [value]
self._values.append(value) self._ready = True @property
def value(self):
:returns: a reference to the value that was set via `set_value_once`
:raises AssertionError: if result was not set or value is incompatible
with `set_value_once`
assert self._ready, '_CallbackResult was not set'
assert isinstance(self._values, tuple) and len(self._values) == 1, (
'_CallbackResult value is incompatible with set_value_once: %r'
% (self._values,)) return self._values[0] @property
def elements(self):
:returns: a reference to the list containing one or more elements that
were added via `append_element`
:raises AssertionError: if result was not set or value is incompatible
with `append_element`
assert self._ready, '_CallbackResult was not set'
assert isinstance(self._values, list) and self._values, (
'_CallbackResult value is incompatible with append_element: %r'
% (self._values,)) return self._values class _IoloopTimerContext(object):
"""Context manager for registering and safely unregistering a
SelectConnection ioloop-based timer
""" def __init__(self, duration, connection):
:param float duration: non-negative timer duration in seconds
:param SelectConnection connection:
assert hasattr(connection, 'add_timeout'), connection
self._duration = duration
self._connection = connection
self._callback_result = _CallbackResult()
self._timer_id = None def __enter__(self):
"""Register a timer"""
self._timer_id = self._connection.add_timeout(
return self def __exit__(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
"""Unregister timer if it hasn't fired yet"""
if not self._callback_result:
self._connection.remove_timeout(self._timer_id) def is_ready(self):
:returns: True if timer has fired, False otherwise
return self._callback_result.is_ready() class _TimerEvt(object):
"""Represents a timer created via `BlockingConnection.add_timeout`"""
__slots__ = ('timer_id', '_callback') def __init__(self, callback):
:param callback: see callback_method in `BlockingConnection.add_timeout`
self._callback = callback # Will be set to timer id returned from the underlying implementation's
# `add_timeout` method
self.timer_id = None def __repr__(self):
return '<%s timer_id=%s callback=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
self.timer_id, self._callback) def dispatch(self):
"""Dispatch the user's callback method"""
self._callback() class _ConnectionBlockedUnblockedEvtBase(object):
"""Base class for `_ConnectionBlockedEvt` and `_ConnectionUnblockedEvt`"""
__slots__ = ('_callback', '_method_frame') def __init__(self, callback, method_frame):
:param callback: see callback_method parameter in
`BlockingConnection.add_on_connection_blocked_callback` and
:param pika.frame.Method method_frame: with method_frame.method of type
`pika.spec.Connection.Blocked` or `pika.spec.Connection.Unblocked`
self._callback = callback
self._method_frame = method_frame def __repr__(self):
return '<%s callback=%s, frame=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
self._method_frame) def dispatch(self):
"""Dispatch the user's callback method"""
self._callback(self._method_frame) class _ConnectionBlockedEvt(_ConnectionBlockedUnblockedEvtBase):
"""Represents a Connection.Blocked notification from RabbitMQ broker`"""
pass class _ConnectionUnblockedEvt(_ConnectionBlockedUnblockedEvtBase):
"""Represents a Connection.Unblocked notification from RabbitMQ broker`"""
pass class BlockingConnection(object):
"""The BlockingConnection creates a layer on top of Pika's asynchronous core
providing methods that will block until their expected response has
returned. Due to the asynchronous nature of the `Basic.Deliver` and
`Basic.Return` calls from RabbitMQ to your application, you can still
implement continuation-passing style asynchronous methods if you'd like to
receive messages from RabbitMQ using
:meth:`basic_consume <BlockingChannel.basic_consume>` or if you want to be
notified of a delivery failure when using
:meth:`basic_publish <BlockingChannel.basic_publish>`. For more information about communicating with the blocking_connection
adapter, be sure to check out the
:class:`BlockingChannel <BlockingChannel>` class which implements the
:class:`Channel <pika.channel.Channel>` based communication for the
blocking_connection adapter. To prevent recursion/reentrancy, the blocking connection and channel
implementations queue asynchronously-delivered events received
in nested context (e.g., while waiting for `BlockingConnection.channel` or
`BlockingChannel.queue_declare` to complete), dispatching them synchronously
once nesting returns to the desired context. This concerns all callbacks,
such as those registered via `BlockingConnection.add_timeout`,
`BlockingChannel.basic_consume`, etc. Blocked Connection deadlock avoidance: when RabbitMQ becomes low on
resources, it emits Connection.Blocked (AMQP extension) to the client
connection when client makes a resource-consuming request on that connection
or its channel (e.g., `Basic.Publish`); subsequently, RabbitMQ suspsends
processing requests from that connection until the affected resources are
restored. See http://www.rabbitmq.com/connection-blocked.html. This
may impact `BlockingConnection` and `BlockingChannel` operations in a
way that users might not be expecting. For example, if the user dispatches
`BlockingChannel.basic_publish` in non-publisher-confirmation mode while
RabbitMQ is in this low-resource state followed by a synchronous request
(e.g., `BlockingConnection.channel`, `BlockingChannel.consume`,
`BlockingChannel.basic_consume`, etc.), the synchronous request will block
indefinitely (until Connection.Unblocked) waiting for RabbitMQ to reply. If
the blocked state persists for a long time, the blocking operation will
appear to hang. In this state, `BlockingConnection` instance and its
channels will not dispatch user callbacks. SOLUTION: To break this potential
deadlock, applications may configure the `blocked_connection_timeout`
connection parameter when instantiating `BlockingConnection`. Upon blocked
connection timeout, this adapter will raise ConnectionClosed exception with
first exception arg of
`pika.connection.InternalCloseReasons.BLOCKED_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT`. See
`pika.connection.ConnectionParameters` documentation to learn more about
`blocked_connection_timeout` configuration. """
# Connection-opened callback args
_OnOpenedArgs = namedtuple('BlockingConnection__OnOpenedArgs',
'connection') # Connection-establishment error callback args
_OnOpenErrorArgs = namedtuple('BlockingConnection__OnOpenErrorArgs',
'connection error') # Connection-closing callback args
_OnClosedArgs = namedtuple('BlockingConnection__OnClosedArgs',
'connection reason_code reason_text') # Channel-opened callback args
_OnChannelOpenedArgs = namedtuple(
'channel') def __init__(self, parameters=None, _impl_class=None):
"""Create a new instance of the Connection object. :param pika.connection.Parameters parameters: Connection parameters
:param _impl_class: for tests/debugging only; implementation class;
None=default :raises RuntimeError: """
# Used by the _acquire_event_dispatch decorator; when already greater
# than 0, event dispatch is already acquired higher up the call stack
self._event_dispatch_suspend_depth = 0 # Connection-specific events that are ready for dispatch: _TimerEvt,
# _ConnectionBlockedEvt, _ConnectionUnblockedEvt
self._ready_events = deque() # Channel numbers of channels that are requesting a call to their
# BlockingChannel._dispatch_events method; See
# `_request_channel_dispatch`
self._channels_pending_dispatch = set() # Receives on_open_callback args from Connection
self._opened_result = _CallbackResult(self._OnOpenedArgs) # Receives on_open_error_callback args from Connection
self._open_error_result = _CallbackResult(self._OnOpenErrorArgs) # Receives on_close_callback args from Connection
self._closed_result = _CallbackResult(self._OnClosedArgs) # Set to True when when user calls close() on the connection
# NOTE: this is a workaround to detect socket error because
# on_close_callback passes reason_code=0 when called due to socket error
self._user_initiated_close = False impl_class = _impl_class or SelectConnection
self._impl = impl_class(
stop_ioloop_on_close=False) self._impl.ioloop.activate_poller() self._process_io_for_connection_setup() def __repr__(self):
return '<%s impl=%r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._impl) def _cleanup(self):
"""Clean up members that might inhibit garbage collection"""
self._closed_result.reset() @contextlib.contextmanager
def _acquire_event_dispatch(self):
""" Context manager that controls access to event dispatcher for
preventing reentrancy. The "as" value is True if the managed code block owns the event
dispatcher and False if caller higher up in the call stack already owns
it. Only managed code that gets ownership (got True) is permitted to
# __enter__ part
self._event_dispatch_suspend_depth += 1
yield self._event_dispatch_suspend_depth == 1
# __exit__ part
self._event_dispatch_suspend_depth -= 1 def _process_io_for_connection_setup(self):
""" Perform follow-up processing for connection setup request: flush
connection output and process input while waiting for connection-open
or connection-error. :raises AMQPConnectionError: on connection open error
if not self._open_error_result.ready:
self._open_error_result.is_ready) if self._open_error_result.ready:
exception_or_message = self._open_error_result.value.error
if isinstance(exception_or_message, Exception):
raise exception_or_message
raise exceptions.AMQPConnectionError(exception_or_message)
self._cleanup() assert self._opened_result.ready
assert self._opened_result.value.connection is self._impl def _flush_output(self, *waiters):
""" Flush output and process input while waiting for any of the given
callbacks to return true. The wait is aborted upon connection-close.
Otherwise, processing continues until the output is flushed AND at least
one of the callbacks returns true. If there are no callbacks, then
processing ends when all output is flushed. :param waiters: sequence of zero or more callables taking no args and
returning true when it's time to stop processing.
Their results are OR'ed together.
if self.is_closed:
raise exceptions.ConnectionClosed() # Conditions for terminating the processing loop:
# connection closed
# OR
# empty outbound buffer and no waiters
# OR
# empty outbound buffer and any waiter is ready
is_done = (lambda:
self._closed_result.ready or
(not self._impl.outbound_buffer and
(not waiters or any(ready() for ready in waiters)))) # Process I/O until our completion condition is satisified
while not is_done():
self._impl.ioloop.process_timeouts() if self._open_error_result.ready or self._closed_result.ready:
if not self._user_initiated_close:
if self._open_error_result.ready:
maybe_exception = self._open_error_result.value.error
LOGGER.error('Connection open failed - %r',
if isinstance(maybe_exception, Exception):
raise maybe_exception
raise exceptions.ConnectionClosed(maybe_exception)
result = self._closed_result.value
LOGGER.error('Connection close detected; result=%r',
raise exceptions.ConnectionClosed(result.reason_code,
LOGGER.info('Connection closed; result=%r',
self._cleanup() def _request_channel_dispatch(self, channel_number):
"""Called by BlockingChannel instances to request a call to their
_dispatch_events method or to terminate `process_data_events`;
BlockingConnection will honor these requests from a safe context. :param int channel_number: positive channel number to request a call
to the channel's `_dispatch_events`; a negative channel number to
request termination of `process_data_events`
self._channels_pending_dispatch.add(channel_number) def _dispatch_channel_events(self):
"""Invoke the `_dispatch_events` method on open channels that requested
if not self._channels_pending_dispatch:
return with self._acquire_event_dispatch() as dispatch_acquired:
if not dispatch_acquired:
# Nested dispatch or dispatch blocked higher in call stack
return candidates = list(self._channels_pending_dispatch)
self._channels_pending_dispatch.clear() for channel_number in candidates:
if channel_number < 0:
# This was meant to terminate process_data_events
continue try:
impl_channel = self._impl._channels[channel_number]
except KeyError:
continue if impl_channel.is_open:
impl_channel._get_cookie()._dispatch_events() def _on_timer_ready(self, evt):
"""Handle expiry of a timer that was registered via `add_timeout` :param _TimerEvt evt: """
self._ready_events.append(evt) def _on_threadsafe_callback(self, user_callback):
"""Handle callback that was registered via `add_callback_threadsafe`. :param user_callback: callback passed to `add_callback_threadsafe` by
the application. """
# Turn it into a 0-delay timeout to take advantage of our existing logic
# that deals with reentrancy
self.add_timeout(0, user_callback) def _on_connection_blocked(self, user_callback, method_frame):
"""Handle Connection.Blocked notification from RabbitMQ broker :param callable user_callback: callback_method passed to
:param pika.frame.Method method_frame: method frame having `method`
member of type `pika.spec.Connection.Blocked`
_ConnectionBlockedEvt(user_callback, method_frame)) def _on_connection_unblocked(self, user_callback, method_frame):
"""Handle Connection.Unblocked notification from RabbitMQ broker :param callable user_callback: callback_method passed to
:param pika.frame.Method method_frame: method frame having `method`
member of type `pika.spec.Connection.Blocked`
_ConnectionUnblockedEvt(user_callback, method_frame)) def _dispatch_connection_events(self):
"""Dispatch ready connection events"""
if not self._ready_events:
return with self._acquire_event_dispatch() as dispatch_acquired:
if not dispatch_acquired:
# Nested dispatch or dispatch blocked higher in call stack
return # Limit dispatch to the number of currently ready events to avoid
# getting stuck in this loop
for _ in compat.xrange(len(self._ready_events)):
evt = self._ready_events.popleft()
except IndexError:
# Some events (e.g., timers) must have been cancelled
break evt.dispatch() def add_on_connection_blocked_callback(self, callback_method):
"""Add a callback to be notified when RabbitMQ has sent a
`Connection.Blocked` frame indicating that RabbitMQ is low on
resources. Publishers can use this to voluntarily suspend publishing,
instead of relying on back pressure throttling. The callback
will be passed the `Connection.Blocked` method frame. See also `ConnectionParameters.blocked_connection_timeout`. :param method callback_method: Callback to call on `Connection.Blocked`,
having the signature `callback_method(pika.frame.Method)`, where the
method frame's `method` member is of type
`pika.spec.Connection.Blocked` """
functools.partial(self._on_connection_blocked, callback_method)) def add_on_connection_unblocked_callback(self, callback_method):
"""Add a callback to be notified when RabbitMQ has sent a
`Connection.Unblocked` frame letting publishers know it's ok
to start publishing again. The callback will be passed the
`Connection.Unblocked` method frame. :param method callback_method: Callback to call on
`Connection.Unblocked`, having the signature
`callback_method(pika.frame.Method)`, where the method frame's
`method` member is of type `pika.spec.Connection.Unblocked` """
functools.partial(self._on_connection_unblocked, callback_method)) def add_timeout(self, deadline, callback_method):
"""Create a single-shot timer to fire after deadline seconds. Do not
confuse with Tornado's timeout where you pass in the time you want to
have your callback called. Only pass in the seconds until it's to be
called. NOTE: the timer callbacks are dispatched only in the scope of
specially-designated methods: see
`BlockingConnection.process_data_events` and
`BlockingChannel.start_consuming`. :param float deadline: The number of seconds to wait to call callback
:param callable callback_method: The callback method with the signature
callback_method() :returns: opaque timer id """
if not callable(callback_method):
raise ValueError(
'callback_method parameter must be callable, but got %r'
% (callback_method,)) evt = _TimerEvt(callback=callback_method)
timer_id = self._impl.add_timeout(
functools.partial(self._on_timer_ready, evt))
evt.timer_id = timer_id return timer_id def add_callback_threadsafe(self, callback):
"""Requests a call to the given function as soon as possible in the
context of this connection's thread. NOTE: This is the only thread-safe method in `BlockingConnection`. All
other manipulations of `BlockingConnection` must be performed from the
connection's thread. For example, a thread may request a call to the
`BlockingChannel.basic_ack` method of a `BlockingConnection` that is
running in a different thread via ```
functools.partial(channel.basic_ack, delivery_tag=...))
``` NOTE: if you know that the requester is running on the same thread as
the connection it is more efficient to use the
`BlockingConnection.add_timeout()` method with a deadline of 0. :param method callback: The callback method; must be callable """
functools.partial(self._on_threadsafe_callback, callback)) def remove_timeout(self, timeout_id):
"""Remove a timer if it's still in the timeout stack :param timeout_id: The opaque timer id to remove """
# Remove from the impl's timeout stack
self._impl.remove_timeout(timeout_id) # Remove from ready events, if the timer fired already
for i, evt in enumerate(self._ready_events):
if isinstance(evt, _TimerEvt) and evt.timer_id == timeout_id:
index_to_remove = i
# Not found
return del self._ready_events[index_to_remove] def close(self, reply_code=200, reply_text='Normal shutdown'):
"""Disconnect from RabbitMQ. If there are any open channels, it will
attempt to close them prior to fully disconnecting. Channels which
have active consumers will attempt to send a Basic.Cancel to RabbitMQ
to cleanly stop the delivery of messages prior to closing the channel. :param int reply_code: The code number for the close
:param str reply_text: The text reason for the close """
if self.is_closed:
LOGGER.debug('Close called on closed connection (%s): %s',
reply_code, reply_text)
return LOGGER.info('Closing connection (%s): %s', reply_code, reply_text) self._user_initiated_close = True # Close channels that remain opened
for impl_channel in pika.compat.dictvalues(self._impl._channels):
channel = impl_channel._get_cookie()
if channel.is_open:
channel.close(reply_code, reply_text)
except exceptions.ChannelClosed as exc:
# Log and suppress broker-closed channel
LOGGER.warning('Got ChannelClosed while closing channel '
'from connection.close: %r', exc) # Close the connection
self._impl.close(reply_code, reply_text) self._flush_output(self._closed_result.is_ready) def process_data_events(self, time_limit=0):
"""Will make sure that data events are processed. Dispatches timer and
channel callbacks if not called from the scope of BlockingConnection or
BlockingChannel callback. Your app can block on this method. :param float time_limit: suggested upper bound on processing time in
seconds. The actual blocking time depends on the granularity of the
underlying ioloop. Zero means return as soon as possible. None means
there is no limit on processing time and the function will block
until I/O produces actionable events. Defaults to 0 for backward
compatibility. This parameter is NEW in pika 0.10.0.
with self._acquire_event_dispatch() as dispatch_acquired:
# Check if we can actually process pending events
common_terminator = lambda: bool(dispatch_acquired and
(self._channels_pending_dispatch or self._ready_events))
if time_limit is None:
with _IoloopTimerContext(time_limit, self._impl) as timer:
self._flush_output(timer.is_ready, common_terminator) if self._ready_events:
self._dispatch_connection_events() if self._channels_pending_dispatch:
self._dispatch_channel_events() def sleep(self, duration):
"""A safer way to sleep than calling time.sleep() directly that would
keep the adapter from ignoring frames sent from the broker. The
connection will "sleep" or block the number of seconds specified in
duration in small intervals. :param float duration: The time to sleep in seconds """
assert duration >= 0, duration deadline = time.time() + duration
time_limit = duration
# Process events at least once
while True:
time_limit = deadline - time.time()
if time_limit <= 0:
break def channel(self, channel_number=None):
"""Create a new channel with the next available channel number or pass
in a channel number to use. Must be non-zero if you would like to
specify but it is recommended that you let Pika manage the channel
numbers. :rtype: pika.adapters.blocking_connection.BlockingChannel
with _CallbackResult(self._OnChannelOpenedArgs) as opened_args:
impl_channel = self._impl.channel(
channel_number=channel_number) # Create our proxy channel
channel = BlockingChannel(impl_channel, self) # Link implementation channel with our proxy channel
impl_channel._set_cookie(channel) # Drive I/O until Channel.Open-ok
channel._flush_output(opened_args.is_ready) return channel def __enter__(self):
# Prepare `with` context
return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback):
# Close connection after `with` context
self.close() #
# Connections state properties
# @property
def is_closed(self):
Returns a boolean reporting the current connection state.
return self._impl.is_closed @property
def is_closing(self):
Returns True if connection is in the process of closing due to
client-initiated `close` request, but closing is not yet complete.
return self._impl.is_closing @property
def is_open(self):
Returns a boolean reporting the current connection state.
return self._impl.is_open #
# Properties that reflect server capabilities for the current connection
# @property
def basic_nack_supported(self):
"""Specifies if the server supports basic.nack on the active connection. :rtype: bool """
return self._impl.basic_nack @property
def consumer_cancel_notify_supported(self):
"""Specifies if the server supports consumer cancel notification on the
active connection. :rtype: bool """
return self._impl.consumer_cancel_notify @property
def exchange_exchange_bindings_supported(self):
"""Specifies if the active connection supports exchange to exchange
bindings. :rtype: bool """
return self._impl.exchange_exchange_bindings @property
def publisher_confirms_supported(self):
"""Specifies if the active connection can use publisher confirmations. :rtype: bool """
return self._impl.publisher_confirms # Legacy property names for backward compatibility
basic_nack = basic_nack_supported
consumer_cancel_notify = consumer_cancel_notify_supported
exchange_exchange_bindings = exchange_exchange_bindings_supported
publisher_confirms = publisher_confirms_supported class _ChannelPendingEvt(object):
"""Base class for BlockingChannel pending events"""
pass class _ConsumerDeliveryEvt(_ChannelPendingEvt):
"""This event represents consumer message delivery `Basic.Deliver`; it
contains method, properties, and body of the delivered message.
""" __slots__ = ('method', 'properties', 'body') def __init__(self, method, properties, body):
:param spec.Basic.Deliver method: NOTE: consumer_tag and delivery_tag
are valid only within source channel
:param spec.BasicProperties properties: message properties
:param body: message body; empty string if no body
:type body: str or unicode
self.method = method
self.properties = properties
self.body = body class _ConsumerCancellationEvt(_ChannelPendingEvt):
"""This event represents server-initiated consumer cancellation delivered to
client via Basic.Cancel. After receiving Basic.Cancel, there will be no
further deliveries for the consumer identified by `consumer_tag` in
""" __slots__ = ('method_frame',) def __init__(self, method_frame):
:param pika.frame.Method method_frame: method frame with method of type
self.method_frame = method_frame def __repr__(self):
return '<%s method_frame=%r>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
self.method_frame) @property
def method(self):
"""method of type spec.Basic.Cancel"""
return self.method_frame.method class _ReturnedMessageEvt(_ChannelPendingEvt):
"""This event represents a message returned by broker via `Basic.Return`""" __slots__ = ('callback', 'channel', 'method', 'properties', 'body') def __init__(self, callback, channel, method, properties, body):
:param callable callback: user's callback, having the signature
callback(channel, method, properties, body), where
channel: pika.Channel
method: pika.spec.Basic.Return
properties: pika.spec.BasicProperties
body: str, unicode, or bytes (python 3.x) :param pika.Channel channel:
:param pika.spec.Basic.Return method:
:param pika.spec.BasicProperties properties:
:param body: str, unicode, or bytes (python 3.x)
self.callback = callback
self.channel = channel
self.method = method
self.properties = properties
self.body = body def __repr__(self):
return ('<%s callback=%r channel=%r method=%r properties=%r '
'body=%.300r>') % (self.__class__.__name__, self.callback,
self.channel, self.method, self.properties,
self.body) def dispatch(self):
"""Dispatch user's callback"""
self.callback(self.channel, self.method, self.properties, self.body) class ReturnedMessage(object):
"""Represents a message returned via Basic.Return in publish-acknowledgments
""" __slots__ = ('method', 'properties', 'body') def __init__(self, method, properties, body):
:param spec.Basic.Return method:
:param spec.BasicProperties properties: message properties
:param body: message body; empty string if no body
:type body: str or unicode
self.method = method
self.properties = properties
self.body = body class _ConsumerInfo(object):
"""Information about an active consumer""" __slots__ = ('consumer_tag', 'no_ack', 'consumer_cb',
'alternate_event_sink', 'state') # Consumer states
CANCELLED_BY_BROKER = 4 def __init__(self, consumer_tag, no_ack, consumer_cb=None,
NOTE: exactly one of consumer_cb/alternate_event_sink musts be non-None. :param str consumer_tag:
:param bool no_ack: the no-ack value for the consumer
:param callable consumer_cb: The function for dispatching messages to
user, having the signature:
consumer_callback(channel, method, properties, body)
channel: BlockingChannel
method: spec.Basic.Deliver
properties: spec.BasicProperties
body: str or unicode
:param callable alternate_event_sink: if specified, _ConsumerDeliveryEvt
and _ConsumerCancellationEvt objects will be diverted to this
callback instead of being deposited in the channel's
`_pending_events` container. Signature:
assert (consumer_cb is None) != (alternate_event_sink is None), (
'exactly one of consumer_cb/alternate_event_sink must be non-None',
consumer_cb, alternate_event_sink)
self.consumer_tag = consumer_tag
self.no_ack = no_ack
self.consumer_cb = consumer_cb
self.alternate_event_sink = alternate_event_sink
self.state = self.SETTING_UP @property
def setting_up(self):
"""True if in SETTING_UP state"""
return self.state == self.SETTING_UP @property
def active(self):
"""True if in ACTIVE state"""
return self.state == self.ACTIVE @property
def tearing_down(self):
"""True if in TEARING_DOWN state"""
return self.state == self.TEARING_DOWN @property
def cancelled_by_broker(self):
"""True if in CANCELLED_BY_BROKER state"""
return self.state == self.CANCELLED_BY_BROKER class _QueueConsumerGeneratorInfo(object):
"""Container for information about the active queue consumer generator """
__slots__ = ('params', 'consumer_tag', 'pending_events') def __init__(self, params, consumer_tag):
:params tuple params: a three-tuple (queue, no_ack, exclusive) that were
used to create the queue consumer
:param str consumer_tag: consumer tag
self.params = params
self.consumer_tag = consumer_tag
#self.messages = deque() # Holds pending events of types _ConsumerDeliveryEvt and
# _ConsumerCancellationEvt
self.pending_events = deque() def __repr__(self):
return '<%s params=%r consumer_tag=%r>' % (
self.__class__.__name__, self.params, self.consumer_tag) class BlockingChannel(object):
"""The BlockingChannel implements blocking semantics for most things that
one would use callback-passing-style for with the
:py:class:`~pika.channel.Channel` class. In addition,
the `BlockingChannel` class implements a :term:`generator` that allows
you to :doc:`consume messages </examples/blocking_consumer_generator>`
without using callbacks. Example of creating a BlockingChannel:: import pika # Create our connection object
connection = pika.BlockingConnection() # The returned object will be a synchronous channel
channel = connection.channel() """ # Used as value_class with _CallbackResult for receiving Basic.GetOk args
_RxMessageArgs = namedtuple(
'channel', # implementation pika.Channel instance
'method', # Basic.GetOk
'properties', # pika.spec.BasicProperties
'body' # str, unicode, or bytes (python 3.x)
]) # For use as value_class with any _CallbackResult that expects method_frame
# as the only arg
_MethodFrameCallbackResultArgs = namedtuple(
'method_frame') # Broker's basic-ack/basic-nack args when delivery confirmation is enabled;
# may concern a single or multiple messages
_OnMessageConfirmationReportArgs = namedtuple(
'method_frame') # Parameters for broker-initiated Channel.Close request: reply_code
# holds the broker's non-zero error code and reply_text holds the
# corresponding error message text.
_OnChannelClosedByBrokerArgs = namedtuple(
'method_frame') # For use as value_class with _CallbackResult expecting Channel.Flow
# confirmation.
_FlowOkCallbackResultArgs = namedtuple(
'active' # True if broker will start or continue sending; False if not
) _CONSUMER_CANCELLED_CB_KEY = 'blocking_channel_consumer_cancelled' def __init__(self, channel_impl, connection):
"""Create a new instance of the Channel :param channel_impl: Channel implementation object as returned from
:param BlockingConnection connection: The connection object """
self._impl = channel_impl
self._connection = connection # A mapping of consumer tags to _ConsumerInfo for active consumers
self._consumer_infos = dict() # Queue consumer generator generator info of type
# _QueueConsumerGeneratorInfo created by BlockingChannel.consume
self._queue_consumer_generator = None # Whether RabbitMQ delivery confirmation has been enabled
self._delivery_confirmation = False # Receives message delivery confirmation report (Basic.ack or
# Basic.nack) from broker when delivery confirmations are enabled
self._message_confirmation_result = _CallbackResult(
self._OnMessageConfirmationReportArgs) # deque of pending events: _ConsumerDeliveryEvt and
# _ConsumerCancellationEvt objects that will be returned by
# `BlockingChannel.get_event()`
self._pending_events = deque() # Holds a ReturnedMessage object representing a message received via
# Basic.Return in publisher-acknowledgments mode.
self._puback_return = None # Receives Basic.ConsumeOk reply from server
self._basic_consume_ok_result = _CallbackResult() # Receives the broker-inititated Channel.Close parameters
self._channel_closed_by_broker_result = _CallbackResult(
self._OnChannelClosedByBrokerArgs) # Receives args from Basic.GetEmpty response
# http://www.rabbitmq.com/amqp-0-9-1-reference.html#basic.get
self._basic_getempty_result = _CallbackResult(
self._MethodFrameCallbackResultArgs) self._impl.add_on_cancel_callback(self._on_consumer_cancelled_by_broker) self._impl.add_callback(
one_shot=False) self._impl.add_callback(
one_shot=True) self._impl.add_callback(
one_shot=False) LOGGER.info("Created channel=%s", self.channel_number) def __int__(self):
"""Return the channel object as its channel number NOTE: inherited from legacy BlockingConnection; might be error-prone;
use `channel_number` property instead. :rtype: int """
return self.channel_number def __repr__(self):
return '<%s impl=%r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._impl) def __enter__(self):
return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback):
except exceptions.ChannelClosed:
pass def _cleanup(self):
"""Clean up members that might inhibit garbage collection"""
self._pending_events = deque()
self._consumer_infos = dict() @property
def channel_number(self):
"""Channel number"""
return self._impl.channel_number @property
def connection(self):
"""The channel's BlockingConnection instance"""
return self._connection @property
def is_closed(self):
"""Returns True if the channel is closed. :rtype: bool """
return self._impl.is_closed @property
def is_closing(self):
"""Returns True if client-initiated closing of the channel is in
progress. :rtype: bool """
return self._impl.is_closing @property
def is_open(self):
"""Returns True if the channel is open. :rtype: bool """
return self._impl.is_open _ALWAYS_READY_WAITERS = ((lambda: True), ) def _flush_output(self, *waiters):
""" Flush output and process input while waiting for any of the given
callbacks to return true. The wait is aborted upon channel-close or
Otherwise, processing continues until the output is flushed AND at least
one of the callbacks returns true. If there are no callbacks, then
processing ends when all output is flushed. :param waiters: sequence of zero or more callables taking no args and
returning true when it's time to stop processing.
Their results are OR'ed together.
if self.is_closed:
raise exceptions.ChannelClosed() if not waiters:
waiters = self._ALWAYS_READY_WAITERS self._connection._flush_output(
*waiters) if self._channel_closed_by_broker_result:
# Channel was force-closed by broker
method = (
raise exceptions.ChannelClosed(method.reply_code, method.reply_text) def _on_puback_message_returned(self, channel, method, properties, body):
"""Called as the result of Basic.Return from broker in
publisher-acknowledgements mode. Saves the info as a ReturnedMessage
instance in self._puback_return. :param pika.Channel channel: our self._impl channel
:param pika.spec.Basic.Return method:
:param pika.spec.BasicProperties properties: message properties
:param body: returned message body; empty string if no body
:type body: str, unicode """
assert channel is self._impl, (
channel.channel_number, self.channel_number) assert isinstance(method, pika.spec.Basic.Return), method
assert isinstance(properties, pika.spec.BasicProperties), (
properties) LOGGER.warning(
"Published message was returned: _delivery_confirmation=%s; "
"channel=%s; method=%r; properties=%r; body_size=%d; "
"body_prefix=%.255r", self._delivery_confirmation,
channel.channel_number, method, properties,
len(body) if body is not None else None, body) self._puback_return = ReturnedMessage(method, properties, body) def _add_pending_event(self, evt):
"""Append an event to the channel's list of events that are ready for
dispatch to user and signal our connection that this channel is ready
for event dispatch :param _ChannelPendingEvt evt: an event derived from _ChannelPendingEvt
self.connection._request_channel_dispatch(self.channel_number) def _on_channel_closed(self, method_frame):
"""Called by impl when a channel is closed by the broker
via Channel.Close :param pika.Channel channel: channel closed by the
`spec.Channel.Close` method
:param int reply_code: The reply code sent via Channel.Close
:param str reply_text: The reply text sent via Channel.Close """
LOGGER.debug('_on_channel_closed_by_broker %s', method_frame)
channel_number = method_frame.channel_number
method = method_frame.method
raise exceptions.ChannelClosed(method.reply_code,
method.reply_text) def _on_consumer_cancelled_by_broker(self, method_frame):
"""Called by impl when broker cancels consumer via Basic.Cancel. This is a RabbitMQ-specific feature. The circumstances include deletion
of queue being consumed as well as failure of a HA node responsible for
the queue being consumed. :param pika.frame.Method method_frame: method frame with the
`spec.Basic.Cancel` method """
evt = _ConsumerCancellationEvt(method_frame) consumer = self._consumer_infos[method_frame.method.consumer_tag] # Don't interfere with client-initiated cancellation flow
if not consumer.tearing_down:
consumer.state = _ConsumerInfo.CANCELLED_BY_BROKER if consumer.alternate_event_sink is not None:
self._add_pending_event(evt) def _on_consumer_message_delivery(self, _channel, method, properties, body):
"""Called by impl when a message is delivered for a consumer :param Channel channel: The implementation channel object
:param spec.Basic.Deliver method:
:param pika.spec.BasicProperties properties: message properties
:param body: delivered message body; empty string if no body
:type body: str, unicode, or bytes (python 3.x) """
evt = _ConsumerDeliveryEvt(method, properties, body) consumer = self._consumer_infos[method.consumer_tag] if consumer.alternate_event_sink is not None:
self._add_pending_event(evt) def _on_consumer_generator_event(self, evt):
"""Sink for the queue consumer generator's consumer events; append the
event to queue consumer generator's pending events buffer. :param evt: an object of type _ConsumerDeliveryEvt or
# Schedule termination of connection.process_data_events using a
# negative channel number
self.connection._request_channel_dispatch(-self.channel_number) def _cancel_all_consumers(self):
"""Cancel all consumers. NOTE: pending non-ackable messages will be lost; pending ackable
messages will be rejected. """
if self._consumer_infos:
LOGGER.debug('Cancelling %i consumers', len(self._consumer_infos)) if self._queue_consumer_generator is not None:
# Cancel queue consumer generator
self.cancel() # Cancel consumers created via basic_consume
for consumer_tag in pika.compat.dictkeys(self._consumer_infos):
self.basic_cancel(consumer_tag) def _dispatch_events(self):
"""Called by BlockingConnection to dispatch pending events. `BlockingChannel` schedules this callback via
while self._pending_events:
evt = self._pending_events.popleft() if type(evt) is _ConsumerDeliveryEvt:
consumer_info = self._consumer_infos[evt.method.consumer_tag]
consumer_info.consumer_cb(self, evt.method, evt.properties,
evt.body) elif type(evt) is _ConsumerCancellationEvt:
del self._consumer_infos[evt.method_frame.method.consumer_tag] self._impl.callbacks.process(self.channel_number,
evt.dispatch() def close(self, reply_code=0, reply_text="Normal shutdown"):
"""Will invoke a clean shutdown of the channel with the AMQP Broker. :param int reply_code: The reply code to close the channel with
:param str reply_text: The reply text to close the channel with """
LOGGER.debug('Channel.close(%s, %s)', reply_code, reply_text) # Cancel remaining consumers
self._cancel_all_consumers() # Close the channel
with _CallbackResult() as close_ok_result:
one_shot=True) self._impl.close(reply_code=reply_code, reply_text=reply_text)
self._cleanup() def flow(self, active):
"""Turn Channel flow control off and on. NOTE: RabbitMQ doesn't support active=False; per
https://www.rabbitmq.com/specification.html: "active=false is not
supported by the server. Limiting prefetch with basic.qos provides much
better control" For more information, please reference: http://www.rabbitmq.com/amqp-0-9-1-reference.html#channel.flow :param bool active: Turn flow on (True) or off (False) :returns: True if broker will start or continue sending; False if not
:rtype: bool """
with _CallbackResult(self._FlowOkCallbackResultArgs) as flow_ok_result:
return flow_ok_result.value.active def add_on_cancel_callback(self, callback):
"""Pass a callback function that will be called when Basic.Cancel
is sent by the broker. The callback function should receive a method
frame parameter. :param callable callback: a callable for handling broker's Basic.Cancel
notification with the call signature: callback(method_frame)
where method_frame is of type `pika.frame.Method` with method of
type `spec.Basic.Cancel` """
one_shot=False) def add_on_return_callback(self, callback):
"""Pass a callback function that will be called when a published
message is rejected and returned by the server via `Basic.Return`. :param callable callback: The method to call on callback with the
signature callback(channel, method, properties, body), where
channel: pika.Channel
method: pika.spec.Basic.Return
properties: pika.spec.BasicProperties
body: str, unicode, or bytes (python 3.x) """
lambda _channel, method, properties, body: (
callback, self, method, properties, body)))) def basic_consume(self,
"""Sends the AMQP command Basic.Consume to the broker and binds messages
for the consumer_tag to the consumer callback. If you do not pass in
a consumer_tag, one will be automatically generated for you. Returns
the consumer tag. NOTE: the consumer callbacks are dispatched only in the scope of
specially-designated methods: see
`BlockingConnection.process_data_events` and
`BlockingChannel.start_consuming`. For more information about Basic.Consume, see:
http://www.rabbitmq.com/amqp-0-9-1-reference.html#basic.consume :param callable consumer_callback: The function for dispatching messages
to user, having the signature:
consumer_callback(channel, method, properties, body)
channel: BlockingChannel
method: spec.Basic.Deliver
properties: spec.BasicProperties
body: str or unicode
:param queue: The queue to consume from
:type queue: str or unicode
:param bool no_ack: Tell the broker to not expect a response (i.e.,
no ack/nack)
:param bool exclusive: Don't allow other consumers on the queue
:param consumer_tag: You may specify your own consumer tag; if left
empty, a consumer tag will be generated automatically
:type consumer_tag: str or unicode
:param dict arguments: Custom key/value pair arguments for the consumer
:returns: consumer tag
:rtype: str :raises pika.exceptions.DuplicateConsumerTag: if consumer with given
consumer_tag is already present. """
if not callable(consumer_callback):
raise ValueError('consumer callback must be callable; got %r'
% consumer_callback) return self._basic_consume_impl(
consumer_callback=consumer_callback) def _basic_consume_impl(self,
"""The low-level implementation used by `basic_consume` and `consume`.
See `basic_consume` docstring for more info. NOTE: exactly one of consumer_callback/alternate_event_sink musts be
non-None. This method has one additional parameter alternate_event_sink over the
args described in `basic_consume`. :param callable alternate_event_sink: if specified, _ConsumerDeliveryEvt
and _ConsumerCancellationEvt objects will be diverted to this
callback instead of being deposited in the channel's
`_pending_events` container. Signature:
alternate_event_sink(evt) :raises pika.exceptions.DuplicateConsumerTag: if consumer with given
consumer_tag is already present. """
if (consumer_callback is None) == (alternate_event_sink is None):
raise ValueError(
('exactly one of consumer_callback/alternate_event_sink must '
'be non-None', consumer_callback, alternate_event_sink)) if not consumer_tag:
# Need a consumer tag to register consumer info before sending
# request to broker, because I/O might dispatch incoming messages
# immediately following Basic.Consume-ok before _flush_output
# returns
consumer_tag = self._impl._generate_consumer_tag() if consumer_tag in self._consumer_infos:
raise exceptions.DuplicateConsumerTag(consumer_tag) # Create new consumer
self._consumer_infos[consumer_tag] = _ConsumerInfo(
alternate_event_sink=alternate_event_sink) try:
with self._basic_consume_ok_result as ok_result:
tag = self._impl.basic_consume(
arguments=arguments) assert tag == consumer_tag, (tag, consumer_tag) self._flush_output(ok_result.is_ready)
except Exception:
# If channel was closed, self._consumer_infos will be empty
if consumer_tag in self._consumer_infos:
del self._consumer_infos[consumer_tag]
# Schedule termination of connection.process_data_events using a
# negative channel number
raise # NOTE: Consumer could get cancelled by broker immediately after opening
# (e.g., queue getting deleted externally)
if self._consumer_infos[consumer_tag].setting_up:
self._consumer_infos[consumer_tag].state = _ConsumerInfo.ACTIVE return consumer_tag def basic_cancel(self, consumer_tag):
"""This method cancels a consumer. This does not affect already
delivered messages, but it does mean the server will not send any more
messages for that consumer. The client may receive an arbitrary number
of messages in between sending the cancel method and receiving the
cancel-ok reply. NOTE: When cancelling a no_ack=False consumer, this implementation
automatically Nacks and suppresses any incoming messages that have not
yet been dispatched to the consumer's callback. However, when cancelling
a no_ack=True consumer, this method will return any pending messages
that arrived before broker confirmed the cancellation. :param str consumer_tag: Identifier for the consumer; the result of
passing a consumer_tag that was created on another channel is
undefined (bad things will happen) :returns: (NEW IN pika 0.10.0) empty sequence for a no_ack=False
consumer; for a no_ack=True consumer, returns a (possibly empty)
sequence of pending messages that arrived before broker confirmed
the cancellation (this is done instead of via consumer's callback in
order to prevent reentrancy/recursion. Each message is four-tuple:
(channel, method, properties, body)
channel: BlockingChannel
method: spec.Basic.Deliver
properties: spec.BasicProperties
body: str or unicode
consumer_info = self._consumer_infos[consumer_tag]
except KeyError:
"User is attempting to cancel an unknown consumer=%s; "
"already cancelled by user or broker?", consumer_tag)
return [] try:
# Assertion failure here is most likely due to reentrance
assert consumer_info.active or consumer_info.cancelled_by_broker, (
consumer_info.state) # Assertion failure here signals disconnect between consumer state
# in BlockingChannel and Channel
assert (consumer_info.cancelled_by_broker or
consumer_tag in self._impl._consumers), consumer_tag no_ack = consumer_info.no_ack consumer_info.state = _ConsumerInfo.TEARING_DOWN with _CallbackResult() as cancel_ok_result:
# Nack pending messages for no_ack=False consumer
if not no_ack:
pending_messages = self._remove_pending_deliveries(
if pending_messages:
# NOTE: we use impl's basic_reject to avoid the
# possibility of redelivery before basic_cancel takes
# control of nacking.
# NOTE: we can't use basic_nack with the multiple option
# to avoid nacking messages already held by our client.
for message in pending_messages:
requeue=True) # Cancel the consumer; impl takes care of rejecting any
# additional deliveries that arrive for a no_ack=False
# consumer
nowait=False) # Flush output and wait for Basic.Cancel-ok or
# broker-initiated Basic.Cancel
lambda: consumer_tag not in self._impl._consumers) if no_ack:
# Return pending messages for no_ack=True consumer
return [
(evt.method, evt.properties, evt.body)
for evt in self._remove_pending_deliveries(consumer_tag)]
# impl takes care of rejecting any incoming deliveries during
# cancellation
messages = self._remove_pending_deliveries(consumer_tag)
assert not messages, messages return []
# NOTE: The entry could be purged if channel or connection closes
if consumer_tag in self._consumer_infos:
del self._consumer_infos[consumer_tag]
# Schedule termination of connection.process_data_events using a
# negative channel number
self.connection._request_channel_dispatch(-self.channel_number) def _remove_pending_deliveries(self, consumer_tag):
"""Extract _ConsumerDeliveryEvt objects destined for the given consumer
from pending events, discarding the _ConsumerCancellationEvt, if any :param str consumer_tag: :returns: a (possibly empty) sequence of _ConsumerDeliveryEvt destined
for the given consumer tag
remaining_events = deque()
unprocessed_messages = []
while self._pending_events:
evt = self._pending_events.popleft()
if type(evt) is _ConsumerDeliveryEvt:
if evt.method.consumer_tag == consumer_tag:
if type(evt) is _ConsumerCancellationEvt:
if evt.method_frame.method.consumer_tag == consumer_tag:
# A broker-initiated Basic.Cancel must have arrived
# before our cancel request completed
continue remaining_events.append(evt) self._pending_events = remaining_events return unprocessed_messages def start_consuming(self):
"""Processes I/O events and dispatches timers and `basic_consume`
callbacks until all consumers are cancelled. NOTE: this blocking function may not be called from the scope of a
pika callback, because dispatching `basic_consume` callbacks from this
context would constitute recursion. :raises pika.exceptions.RecursionError: if called from the scope of a
`BlockingConnection` or `BlockingChannel` callback """
# Check if called from the scope of an event dispatch callback
with self.connection._acquire_event_dispatch() as dispatch_allowed:
if not dispatch_allowed:
raise exceptions.RecursionError(
'start_consuming may not be called from the scope of '
'another BlockingConnection or BlockingChannel callback') # Process events as long as consumers exist on this channel
while self._consumer_infos:
self.connection.process_data_events(time_limit=None) def stop_consuming(self, consumer_tag=None):
""" Cancels all consumers, signalling the `start_consuming` loop to
exit. NOTE: pending non-ackable messages will be lost; pending ackable
messages will be rejected. """
if consumer_tag:
self._cancel_all_consumers() def consume(self, queue, no_ack=False,
exclusive=False, arguments=None,
"""Blocking consumption of a queue instead of via a callback. This
method is a generator that yields each message as a tuple of method,
properties, and body. The active generator iterator terminates when the
consumer is cancelled by client via `BlockingChannel.cancel()` or by
broker. Example: for method, properties, body in channel.consume('queue'):
print body
channel.basic_ack(method.delivery_tag) You should call `BlockingChannel.cancel()` when you escape out of the
generator loop. If you don't cancel this consumer, then next call on the same channel
to `consume()` with the exact same (queue, no_ack, exclusive) parameters
will resume the existing consumer generator; however, calling with
different parameters will result in an exception. :param queue: The queue name to consume
:type queue: str or unicode
:param bool no_ack: Tell the broker to not expect a ack/nack response
:param bool exclusive: Don't allow other consumers on the queue
:param dict arguments: Custom key/value pair arguments for the consumer
:param float inactivity_timeout: if a number is given (in
seconds), will cause the method to yield (None, None, None) after the
given period of inactivity; this permits for pseudo-regular maintenance
activities to be carried out by the user while waiting for messages
to arrive. If None is given (default), then the method blocks until
the next event arrives. NOTE that timing granularity is limited by
the timer resolution of the underlying implementation.
NEW in pika 0.10.0. :yields: tuple(spec.Basic.Deliver, spec.BasicProperties, str or unicode) :raises ValueError: if consumer-creation parameters don't match those
of the existing queue consumer generator, if any.
NEW in pika 0.10.0
params = (queue, no_ack, exclusive) if self._queue_consumer_generator is not None:
if params != self._queue_consumer_generator.params:
raise ValueError(
'Consume with different params not allowed on existing '
'queue consumer generator; previous params: %r; '
'new params: %r'
% (self._queue_consumer_generator.params,
(queue, no_ack, exclusive)))
LOGGER.debug('Creating new queue consumer generator; params: %r',
# Need a consumer tag to register consumer info before sending
# request to broker, because I/O might pick up incoming messages
# in addition to Basic.Consume-ok
consumer_tag = self._impl._generate_consumer_tag() self._queue_consumer_generator = _QueueConsumerGeneratorInfo(
consumer_tag) try:
except Exception:
self._queue_consumer_generator = None
raise LOGGER.info('Created new queue consumer generator %r',
self._queue_consumer_generator) while self._queue_consumer_generator is not None:
if self._queue_consumer_generator.pending_events:
evt = self._queue_consumer_generator.pending_events.popleft()
if type(evt) is _ConsumerCancellationEvt:
# Consumer was cancelled by broker
self._queue_consumer_generator = None
yield (evt.method, evt.properties, evt.body)
continue # Wait for a message to arrive
if inactivity_timeout is None:
continue # Wait with inactivity timeout
wait_start_time = time.time()
wait_deadline = wait_start_time + inactivity_timeout
delta = inactivity_timeout while (self._queue_consumer_generator is not None and
not self._queue_consumer_generator.pending_events):
self.connection.process_data_events(time_limit=delta) if not self._queue_consumer_generator:
# Consumer was cancelled by client
break if self._queue_consumer_generator.pending_events:
# Got message(s)
break delta = wait_deadline - time.time()
if delta <= 0.0:
# Signal inactivity timeout
yield (None, None, None)
break def get_waiting_message_count(self):
"""Returns the number of messages that may be retrieved from the current
queue consumer generator via `BlockingChannel.consume` without blocking.
NEW in pika 0.10.0 :rtype: int
if self._queue_consumer_generator is not None:
pending_events = self._queue_consumer_generator.pending_events
count = len(pending_events)
if count and type(pending_events[-1]) is _ConsumerCancellationEvt:
count -= 1
count = 0 return count def cancel(self):
"""Cancel the queue consumer created by `BlockingChannel.consume`,
rejecting all pending ackable messages. NOTE: If you're looking to cancel a consumer issued with
BlockingChannel.basic_consume then you should call
BlockingChannel.basic_cancel. :return int: The number of messages requeued by Basic.Nack.
NEW in 0.10.0: returns 0 """
if self._queue_consumer_generator is None:
LOGGER.warning('cancel: queue consumer generator is inactive '
'(already cancelled by client or broker?)')
return 0 try:
_, no_ack, _ = self._queue_consumer_generator.params
if not no_ack:
# Reject messages held by queue consumer generator; NOTE: we
# can't use basic_nack with the multiple option to avoid nacking
# messages already held by our client.
pending_events = self._queue_consumer_generator.pending_events
for _ in compat.xrange(self.get_waiting_message_count()):
evt = pending_events.popleft()
requeue=True) self.basic_cancel(self._queue_consumer_generator.consumer_tag)
self._queue_consumer_generator = None # Return 0 for compatibility with legacy implementation; the number of
# nacked messages is not meaningful since only messages consumed with
# no_ack=False may be nacked, and those arriving after calling
# basic_cancel will be rejected automatically by impl channel, so we'll
# never know how many of those were nacked.
return 0 def basic_ack(self, delivery_tag=0, multiple=False):
"""Acknowledge one or more messages. When sent by the client, this
method acknowledges one or more messages delivered via the Deliver or
Get-Ok methods. When sent by server, this method acknowledges one or
more messages published with the Publish method on a channel in
confirm mode. The acknowledgement can be for a single message or a
set of messages up to and including a specific message. :param int delivery-tag: The server-assigned delivery tag
:param bool multiple: If set to True, the delivery tag is treated as
"up to and including", so that multiple messages
can be acknowledged with a single method. If set
to False, the delivery tag refers to a single
message. If the multiple field is 1, and the
delivery tag is zero, this indicates
acknowledgement of all outstanding messages.
self._impl.basic_ack(delivery_tag=delivery_tag, multiple=multiple)
self._flush_output() def basic_nack(self, delivery_tag=None, multiple=False, requeue=True):
"""This method allows a client to reject one or more incoming messages.
It can be used to interrupt and cancel large incoming messages, or
return untreatable messages to their original queue. :param int delivery-tag: The server-assigned delivery tag
:param bool multiple: If set to True, the delivery tag is treated as
"up to and including", so that multiple messages
can be acknowledged with a single method. If set
to False, the delivery tag refers to a single
message. If the multiple field is 1, and the
delivery tag is zero, this indicates
acknowledgement of all outstanding messages.
:param bool requeue: If requeue is true, the server will attempt to
requeue the message. If requeue is false or the
requeue attempt fails the messages are discarded or
dead-lettered. """
self._impl.basic_nack(delivery_tag=delivery_tag, multiple=multiple,
self._flush_output() def basic_get(self, queue=None, no_ack=False):
"""Get a single message from the AMQP broker. Returns a sequence with
the method frame, message properties, and body. :param queue: Name of queue to get a message from
:type queue: str or unicode
:param bool no_ack: Tell the broker to not expect a reply
:returns: a three-tuple; (None, None, None) if the queue was empty;
otherwise (method, properties, body); NOTE: body may be None
:rtype: (None, None, None)|(spec.Basic.GetOk,
str or unicode or None)
assert not self._basic_getempty_result
# NOTE: nested with for python 2.6 compatibility
with _CallbackResult(self._RxMessageArgs) as get_ok_result:
with self._basic_getempty_result:
if get_ok_result:
evt = get_ok_result.value
return evt.method, evt.properties, evt.body
assert self._basic_getempty_result, (
"wait completed without GetOk and GetEmpty")
return None, None, None def basic_publish(self, exchange, routing_key, body,
properties=None, mandatory=False, immediate=False):
"""Publish to the channel with the given exchange, routing key and body.
Returns a boolean value indicating the success of the operation. This is the legacy BlockingChannel method for publishing. See also
`BlockingChannel.publish` that provides more information about failures. For more information on basic_publish and what the parameters do, see: http://www.rabbitmq.com/amqp-0-9-1-reference.html#basic.publish NOTE: mandatory and immediate may be enabled even without delivery
confirmation, but in the absence of delivery confirmation the
synchronous implementation has no way to know how long to wait for
the Basic.Return or lack thereof. :param exchange: The exchange to publish to
:type exchange: str or unicode
:param routing_key: The routing key to bind on
:type routing_key: str or unicode
:param body: The message body; empty string if no body
:type body: str or unicode
:param pika.spec.BasicProperties properties: message properties
:param bool mandatory: The mandatory flag
:param bool immediate: The immediate flag :returns: True if delivery confirmation is not enabled (NEW in pika
0.10.0); otherwise returns False if the message could not be
delivered (Basic.nack and/or Basic.Return) and True if the message
was delivered (Basic.ack and no Basic.Return)
self.publish(exchange, routing_key, body, properties,
mandatory, immediate)
except (exceptions.NackError, exceptions.UnroutableError):
return False
return True def publish(self, exchange, routing_key, body,
properties=None, mandatory=False, immediate=False):
"""Publish to the channel with the given exchange, routing key, and
body. Unlike the legacy `BlockingChannel.basic_publish`, this method
provides more information about failures via exceptions. For more information on basic_publish and what the parameters do, see: http://www.rabbitmq.com/amqp-0-9-1-reference.html#basic.publish NOTE: mandatory and immediate may be enabled even without delivery
confirmation, but in the absence of delivery confirmation the
synchronous implementation has no way to know how long to wait for
the Basic.Return. :param exchange: The exchange to publish to
:type exchange: str or unicode
:param routing_key: The routing key to bind on
:type routing_key: str or unicode
:param body: The message body; empty string if no body
:type body: str or unicode
:param pika.spec.BasicProperties properties: message properties
:param bool mandatory: The mandatory flag
:param bool immediate: The immediate flag :raises UnroutableError: raised when a message published in
publisher-acknowledgments mode (see
`BlockingChannel.confirm_delivery`) is returned via `Basic.Return`
followed by `Basic.Ack`.
:raises NackError: raised when a message published in
publisher-acknowledgements mode is Nack'ed by the broker. See
`BlockingChannel.confirm_delivery`. """
if self._delivery_confirmation:
# In publisher-acknowledgments mode
with self._message_confirmation_result:
immediate=immediate) self._flush_output(self._message_confirmation_result.is_ready)
conf_method = (self._message_confirmation_result.value
.method) if isinstance(conf_method, pika.spec.Basic.Nack):
# Broker was unable to process the message due to internal
# error
"Message was Nack'ed by broker: nack=%r; channel=%s; "
"exchange=%s; routing_key=%s; mandatory=%r; "
"immediate=%r", conf_method, self.channel_number,
exchange, routing_key, mandatory, immediate)
if self._puback_return is not None:
returned_messages = [self._puback_return]
self._puback_return = None
returned_messages = []
raise exceptions.NackError(returned_messages) else:
assert isinstance(conf_method, pika.spec.Basic.Ack), (
conf_method) if self._puback_return is not None:
# Unroutable message was returned
messages = [self._puback_return]
self._puback_return = None
raise exceptions.UnroutableError(messages)
# In non-publisher-acknowledgments mode
self._flush_output() def basic_qos(self, prefetch_size=0, prefetch_count=0, all_channels=False):
"""Specify quality of service. This method requests a specific quality
of service. The QoS can be specified for the current channel or for all
channels on the connection. The client can request that messages be sent
in advance so that when the client finishes processing a message, the
following message is already held locally, rather than needing to be
sent down the channel. Prefetching gives a performance improvement. :param int prefetch_size: This field specifies the prefetch window
size. The server will send a message in
advance if it is equal to or smaller in size
than the available prefetch size (and also
falls into other prefetch limits). May be set
to zero, meaning "no specific limit",
although other prefetch limits may still
apply. The prefetch-size is ignored if the
no-ack option is set in the consumer.
:param int prefetch_count: Specifies a prefetch window in terms of whole
messages. This field may be used in
combination with the prefetch-size field; a
message will only be sent in advance if both
prefetch windows (and those at the channel
and connection level) allow it. The
prefetch-count is ignored if the no-ack
option is set in the consumer.
:param bool all_channels: Should the QoS apply to all channels """
with _CallbackResult() as qos_ok_result:
self._flush_output(qos_ok_result.is_ready) def basic_recover(self, requeue=False):
"""This method asks the server to redeliver all unacknowledged messages
on a specified channel. Zero or more messages may be redelivered. This
method replaces the asynchronous Recover. :param bool requeue: If False, the message will be redelivered to the
original recipient. If True, the server will
attempt to requeue the message, potentially then
delivering it to an alternative subscriber. """
with _CallbackResult() as recover_ok_result:
self._flush_output(recover_ok_result.is_ready) def basic_reject(self, delivery_tag=None, requeue=True):
"""Reject an incoming message. This method allows a client to reject a
message. It can be used to interrupt and cancel large incoming messages,
or return untreatable messages to their original queue. :param int delivery-tag: The server-assigned delivery tag
:param bool requeue: If requeue is true, the server will attempt to
requeue the message. If requeue is false or the
requeue attempt fails the messages are discarded or
dead-lettered. """
self._impl.basic_reject(delivery_tag=delivery_tag, requeue=requeue)
self._flush_output() def confirm_delivery(self):
"""Turn on RabbitMQ-proprietary Confirm mode in the channel. For more information see:
if self._delivery_confirmation:
LOGGER.error('confirm_delivery: confirmation was already enabled '
'on channel=%s', self.channel_number)
return with _CallbackResult() as select_ok_result:
one_shot=True) self._impl.confirm_delivery(
nowait=False) self._flush_output(select_ok_result.is_ready) self._delivery_confirmation = True # Unroutable messages returned after this point will be in the context
# of publisher acknowledgments
self._impl.add_on_return_callback(self._on_puback_message_returned) def exchange_declare(self, exchange=None,
exchange_type='direct', passive=False, durable=False,
auto_delete=False, internal=False,
"""This method creates an exchange if it does not already exist, and if
the exchange exists, verifies that it is of the correct and expected
class. If passive set, the server will reply with Declare-Ok if the exchange
already exists with the same name, and raise an error if not and if the
exchange does not already exist, the server MUST raise a channel
exception with reply code 404 (not found). :param exchange: The exchange name consists of a non-empty sequence of
these characters: letters, digits, hyphen, underscore,
period, or colon.
:type exchange: str or unicode
:param str exchange_type: The exchange type to use
:param bool passive: Perform a declare or just check to see if it exists
:param bool durable: Survive a reboot of RabbitMQ
:param bool auto_delete: Remove when no more queues are bound to it
:param bool internal: Can only be published to by other exchanges
:param dict arguments: Custom key/value pair arguments for the exchange :returns: Method frame from the Exchange.Declare-ok response
:rtype: `pika.frame.Method` having `method` attribute of type
`spec.Exchange.DeclareOk` """
with _CallbackResult(
self._MethodFrameCallbackResultArgs) as declare_ok_result:
arguments=arguments) self._flush_output(declare_ok_result.is_ready)
return declare_ok_result.value.method_frame def exchange_delete(self, exchange=None, if_unused=False):
"""Delete the exchange. :param exchange: The exchange name
:type exchange: str or unicode
:param bool if_unused: only delete if the exchange is unused :returns: Method frame from the Exchange.Delete-ok response
:rtype: `pika.frame.Method` having `method` attribute of type
`spec.Exchange.DeleteOk` """
with _CallbackResult(
self._MethodFrameCallbackResultArgs) as delete_ok_result:
nowait=False) self._flush_output(delete_ok_result.is_ready)
return delete_ok_result.value.method_frame def exchange_bind(self, destination=None, source=None, routing_key='',
"""Bind an exchange to another exchange. :param destination: The destination exchange to bind
:type destination: str or unicode
:param source: The source exchange to bind to
:type source: str or unicode
:param routing_key: The routing key to bind on
:type routing_key: str or unicode
:param dict arguments: Custom key/value pair arguments for the binding :returns: Method frame from the Exchange.Bind-ok response
:rtype: `pika.frame.Method` having `method` attribute of type
`spec.Exchange.BindOk` """
with _CallbackResult(self._MethodFrameCallbackResultArgs) as \
arguments=arguments) self._flush_output(bind_ok_result.is_ready)
return bind_ok_result.value.method_frame def exchange_unbind(self, destination=None, source=None, routing_key='',
"""Unbind an exchange from another exchange. :param destination: The destination exchange to unbind
:type destination: str or unicode
:param source: The source exchange to unbind from
:type source: str or unicode
:param routing_key: The routing key to unbind
:type routing_key: str or unicode
:param dict arguments: Custom key/value pair arguments for the binding :returns: Method frame from the Exchange.Unbind-ok response
:rtype: `pika.frame.Method` having `method` attribute of type
`spec.Exchange.UnbindOk` """
with _CallbackResult(
self._MethodFrameCallbackResultArgs) as unbind_ok_result:
arguments=arguments) self._flush_output(unbind_ok_result.is_ready)
return unbind_ok_result.value.method_frame def queue_declare(self, queue='', passive=False, durable=False,
exclusive=False, auto_delete=False,
"""Declare queue, create if needed. This method creates or checks a
queue. When creating a new queue the client can specify various
properties that control the durability of the queue and its contents,
and the level of sharing for the queue. Leave the queue name empty for a auto-named queue in RabbitMQ :param queue: The queue name
:type queue: str or unicode; if empty string, the broker will create a
unique queue name;
:param bool passive: Only check to see if the queue exists and raise
`ChannelClosed` if it doesn't;
:param bool durable: Survive reboots of the broker
:param bool exclusive: Only allow access by the current connection
:param bool auto_delete: Delete after consumer cancels or disconnects
:param dict arguments: Custom key/value arguments for the queue :returns: Method frame from the Queue.Declare-ok response
:rtype: `pika.frame.Method` having `method` attribute of type
`spec.Queue.DeclareOk` """
with _CallbackResult(self._MethodFrameCallbackResultArgs) as \
arguments=arguments) self._flush_output(declare_ok_result.is_ready)
return declare_ok_result.value.method_frame def queue_delete(self, queue='', if_unused=False, if_empty=False):
"""Delete a queue from the broker. :param queue: The queue to delete
:type queue: str or unicode
:param bool if_unused: only delete if it's unused
:param bool if_empty: only delete if the queue is empty :returns: Method frame from the Queue.Delete-ok response
:rtype: `pika.frame.Method` having `method` attribute of type
`spec.Queue.DeleteOk` """
with _CallbackResult(self._MethodFrameCallbackResultArgs) as \
nowait=False) self._flush_output(delete_ok_result.is_ready)
return delete_ok_result.value.method_frame def queue_purge(self, queue=''):
"""Purge all of the messages from the specified queue :param queue: The queue to purge
:type queue: str or unicode :returns: Method frame from the Queue.Purge-ok response
:rtype: `pika.frame.Method` having `method` attribute of type
`spec.Queue.PurgeOk` """
with _CallbackResult(self._MethodFrameCallbackResultArgs) as \
nowait=False) self._flush_output(purge_ok_result.is_ready)
return purge_ok_result.value.method_frame def queue_bind(self, queue, exchange, routing_key=None,
"""Bind the queue to the specified exchange :param queue: The queue to bind to the exchange
:type queue: str or unicode
:param exchange: The source exchange to bind to
:type exchange: str or unicode
:param routing_key: The routing key to bind on
:type routing_key: str or unicode
:param dict arguments: Custom key/value pair arguments for the binding :returns: Method frame from the Queue.Bind-ok response
:rtype: `pika.frame.Method` having `method` attribute of type
`spec.Queue.BindOk` """
with _CallbackResult(
self._MethodFrameCallbackResultArgs) as bind_ok_result:
arguments=arguments) self._flush_output(bind_ok_result.is_ready)
return bind_ok_result.value.method_frame def queue_unbind(self, queue='', exchange=None, routing_key=None,
"""Unbind a queue from an exchange. :param queue: The queue to unbind from the exchange
:type queue: str or unicode
:param exchange: The source exchange to bind from
:type exchange: str or unicode
:param routing_key: The routing key to unbind
:type routing_key: str or unicode
:param dict arguments: Custom key/value pair arguments for the binding :returns: Method frame from the Queue.Unbind-ok response
:rtype: `pika.frame.Method` having `method` attribute of type
`spec.Queue.UnbindOk` """
with _CallbackResult(self._MethodFrameCallbackResultArgs) as \
return unbind_ok_result.value.method_frame def tx_select(self):
"""Select standard transaction mode. This method sets the channel to use
standard transactions. The client must use this method at least once on
a channel before using the Commit or Rollback methods. :returns: Method frame from the Tx.Select-ok response
:rtype: `pika.frame.Method` having `method` attribute of type
`spec.Tx.SelectOk` """
with _CallbackResult(self._MethodFrameCallbackResultArgs) as \
self._impl.tx_select(select_ok_result.set_value_once) self._flush_output(select_ok_result.is_ready)
return select_ok_result.value.method_frame def tx_commit(self):
"""Commit a transaction. :returns: Method frame from the Tx.Commit-ok response
:rtype: `pika.frame.Method` having `method` attribute of type
`spec.Tx.CommitOk` """
with _CallbackResult(self._MethodFrameCallbackResultArgs) as \
self._impl.tx_commit(commit_ok_result.set_value_once) self._flush_output(commit_ok_result.is_ready)
return commit_ok_result.value.method_frame def tx_rollback(self):
"""Rollback a transaction. :returns: Method frame from the Tx.Commit-ok response
:rtype: `pika.frame.Method` having `method` attribute of type
`spec.Tx.CommitOk` """
with _CallbackResult(self._MethodFrameCallbackResultArgs) as \
self._impl.tx_rollback(rollback_ok_result.set_value_once) self._flush_output(rollback_ok_result.is_ready)
return rollback_ok_result.value.method_frame          def main():
mq_user = pika.PlainCredentials(username=getConf("mq", "user"), password=getConf("mq", "password"))
conn = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(
getConf("mq", "host"),
int(getConf("mq", "port")),
chan = conn.channel() # 声明一个队列, durable=True表示持久化存储
chan.queue_declare(queue="testQ", durable=True) def callback(ch, method, properties , body):
# print("[x] Received %r" %body)
db_prefix = getConf("mysql", "db_prefix") # 表名前缀
subscriber_data_handle(body, db_prefix) time.sleep(0.1)
ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag) chan.basic_consume(
print("[*] Waiting for messages. To exit press Ctrl+C")
chan.start_consuming() 在队列声明环节
def queue_declare(self, queue='', passive=False, durable=False,
exclusive=False, auto_delete=False,
"""Declare queue, create if needed. This method creates or checks a
queue. When creating a new queue the client can specify various
properties that control the durability of the queue and its contents,
and the level of sharing for the queue. Leave the queue name empty for a auto-named queue in RabbitMQ :param queue: The queue name
:type queue: str or unicode; if empty string, the broker will create a
unique queue name;
:param bool passive: Only check to see if the queue exists and raise
`ChannelClosed` if it doesn't;
:param bool durable: Survive reboots of the broker
:param bool exclusive: Only allow access by the current connection
:param bool auto_delete: Delete after consumer cancels or disconnects
:param dict arguments: Custom key/value arguments for the queue :returns: Method frame from the Queue.Declare-ok response
:rtype: `pika.frame.Method` having `method` attribute of type
""" “尽管Elasticsearch是一个无模式的搜索引擎,可以即时算出数据结构,但我们认为由自己控制定义并结构是更好的办法!”

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    最近公司某个行情推送的rabbitmq服务器由于客户端异常导致rabbitmq队列中消息快速堆积,还曾导致过内存积压导致rabbitmq客户端被block的情况.考虑到行情信息从业务上来说可以丢失部分 ...

  8. RabbitMQ服务端配置详解

    RabbitMQ支持三种配置方式: 1) 读取环境变量中配置, 这包括shell中环境变量和rabbitmq-env.conf/rabbitmq-env-conf.bat文件中配置的环境变量 可配置如 ...

  9. RabbitMQ服务主机名更改导致消息队列无法连接

    RabbitMQ服务主机名更改导致消息队列无法连接 在多节点环境中,RabbitMQ服务使用一个独立节点部署.在此环境下,如果修改了RabbitMQ节点的主机名,则需要更新RabbitMQ用户才能保证 ...


  1. Asp.Net WebApi服务端解决跨域方案

    1.特性方式 主要是继承ActionFilterAttribute,重写OnActionExecuted方法,在action执行后,给响应头加上一个键值对. using System.Web.Http ...

  2. node.js零基础详细教程(1):安装+基础概念

    第一章 建议学习时间2小时  课程共10章 学习方式:详细阅读,并手动实现相关代码 学习目标:此教程将教会大家 安装Node.搭建服务器.express.mysql.mongodb.编写后台业务逻辑. ...

  3. [JavaSecurity] - AES Encryption

    1. AES Algorithm The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), also as known as Rijndael (its original nam ...

  4. Atitit .c#的未来新特性计划草案

    Atitit .c#的未来新特性计划草案 1. C#的未来:追踪空引用1 1.1. 2. 变量命名空间1 1.2. 10. 项目引用Native dll2 1.3. 10. 项目引用Native dl ...

  5. 分享我们必须知道的高速GTX技术

    eSATA接口只有几根线为什么那么快?连上网线显示的1Gbps是不是很令人兴奋!没错他们都用了高速GTX技术,GTX全称为Gigabit Transceiver,是为了满足现代数字处理技术和计算技术庞 ...

  6. 解决js下跳转无referer的方法

    HTTP Header referer这玩意主要是告诉人们我是从哪儿来的,就是告诉人家我是从哪个页面过来的,可以用于统计访问本网站的用户来源,也可以用来防盗链.获取这个东西最好的方式是js,如果在服务 ...

  7. Step By Step(Lua调用C函数)

    原文: http://www.cnblogs.com/stephen-liu74/archive/2012/07/23/2469902.html Lua可以调用C函数的能力将极大的提高Lua的可扩展性 ...

  8. java & c sharp 的关联

    第一.java是真正的与平台无关,c sharp不是,他只是口头上的与平台无关,最后,却要靠别人来实现非微软平台的类库. 第二.java中的类名.class 和c#的 typeof(类名)或者getT ...

  9. spring 第一篇(1-3):鸟瞰spring蓝图

    如你所见,spring框架的核心是关注于如何使用DI.AOP和模板来让企业级java开发变得更简单.spring确实也是这样做的,所以很值得你去使用它.不过spring内容可能比你所能看到的要多很多. ...

  10. 几种垃圾回收GC概述

    垃圾回收机制 引用计数回收器(Reference Counting Collector) 原理是在每个对象内部维护一个整数值,叫做这个对象的引用计数,当对象被引用时引用计数加一,当对象不被引用时引用计 ...