
checkpoint是Flink Fault Tolerance机制的重要构成部分,flink checkpoint的核心类名为org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointCoordinator。



    private final class ScheduledTrigger implements Runnable {

public void run() {
try {
triggerCheckpoint(System.currentTimeMillis(), true);
catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception while triggering checkpoint.", e);


1 环境前置检查

    // Sanity check
if (props.externalizeCheckpoint() && targetDirectory == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No target directory specified to persist checkpoint to.");
} // make some eager pre-checks
synchronized (lock) {
// abort if the coordinator has been shutdown in the meantime
if (shutdown) {
return new CheckpointTriggerResult(CheckpointDeclineReason.COORDINATOR_SHUTDOWN);
} // Don't allow periodic checkpoint if scheduling has been disabled
if (isPeriodic && !periodicScheduling) {
return new CheckpointTriggerResult(CheckpointDeclineReason.PERIODIC_SCHEDULER_SHUTDOWN);
} // validate whether the checkpoint can be triggered, with respect to the limit of
// concurrent checkpoints, and the minimum time between checkpoints.
// these checks are not relevant for savepoints
if (!props.forceCheckpoint()) {
// sanity check: there should never be more than one trigger request queued
if (triggerRequestQueued) {
LOG.warn("Trying to trigger another checkpoint while one was queued already");
return new CheckpointTriggerResult(CheckpointDeclineReason.ALREADY_QUEUED);
} // if too many checkpoints are currently in progress, we need to mark that a request is queued
if (pendingCheckpoints.size() >= maxConcurrentCheckpointAttempts) {
triggerRequestQueued = true;
if (currentPeriodicTrigger != null) {
currentPeriodicTrigger = null;
return new CheckpointTriggerResult(CheckpointDeclineReason.TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_CHECKPOINTS);
} // make sure the minimum interval between checkpoints has passed
final long earliestNext = lastCheckpointCompletionNanos + minPauseBetweenCheckpointsNanos;
final long durationTillNextMillis = (earliestNext - System.nanoTime()) / 1_000_000; if (durationTillNextMillis > 0) {
if (currentPeriodicTrigger != null) {
currentPeriodicTrigger = null;
// Reassign the new trigger to the currentPeriodicTrigger
currentPeriodicTrigger = timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(
new ScheduledTrigger(),
durationTillNextMillis, baseInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return new CheckpointTriggerResult(CheckpointDeclineReason.MINIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINTS);
} // check if all tasks that we need to trigger are running.
// if not, abort the checkpoint
Execution[] executions = new Execution[tasksToTrigger.length];
for (int i = 0; i < tasksToTrigger.length; i++) {
Execution ee = tasksToTrigger[i].getCurrentExecutionAttempt();
if (ee != null && ee.getState() == ExecutionState.RUNNING) {
executions[i] = ee;
} else {
LOG.info("Checkpoint triggering task {} is not being executed at the moment. Aborting checkpoint.",
return new CheckpointTriggerResult(CheckpointDeclineReason.NOT_ALL_REQUIRED_TASKS_RUNNING);
} // next, check if all tasks that need to acknowledge the checkpoint are running.
// if not, abort the checkpoint
Map<ExecutionAttemptID, ExecutionVertex> ackTasks = new HashMap<>(tasksToWaitFor.length); for (ExecutionVertex ev : tasksToWaitFor) {
Execution ee = ev.getCurrentExecutionAttempt();
if (ee != null) {
ackTasks.put(ee.getAttemptId(), ev);
} else {
LOG.info("Checkpoint acknowledging task {} is not being executed at the moment. Aborting checkpoint.",
return new CheckpointTriggerResult(CheckpointDeclineReason.NOT_ALL_REQUIRED_TASKS_RUNNING);


2 生成pendingcheckpoint

        final long checkpointID;
try {
// this must happen outside the coordinator-wide lock, because it communicates
// with external services (in HA mode) and may block for a while.
checkpointID = checkpointIdCounter.getAndIncrement();
catch (Throwable t) {
int numUnsuccessful = numUnsuccessfulCheckpointsTriggers.incrementAndGet();
LOG.warn("Failed to trigger checkpoint (" + numUnsuccessful + " consecutive failed attempts so far)", t);
return new CheckpointTriggerResult(CheckpointDeclineReason.EXCEPTION);
} final PendingCheckpoint checkpoint = new PendingCheckpoint(
executor); if (statsTracker != null) {
PendingCheckpointStats callback = statsTracker.reportPendingCheckpoint(
props); checkpoint.setStatsCallback(callback);
} // schedule the timer that will clean up the expired checkpoints
final Runnable canceller = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
synchronized (lock) {
// only do the work if the checkpoint is not discarded anyways
// note that checkpoint completion discards the pending checkpoint object
if (!checkpoint.isDiscarded()) {
LOG.info("Checkpoint " + checkpointID + " expired before completing."); checkpoint.abortExpired();
rememberRecentCheckpointId(checkpointID); triggerQueuedRequests();


    // re-acquire the coordinator-wide lock
synchronized (lock) {
// since we released the lock in the meantime, we need to re-check
// that the conditions still hold.
if (shutdown) {
return new CheckpointTriggerResult(CheckpointDeclineReason.COORDINATOR_SHUTDOWN);
else if (!props.forceCheckpoint()) {
if (triggerRequestQueued) {
LOG.warn("Trying to trigger another checkpoint while one was queued already");
return new CheckpointTriggerResult(CheckpointDeclineReason.ALREADY_QUEUED);
} if (pendingCheckpoints.size() >= maxConcurrentCheckpointAttempts) {
triggerRequestQueued = true;
if (currentPeriodicTrigger != null) {
currentPeriodicTrigger = null;
return new CheckpointTriggerResult(CheckpointDeclineReason.TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_CHECKPOINTS);
} // make sure the minimum interval between checkpoints has passed
final long earliestNext = lastCheckpointCompletionNanos + minPauseBetweenCheckpointsNanos;
final long durationTillNextMillis = (earliestNext - System.nanoTime()) / 1_000_000; if (durationTillNextMillis > 0) {
if (currentPeriodicTrigger != null) {
currentPeriodicTrigger = null;
} // Reassign the new trigger to the currentPeriodicTrigger
currentPeriodicTrigger = timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(
new ScheduledTrigger(),
durationTillNextMillis, baseInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return new CheckpointTriggerResult(CheckpointDeclineReason.MINIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINTS);
} LOG.info("Triggering checkpoint " + checkpointID + " @ " + timestamp); pendingCheckpoints.put(checkpointID, checkpoint); ScheduledFuture<?> cancellerHandle = timer.schedule(
checkpointTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (!checkpoint.setCancellerHandle(cancellerHandle)) {
// checkpoint is already disposed!


3 启动checkpoint执行


                CheckpointOptions checkpointOptions;
if (!props.isSavepoint()) {
checkpointOptions = CheckpointOptions.forCheckpoint();
} else {
checkpointOptions = CheckpointOptions.forSavepoint(targetDirectory);
} // send the messages to the tasks that trigger their checkpoint
for (Execution execution: executions) {
execution.triggerCheckpoint(checkpointID, timestamp, checkpointOptions);
} numUnsuccessfulCheckpointsTriggers.set(0);
return new CheckpointTriggerResult(checkpoint);
    public void triggerCheckpoint(long checkpointId, long timestamp, CheckpointOptions checkpointOptions) {
final SimpleSlot slot = assignedResource; if (slot != null) {
final TaskManagerGateway taskManagerGateway = slot.getTaskManagerGateway(); taskManagerGateway.triggerCheckpoint(attemptId, getVertex().getJobId(), checkpointId, timestamp, checkpointOptions);
} else {
LOG.debug("The execution has no slot assigned. This indicates that the execution is " +
"no longer running.");
public void triggerCheckpoint(
ExecutionAttemptID executionAttemptID,
JobID jobId,
long checkpointId,
long timestamp,
CheckpointOptions checkpointOptions) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(executionAttemptID);
Preconditions.checkNotNull(jobId); actorGateway.tell(new TriggerCheckpoint(jobId, executionAttemptID, checkpointId, timestamp, checkpointOptions));

其中,for (Execution execution: executions) 这里面的executions里面是所有的输入节点,也就是flink source节点,所以checkpoint这些barrier 时间首先从jobmanager发送给了所有的source task

JobCheckpointingSettings settings = new JobCheckpointingSettings(
new CheckpointCoordinatorConfiguration(
serializedHooks); jobGraph for (JobVertex vertex : jobVertices.values()) {
if (vertex.isInputVertex()) {

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