linux systemctl service examples
1、python 在 文本处理中有着广泛的应用,为了满足文本数据的获取,会每天运行一些爬虫抓取数据。但是网上买的服务器会不定时进行维护,服务器会被重启。这样我们的爬虫服务就无法运行。这个时候我们可以把python脚本服务化,服务器重启后,脚本就会自动运行。解决服务器维护后需要手动运行python脚本。
- #!/usr/bin/python
3、启动shell 脚本 编写
- #vim /etc/init.d/httpd
- #!bin/bash
- lock=""
- #启动服务方法
- start(){
- echo "service start...."
- su root -c "python /root/python/py_stock/src/crawler/ &"
- }
- #停止服务方法
- stop(){ echo "service stop...." pkill -f $lock}
- #查看服务状态
- status(){
- if [ -e $lock ];then
- echo "$0 service start"
- else
- echo "$0 service stop"
- fi
- }
- #重新启动
- restart(){
- stop
- start
- }
- case "$1" in
- "start")
- start
- ;;
- "stop")
- stop
- ;;
- "status")
- status
- ;;
- "restart")
- restart
- ;;
- *)
- echo "$0 start|stop|status|restart"
- ;;
- esac
3、复制脚本到/etc/init.d/目录下:cp /etc/init.d/
4、给shell脚本赋予执行权限 :chmod +x /etc/init.d/
5、添加服务:chkconfig --add
6、设置服务为开机启动:chkconfig --level 35 on
当我运行shell 脚本启动python脚本时,提示我一下错误
- syntax error near unexpected token `$'{\r''
这是因为window 下换行是\r\n,linux 下换行是\n。我在window下编写的shell 脚本拷贝到linux上。shell命令解读时会先解读/r,在解读后面的脚本导致报错。而且这个\r 在Linux上是看不到的。
- sed 's/\r//' 原文件 >转换后文件
- #!/bin/bash
- # Starts the abrt daemon
- #
- # chkconfig: 35 82 16
- # description: Daemon to detect crashing apps
- # processname: abrtd
- # Provides: abrt
- # Required-Start: $syslog $local_fs
- # Required-Stop: $syslog $local_fs
- # Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
- # Default-Start: 3 5
- # Short-Description: start and stop abrt daemon
- # Description: Listen to and dispatch crash events
- # Source function library.
- . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
- ABRT_BIN="/usr/sbin/abrtd"
- LOCK="/var/lock/subsys/abrtd"
- OLD_LOCK="/var/lock/subsys/abrt"
- #
- # Set these variables if you are behind proxy
- #
- #export http_proxy=
- #export https_proxy=
- #
- # See how we were called.
- #
- check() {
- # Check that we're a privileged user
- [ "`id -u`" = 0 ] || exit 4
- # Check if abrt is executable
- test -x $ABRT_BIN || exit 5
- }
- start() {
- check
- # Check if it is already running
- if [ ! -f $LOCK ] && [ ! -f $OLD_LOCK ]; then
- echo -n $"Starting abrt daemon: "
- daemon $ABRT_BIN
- [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch $LOCK
- echo
- fi
- return $RETVAL
- }
- stop() {
- check
- echo -n $"Stopping abrt daemon: "
- killproc $ABRT_BIN
- [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f $LOCK
- [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f $OLD_LOCK
- echo
- return $RETVAL
- }
- restart() {
- stop
- start
- }
- reload() {
- restart
- }
- case "$1" in
- start)
- start
- ;;
- stop)
- stop
- ;;
- reload)
- reload
- ;;
- force-reload)
- echo "$0: Unimplemented feature."
- ;;
- restart)
- restart
- ;;
- condrestart)
- if [ -f $LOCK ]; then
- restart
- fi
- # update from older version
- if [ -f $OLD_LOCK ]; then
- restart
- fi
- ;;
- status)
- status abrtd
- ;;
- *)
- echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart|reload|force-reload}"
- esac
- exit $RETVAL
- [root@docker-server ~]# cd /etc/init.d/
- [root@docker-server init.d]# ll
- total 32
- -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 15301 Aug 30 2016 functions
- -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 2989 Aug 30 2016 netconsole
- -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 6834 Aug 30 2016 network
- -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1160 Oct 12 2016 README
- [root@docker-server init.d]# cvat README
- -bash: cvat: command not found
- [root@docker-server init.d]# cat README
- You are looking for the traditional init scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d,
- and they are gone?
- Here's an explanation on what's going on:
- You are running a systemd-based OS where traditional init scripts have
- been replaced by native systemd services files. Service files provide
- very similar functionality to init scripts. To make use of service
- files simply invoke "systemctl", which will output a list of all
- currently running services (and other units). Use "systemctl
- list-unit-files" to get a listing of all known unit files, including
- stopped, disabled and masked ones. Use "systemctl start
- foobar.service" and "systemctl stop foobar.service" to start or stop a
- service, respectively. For further details, please refer to
- systemctl(1).
- Note that traditional init scripts continue to function on a systemd
- system. An init script /etc/rc.d/init.d/foobar is implicitly mapped
- into a service unit foobar.service during system initialization.
- Thank you!
- Further reading:
- man:systemctl(1)
- man:systemd(1)
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