
1、python 在 文本处理中有着广泛的应用,为了满足文本数据的获取,会每天运行一些爬虫抓取数据。但是网上买的服务器会不定时进行维护,服务器会被重启。这样我们的爬虫服务就无法运行。这个时候我们可以把python脚本服务化,服务器重启后,脚本就会自动运行。解决服务器维护后需要手动运行python脚本。



  1. #!/usr/bin/python

3、启动shell 脚本 编写

vi  pystock.sh

  1. #vim /etc/init.d/httpd
  2. #!bin/bash
  3. lock="py_stock.py"
  5. #启动服务方法
  6. start(){
  7. echo "service start...."
  8. su root -c "python /root/python/py_stock/src/crawler/py_stock.py &"
  9. }
  11. #停止服务方法
  12. stop(){ echo "service stop...." pkill -f $lock}
  14. #查看服务状态
  15. status(){
  16. if [ -e $lock ];then
  17. echo "$0 service start"
  18. else
  19. echo "$0 service stop"
  20. fi
  21. }
  23. #重新启动
  24. restart(){
  25. stop
  26. start
  27. }
  28. case "$1" in
  29. "start")
  30. start
  31. ;;
  32. "stop")
  33. stop
  34. ;;
  35. "status")
  36. status
  37. ;;
  38. "restart")
  39. restart
  40. ;;
  41. *)
  42. echo "$0 start|stop|status|restart"
  43. ;;
  44. esac

3、复制脚本到/etc/init.d/目录下:cp pystock.sh /etc/init.d/

4、给shell脚本赋予执行权限 :chmod +x /etc/init.d/pystock.sh

5、添加服务:chkconfig --add pystock.sh

6、设置服务为开机启动:chkconfig --level 35 pystock.sh on


当我运行shell 脚本启动python脚本时,提示我一下错误

  1. syntax error near unexpected token `$'{\r''

这是因为window 下换行是\r\n,linux 下换行是\n。我在window下编写的shell 脚本拷贝到linux上。shell命令解读时会先解读/r,在解读后面的脚本导致报错。而且这个\r 在Linux上是看不到的。


  1. sed 's/\r//' 原文件 >转换后文件


  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Starts the abrt daemon
  3. #
  4. # chkconfig: 35 82 16
  5. # description: Daemon to detect crashing apps
  6. # processname: abrtd
  8. # Provides: abrt
  9. # Required-Start: $syslog $local_fs
  10. # Required-Stop: $syslog $local_fs
  11. # Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
  12. # Default-Start: 3 5
  13. # Short-Description: start and stop abrt daemon
  14. # Description: Listen to and dispatch crash events
  15. ### END INIT INFO
  17. # Source function library.
  18. . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
  19. ABRT_BIN="/usr/sbin/abrtd"
  20. LOCK="/var/lock/subsys/abrtd"
  21. OLD_LOCK="/var/lock/subsys/abrt"
  22. RETVAL=0
  24. #
  25. # Set these variables if you are behind proxy
  26. #
  27. #export http_proxy=
  28. #export https_proxy=
  30. #
  31. # See how we were called.
  32. #
  34. check() {
  35. # Check that we're a privileged user
  36. [ "`id -u`" = 0 ] || exit 4
  38. # Check if abrt is executable
  39. test -x $ABRT_BIN || exit 5
  40. }
  42. start() {
  44. check
  46. # Check if it is already running
  47. if [ ! -f $LOCK ] && [ ! -f $OLD_LOCK ]; then
  48. echo -n $"Starting abrt daemon: "
  49. daemon $ABRT_BIN
  50. RETVAL=$?
  51. [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch $LOCK
  52. echo
  53. fi
  54. return $RETVAL
  55. }
  57. stop() {
  59. check
  61. echo -n $"Stopping abrt daemon: "
  62. killproc $ABRT_BIN
  63. RETVAL=$?
  64. [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f $LOCK
  65. [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f $OLD_LOCK
  66. echo
  67. return $RETVAL
  68. }
  70. restart() {
  71. stop
  72. start
  73. }
  75. reload() {
  76. restart
  77. }
  79. case "$1" in
  80. start)
  81. start
  82. ;;
  83. stop)
  84. stop
  85. ;;
  86. reload)
  87. reload
  88. ;;
  89. force-reload)
  90. echo "$0: Unimplemented feature."
  91. RETVAL=3
  92. ;;
  93. restart)
  94. restart
  95. ;;
  96. condrestart)
  97. if [ -f $LOCK ]; then
  98. restart
  99. fi
  100. # update from older version
  101. if [ -f $OLD_LOCK ]; then
  102. restart
  103. fi
  104. ;;
  105. status)
  106. status abrtd
  107. RETVAL=$?
  108. ;;
  109. *)
  110. echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart|reload|force-reload}"
  111. RETVAL=2
  112. esac
  114. exit $RETVAL


  1. [root@docker-server ~]# cd /etc/init.d/
  2. [root@docker-server init.d]# ll
  3. total 32
  4. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 15301 Aug 30 2016 functions
  5. -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 2989 Aug 30 2016 netconsole
  6. -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 6834 Aug 30 2016 network
  7. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1160 Oct 12 2016 README
  8. [root@docker-server init.d]# cvat README
  9. -bash: cvat: command not found
  10. [root@docker-server init.d]# cat README
  11. You are looking for the traditional init scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d,
  12. and they are gone?
  14. Here's an explanation on what's going on:
  16. You are running a systemd-based OS where traditional init scripts have
  17. been replaced by native systemd services files. Service files provide
  18. very similar functionality to init scripts. To make use of service
  19. files simply invoke "systemctl", which will output a list of all
  20. currently running services (and other units). Use "systemctl
  21. list-unit-files" to get a listing of all known unit files, including
  22. stopped, disabled and masked ones. Use "systemctl start
  23. foobar.service" and "systemctl stop foobar.service" to start or stop a
  24. service, respectively. For further details, please refer to
  25. systemctl(1).
  27. Note that traditional init scripts continue to function on a systemd
  28. system. An init script /etc/rc.d/init.d/foobar is implicitly mapped
  29. into a service unit foobar.service during system initialization.
  31. Thank you!
  33. Further reading:
  34. man:systemctl(1)
  35. man:systemd(1)
  36. http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemd-for-admins-3.html
  37. http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/Incompatibilities



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