
Given a string s,find the longest palindromic substring in S.You may assume  that the maximum length of S is 1000,and there exist one unique longest palindromic substring.




strng LongestPalidrome(string s){
int i,j,max,c;
max=; string ret; for(i=;i<s.size();i++){
for(j=;(i-j>=) && (i+j<n);j++){ //假设只是奇数形式的字符串
break; c=j*+;
} if(c>max) {
} for(j=;(i-j>=) && (i+j+<n);j++){ //假设这是偶数形式的字符串
break; c=j*+;
} if(c>max) {
} return ret;



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