






  1. <div>
  2. <div style="padding-left:100px; padding-bottom:12px; float:left">
  3. <div id="accordionContainer" style="width:300px;height:600px">
  4. <div title="静态html" closable="true">
  5. <p>项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1项目1</p>
  6. <div id="text">
  7. <h3>无题</h3>
  8. <p>月落湖面两清影,</p>
  9. <p>岸柳丝丝弄轻盈。</p>
  10. <p>此番凉意写不出,</p>
  11. <p>难画秋月一片晴。</p>
  12. </div>
  13. </div>
  14. <div title="iframe加载" isiframe="true" url="/innerpage.html" iconcls="icon-edit" closable="false">
  15. 111
  16. </div>
  17. <div title="远程HTML加载" datatype="html" url="/content.html" iconcls="icon-save" closable="true">
  18. 32333
  19. </div>
  20. </div>
  21. </div>
  22. </div>
  23. <script type="text/javascript">
  24. var accordion;
  25. $(function () {
  26. accordion = $("#accordionContainer").accordion({
  27. items: [{
  28. title: '远程加载JSON数据',
  29. closable: false,
  30. iconcls: 'icon-print',
  31. actived: true,// 激活状态
  32. url: 'testServer/jsonQuestTest.ashx?flag=tree',//如果不配置采用公用 $.fn.tabs.defaults里的配置
  33. dataType: 'json'// //如果不配置采用公用 $.fn.tabs.defaults里的配置
  34. },{
  35. title: '文本测试',
  36. closable: false,
  37. iconcls: 'icon-back',
  38. actived: false,// 激活状态
  39. content: '<a>我是测试内容.....................</a>'// 可以是文本,可以是$("#id")对象
  40. }],
  41. onLoadSuccess: function (title, context) {
  42. console.log(title + "加载完成");
  43. if (title == "远程加载JSON数据") {
  44. $("<ul id='tree'></ul>").appendTo(context.target).tree({
  45. onClick: function (data) {
  46. console.log(JSON.stringify(data));
  47. alert("click");
  48. },
  49. animate: true,
  50. isPlain: false,
  51. checkbox: true,
  52. textField: 'text1',
  53. idField: 'id1',
  54. data: context.data,
  55. lazy: true,
  56. url: 'testServer/jsonQuestTest.ashx?flag=tree',
  57. onLoadSuccess: function (data) {
  58. console.log("服务器数据返回:" + JSON.stringify(data));
  59. }
  60. });
  61. }
  62. },
  63. activedHandler: function (tilte,context) {
  64. console.log("actived=" + tilte);
  65. },
  66. closedHandler: function (title) {
  67. console.log("closed=" + title);
  68. }
  69. });
  70. });
  71. function addaccordion() {
  72. accordion.accordion("addAccordion", {
  73. title: '动态添加tab',
  74. closable: true,
  75. iconcls: 'icon-back',
  76. actived: false,// 激活状态
  77. url: 'testServer/jsonQuestTest.ashx',//如果不配置采用公用 $.fn.tabs.defaults里的配置
  78. dataType: 'json',// //如果不配置采用公用 $.fn.tabs.defaults里的配置
  79. onLoadSuccess: function (title, context) {
  80. context.target.html(title+"loadsucc;我自己注册的事件 "+JSON.stringify(context.data));
  81. }
  82. });
  83. }
  84. function getAccordion() {
  85. var res = accordion.accordion("getActived");
  86. alert(res.titleObj.attr("title"));
  87. }
  88. </script>


  1. /**************************************************************
  2. *作者:hjwen
  3. *电邮:hjwen88@126.com
  4. *版本:1.0
  5. *版权许可:中国通用开源许可协议V1.0
  6. *说明:myui组件accordion组件
  7. ***************************************************************/
  8. (function ($) {
  9. /******
  10. *渲染目标:renderHtml为构建html结构的函数,init初始化会调用
  11. *******/
  12. var itemTitleContainer, itemContentContainer, itemCount;
  13. var contentHeight = 0;
  14. function renderHtml(target) {
  15. createAccordions(target);
  16. };
  17. /**********私有方法开始********************/
  18. function createAccordions(target) {
  19. var opts = target.data("settings");
  20. var items = opts.items;
  21. $.each(items, function (i, item) {
  22. if (item.exist == null) {
  23. item.exist = $("<div></div>").appendTo(target);
  24. }
  25. createAccordion(item, i);
  26. });
  27. itemContentContainer.animate({ height: contentHeight + "px" },300);
  28. itemTitleContainer.css("border-bottom", "1px solid #99BBE8");
  29. }
  30. function createAccordion(item, index) {
  31. var onePanel = item.exist;
  32. if (onePanel != null) {
  33. var panelOpt = {
  34. title: item.title,
  35. iconCls: item.iconcls,
  36. collapseable: false, //可收缩
  37. closeable: item.closable,
  38. expandable: false,//可展开
  39. maximizable: false//可最大化
  40. };
  41. if (typeof item.url != 'undefined' && item.url != '' && item.url != null) {
  42. panelOpt.remoteRequest = {
  43. dataType: item.dataType,
  44. url: item.url,
  45. load: function () { },
  46. loaded: function (result) {
  47. if (typeof item.onLoadSuccess == 'function')
  48. item.onLoadSuccess(item.title, { data: result, target: item.exist });
  49. }
  50. };
  51. }
  52. if (item.closable) {
  53. panelOpt.onClosed=function (txt) {
  54. contentHeight = contentHeight + 30;
  55. itemCount--;
  56. itemContentContainer.height(contentHeight + "px");
  57. if (typeof item.closedHandler == 'function') {
  58. item.closedHandler(txt);
  59. }
  60. }
  61. }
  62. var panel = onePanel.panel(panelOpt);
  63. var tmpObj = panel.panel("getPanelObjs");
  64. tmpObj.contentObj.css({ "height": "0" }).parent("div").css("height", "auto");
  65. if (item.content != null) {
  66. if (typeof item.content == 'object') {
  67. item.content.appendTo(tmpObj.contentObj);
  68. } else {
  69. tmpObj.contentObj.html(item.content);
  70. }
  71. }
  72. if (index < itemCount - 1) {
  73. tmpObj.contentObj.css("border-bottom", "none");
  74. }
  75. tmpObj.titleObj.css({ "background": "#E0ECFF", "border-bottom": "none" }).attr("title",item.title).attr("for",index).bind({
  76. click: function () {
  77. itemContentContainer.animate({ height: 0 }, 300);
  78. itemTitleContainer.css("border-bottom", "none");
  79. itemTitleContainer = $(this).css("border-bottom", "1px solid #99BBE8");
  80. itemContentContainer = $(this).next().animate({ height: contentHeight + "px" }, 300);
  81. if (typeof item.activedHandler == 'function') {
  82. item.activedHandler(itemTitleContainer.children(".panel-tilte").children("h2").text(), itemContentContainer);
  83. }
  84. },
  85. mouseenter: function () {
  86. $(this).css({
  87. 'cursor': 'pointer',
  88. 'background': '#E8F0FC'
  89. });
  90. },
  91. mouseleave: function () {
  92. $(this).css({
  93. "background": "#E0ECFF"
  94. });
  95. }
  96. });
  97. if (index == 0) {
  98. itemTitleContainer = tmpObj.titleObj;
  99. itemContentContainer = tmpObj.contentObj;
  100. }
  101. if (item.actived) {
  102. itemTitleContainer = tmpObj.titleObj;
  103. itemContentContainer = tmpObj.contentObj;
  104. }
  105. }
  106. };
  107. /**********私有方法结束*******************/
  108. /*****************************************************************************
  109. *对外的函数统一封装到methods中
  110. *调用方式:$.pluginInstance.pluginName("methodName",params)
  111. ******************************************************************************/
  112. var methods = {
  113. init: function (options) {
  114. var $this = $(this);
  115. var settings
  116. if (typeof options == 'undefined')
  117. settings = $.fn.accordion.defaults;
  118. else
  119. settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.accordion.defaults, options);
  120. var newItemArr = [];
  121. var existItems = $this.children("div");//已经存在的item项
  122. if (existItems.length > 0) {
  123. $.each(existItems, function (i, it) {
  124. var $it = $(it);
  125. var opt = {
  126. title: $it.attr("title"),
  127. content: $it.attr("content") == undefined ? null : $("#" + $it.attr("content")),
  128. closable: $it.attr("closable") == "true" ? true : false,
  129. iconcls: $it.attr("iconcls") == undefined ? "" : $it.attr("iconcls"),
  130. actived: $it.attr("actived") == "true" ? true : false,// 激活状态
  131. isiframe: $it.attr("isiframe") == "true" ? true : false,//如果不配置采用公用 $.fn.accordion.defaults里的配置
  132. url: $it.attr("url") == undefined ? "" : $it.attr("url"),//如果不配置采用公用 $.fn.accordion.defaults里的配置
  133. dataType: $it.attr("dataType") == undefined ? "json" : $it.attr("dataType"), //如果不配置采用公用 $.fn.accordion.defaults里的配置
  134. exist: $it, //
  135. onLoadSuccess: settings.onLoadSuccess,//fn(title,resdata)
  136. activedHandler: settings.activedHandler,//fn(title,context)
  137. closedHandler: settings.closedHandler //fn(title) tab被关闭时触发
  138. };
  139. if (opt.isiframe)
  140. opt.dataType = 'iframe';
  141. newItemArr.push(opt);
  142. });
  143. }
  144. //合并每一个accordion项的默认设置
  145. $.each(settings.items, function (i, item) {
  146. var newIt = $.extend({}, $.fn.accordion.itemdefaults, item);
  147. newIt.exist = null;
  148. if (typeof newIt.onLoadSuccess != 'function')
  149. newIt.onLoadSuccess = settings.onLoadSuccess;//fn(title,resdata)
  150. if (typeof newIt.activedHandler != 'function')
  151. newIt.activedHandler = settings.activedHandler;//fn(title,context)
  152. if (typeof newIt.closedHandler != 'function')
  153. newIt.closedHandler = settings.closedHandler; //fn(title) tab被关闭时触发
  154. newItemArr.push(newIt);
  155. });
  156. settings.items = newItemArr;
  157. itemCount = settings.items.length;
  158. //设置每一项的高度
  159. contentHeight = $this.height() - 30 * newItemArr.length;
  160. //创建ui布局
  161. $this.data('settings', settings);
  162. renderHtml($this);
  163. if ($.myui.isDebug) {
  164. $.myui.log("jQuery.accordion init finish......");
  165. }
  166. return $this;
  167. },
  168. destroy: function (options) {
  169. var $this = $(this);
  170. $this.removeData('settings');
  171. return $this.remove();
  172. },
  173. /***
  174. *opt={
  175. title: 'Accordion标题',
  176. closable: false,
  177. iconcls: '',
  178. actived: false,// 激活状态
  179. isiframe: false,//如果不配置采用公用 $.fn.accordion.defaults里的配置
  180. url: '',//如果不配置采用公用 $.fn.accordion.defaults里的配置
  181. content: '',//内容默认为空,如果该属性有值,则优先默认采用这个,即使设置url也不会去远程加载数据,content可以是html对象,也可以是文本
  182. dataType: 'json'// //如果不配置采用公用 $.fn.accordion.defaults里的配置
  183. }
  184. ***/
  185. addAccordion: function (opts) {
  186. var newOpt = $.extend({}, $.fn.accordion.itemdefaults, opts);
  187. newOpt.actived = true;
  188. var $this = $(this);
  189. //修改最后一个的border-bottom", "none"
  190. $this.children().last().children(".panel-body").css("border-bottom", "none");
  191. newOpt.exist = $("<div></div>").appendTo($this);
  192. contentHeight = contentHeight - 30;
  193. if (itemContentContainer!=null)
  194. itemContentContainer.animate({ height: 0 }, 300).css("border-bottom", "none");
  195. if (itemTitleContainer!=null)
  196. itemTitleContainer.css("border-bottom", "none");
  197. createAccordion(newOpt, itemCount + 1);
  198. itemContentContainer.animate({ height: contentHeight + "px" },300);
  199. itemTitleContainer.css("border-bottom", "1px solid #99BBE8");
  200. return $this;
  201. },
  202. getActived: function () {
  203. return { titleObj: itemTitleContainer, contentObj: itemContentContainer };
  204. }
  205. };
  206. /********************
  207. *组件的构造函数
  208. *********************/
  209. $.fn.accordion = function () {
  210. var method = arguments[0];
  211. if (methods[method]) {
  212. method = methods[method];
  213. arguments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
  214. } else if (typeof (method) == 'object' || !method) {
  215. if ($.myui.isDebug) {
  216. $.myui.log("jQuery.accordion init.....");
  217. }
  218. method = methods.init;
  219. } else {
  220. $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.accordion');
  221. return this;
  222. }
  223. return method.apply(this, arguments);
  224. };
  225. /********************
  226. *组件的默认配置值
  227. *options={
  228. items: [], //accordion项配置,对应$.fn.accordion.itemdefaults
  229. isiframe: false,// 是否嵌入iframe,嵌入iframe 需要与url配合使用,即采用url加载远程页面时【dataType=html】才起作用
  230. url: '',
  231. dataType: 'json',// json/html 远程加载时的数据格式
  232. onLoadSuccess: null,//fn(title,resdata)
  233. activedHandler: null,//fn(title,context)
  234. closedHandler: null //fn(title) accordion被关闭时触发
  235. }
  236. *********************/
  237. $.fn.accordion.defaults = {
  238. items: [], //accordion项配置,对应$.fn.accordion.itemdefaults
  239. isiframe: false,// 是否嵌入iframe,嵌入iframe 需要与url配合使用,即采用url加载远程页面时【dataType=html】才起作用
  240. url: '',
  241. dataType: 'json',// json/html 远程加载时的数据格式
  242. onLoadSuccess: null,//fn(title,resdata)
  243. activedHandler: null,//fn(title,context)
  244. closedHandler: null //fn(title) accordion被关闭时触发
  245. };
  246. /***
  247. *每一个accordion项目的默认配置
  248. ****/
  249. $.fn.accordion.itemdefaults = {
  250. title: 'accordion标题',
  251. closable: false,//是否可以删除
  252. iconcls: '',
  253. actived: false,// 激活状态
  254. isiframe: false,//如果不配置采用公用 $.fn.accordion.defaults里的配置
  255. url: '',//如果不配置采用公用 $.fn.accordion.defaults里的配置
  256. content: null,//内容默认为空,如果该属性有值,则优先默认采用这个,即使设置url也不会去远程加载数据,content可以是html对象,也可以是文本
  257. dataType: 'json'// //如果不配置采用公用 $.fn.accordion.defaults里的配置
  258. }
  259. })(jQuery);


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