real assets / financial assets ,
fixed-income (debt) securities /equity /derivative securities ,
asset allocation /security selection
risk–return trade-off /passive management /active management /financial intermediaries
primary market /secondary market
globalization /pass-through securities /MBS(mortgate-backed securities)/ securitization

1. real assets VS financial assets

Real assets: the land, buildings, machines, and knowledge that can be used to produce goods and services.
Financial assets: Financial assets are claims to the income generated by real assets (or claims on income 

from the government)

2. A taxonomy(分类) of financial assets
a)fixed income 固定收入promise either a fixed stream of income or a stream of income that is determined according to a specified formula.

b)equity 普通股票 represents an ownership share in the corporation.
c)derivatives 衍生产品(例如 options期权 and futures contracts 期货)provide payoffs that are determined by the prices of other assets such as bond or stock prices. 

3. Financial markets and the economy
  3.1 Financial markets play a central role in the
allocation of capital resources.
  3.2 Consumption Timing: shift your wealth from you are in high-earnings periods to low-earning periods(壮年的时候存,老年的时候用)
  3.3 allocation of risk:转移风险
  3.4 separate ownership and management

4. The investment process
Saving, Investing, and Safe Investing
Saving: 即你存下的money
board asset category(资产分类):stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities ....
如果要投资那就需要做决定投资组合,通常需要两个decision:asset allocation和security selection
asset allocation:choose some asset categories
security selection: select particular securities to hold within each asset category

5. Markets are competitive
a) 任何Risk-Return Trade-Off
b) efficient markets假说:市场对一个公司的价值衡量是完全准确的。

6. Players
a) firms: borrowers
b) households: savers
c) Governments either borrowers or lenders:发行政府债券的时候是borrowers,给公司贷款投资的时候是lenders
Financial Intermediaries
investment companies,
insurance companies,
credit union.

Investment Bankers:帮助公司上市,发行股票。首次发行在primary market,然后可以在secondary market流通
primary market: where new issues of securities are offered to the public.
secondary market: where investors trade among themselves.

7. Recent Trends
a) Globalization : 国际化

b) securitization : 证券化
securitization of mortgage(抵押)

c) financial engineering
use of mathematical models and computer-based trading technology to synthesize new financial products(eg:principal-protected equity-linked note)
2 ways:
1>unbundling  securities: breaking up and allocating the cash flows from one security to create several new securities
2>bundling : combining more than one security into a composite security

d) information and computer networks
包括:online trading, online information dissemination, and automated trade crossing.

1 . Real assets create wealth. Financial assets represent claims to parts or all of that wealth. Financial

assets determine how the ownership of real assets is distributed among investors.

2. Financial assets can be categorized as fixed income, equity, or derivative instruments. Top-down

portfolio construction techniques start with the asset allocation decision—the allocation of funds

across broad asset classes—and then progress to more specific security-selection decisions.

3. Competition in financial markets leads to a risk–return trade-off, in which securities that offer

higher expected rates of return also impose greater risks on investors. The presence of risk, however, implies that actual returns can differ considerably from expected returns at the beginning of

the investment period. Competition among security analysts also promotes financial markets that

are nearly informationally efficient, meaning that prices reflect all available information concerning the value of the security. Passive investment strategies may make sense in nearly efficient


4. Financial intermediaries pool investor funds and invest them. Their services are in demand

because small investors cannot efficiently gather information, diversify, and monitor portfolios.

The financial intermediary sells its own securities to the small investors. The intermediary invests

the funds thus raised, uses the proceeds to pay back the small investors, and profits from the difference (the spread).

5. Investment banking brings efficiency to corporate fund-raising. Investment bankers develop

expertise in pricing new issues and in marketing them to investors.

6. Recent trends in financial markets include globalization, securitization, financial engineering of

assets, and growth of information and computer networks.

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