1. Web服务定义描述头文件

typedef double xsd__double;
int ns__add(xsd__double a, xsd__double b, xsd__double &result);
int ns__sub(xsd__double a, xsd__double b, xsd__double &result);
int ns__sqrt(xsd__double a, xsd__double &result);

2. 生成服务端与客户端代码

soapcpp2 calc.h

3. 服务端工程 / 客户端工程对比

4. 服务端main.cpp

 #include "soapH.h"
#include <math.h> int http_get(struct soap *soap)
FILE *fd = NULL;
fd = fopen("ns.wsdl", "rb");
if (!fd)
return ;
soap->http_content = "text/xml";
soap_response(soap, SOAP_FILE); while(true)
size_t r = fread(soap->tmpbuf, , sizeof(soap->tmpbuf), fd); if (!r) break;
if (soap_send_raw(soap, soap->tmpbuf, r)) break;
soap_end_send(soap); return SOAP_OK;
} int http_get1(struct soap *soap)
std::string fileName="ns.wsdl"; FILE *fd = NULL;
fd = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "rb");//openWSDLfiletocopy
return ; //return HTTP not found error
soap->http_content="text/xml"; //HTTP header with text/xml content
while (true)
size_t r=fread(soap->tmpbuf,,sizeof(soap->tmpbuf),fd);
if(!r) break;
if(soap_send_raw(soap,soap->tmpbuf,r)) break; //cannot send, but little we can do about that
return SOAP_OK;
} int main()
struct soap soap;
int m, s;
soap.fget = http_get; m = soap_bind(&soap, NULL, , ); if (m < )
soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr);
} fprintf(stderr, "Socket connection successful: master socket = %d\n", m); for (int i=; ; i++)
s = soap_accept(&soap); //接受请求
if (s < )
soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr);
} fprintf(stderr, "%d: accepted connection from IP=%d.%d.%d.%d socket=%d",
i, (soap.ip >> )&0xFF, (soap.ip >> )&0xFF, (soap.ip >> )&0xFF, soap.ip&&0xFF, s); //打印出接受请求的详细信息 if (soap_serve(&soap) != SOAP_OK) //处理请求
soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "request served\n"); soap_destroy(&soap); //清理soap类实例
soap_end(&soap); //清理soap相关的所有资源并关闭连接
soap_done(&soap); return soap_serve(soap_new());
} int ns__add(struct soap *soap, double a, double b, double &result)
result = a + b;
return SOAP_OK;
} int ns__sub(struct soap *soap, double a, double b, double &result)
result = a - b;
return SOAP_OK;
} int ns__sqrt(struct soap *soap, double a, double &result)
{ if (a >= )
result = sqrt(a);
return SOAP_OK;
return soap_receiver_fault(soap, "Square root of negative number", "I can't only take the square root of a non-negative number");
} SOAP_NMAC struct Namespace namespaces[] =
{"SOAP-ENV", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/", "http://www.w3.org/*/soap-envelope", NULL},
{"SOAP-ENC", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/", "http://www.w3.org/*/soap-encoding", NULL},
{"xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", "http://www.w3.org/*/XMLSchema-instance", NULL},
{"xsd", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "http://www.w3.org/*/XMLSchema", NULL},
{"ns", "http://tempuri.org/ns.xsd", NULL, NULL},

5. 客户端main.cpp

#include "soapH.h"

int main()
struct soap calc_soap; soap_init(&calc_soap); double result = -; /*
struct soap *soap,
const char *soap_endpoint,
const char *soap_action,
double a,
double b,
double &result) */
int flag = soap_call_ns__add(&calc_soap, "http://localhost:9001", "", 1.0, 6.9, result); std::cout<<"result="<<result<<", flag="<<flag<<std::endl; flag = soap_call_ns__sqrt(&calc_soap, "http://localhost:9001", "", , result);
std::cout<<"result="<<result<<", flag="<<flag<<std::endl; return ;
}; SOAP_NMAC struct Namespace namespaces[] =
{"SOAP-ENV", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/", "http://www.w3.org/*/soap-envelope", NULL},
{"SOAP-ENC", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/", "http://www.w3.org/*/soap-encoding", NULL},
{"xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", "http://www.w3.org/*/XMLSchema-instance", NULL},
{"xsd", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "http://www.w3.org/*/XMLSchema", NULL},
{"ns", "http://tempuri.org/ns.xsd", NULL, NULL},

6 服务端与客户端调试

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