熟悉 eslint-loader 的同学一般如下配置:


  • test : A condition that must be met(一般是处理对应文件的正则)
  • exclude : A condition that must not be met(手动添加不需要处理的,一般比如 node_modules)
  • loader : An array of paths or files where the imported files will be transformed by the loader(对应 loader 的名字)
  • options(可选参数对象)

module.exports = {
// ...
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loader: "eslint-loader",
options: {
// eslint options (if necessary)
// ...

当然还可以加上 enforce: "pre"

To be safe, you can use enforce: "pre" section to check source files, not modified by other loaders (like babel-loader)

module.exports = {
// ...
module: {
rules: [
enforce: "pre",
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loader: "eslint-loader"
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loader: "babel-loader"
// ...

我们看一下 @vue/cli-plugin-eslint 的实现,先用 vue inspect --rule eslint 看一下最终生成的配置:

/* config.module.rule('eslint') */
enforce: 'pre',
test: /\.(vue|(j|t)sx?)$/,
exclude: [
use: [
/* config.module.rule('eslint').use('eslint-loader') */
loader: 'eslint-loader',
options: {
extensions: [
cache: true,
cacheIdentifier: '65e8f1b4',
emitWarning: true,
emitError: false,
formatter: function () {
/* omitted long function */

我们看一下 cli-plugin-eslint/index.js

module.exports = (api, options) => {}

我们看一下 vue.config.js 的配置:lintOnSave

是否在开发环境下通过 eslint-loader 在每次保存时 lint 代码。

我们看一下 @vue/cli-service/lib/options.js 的配置:


lintOnSave: true


lintOnSave: joi.any().valid([true, false, 'error'])


ERROR Invalid options in vue.config.js: child "lintOnSave" fails because ["lintOnSave" must be one of [true, false, error]]

接下来就是通过 api.chainWebpack 来设置 webpackConfig

api.chainWebpack(webpackConfig => {

所以开始的设置 rule 为 eslint,然后设置:preexclude


这里 add2 个:


然后设置 test


再设置 useloader


这里的 options 分为如下几个:


An array of filename extensions that should be checked for code. The default is an array containing just ".js".


Operate only on changed files (default: false).



默认 false,Loader will always return warnings if option is set to true.


默认 false,Loader will always return errors if this option is set to true.


Loader accepts a function that will have one argument: an array of eslint messages (object). The function must return the output as a string. You can use official eslint formatters.




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