
比赛时间没能通过==, 只能说明自己代码写的太不严谨咯!



  1. 奇数不够,因为偶数是无法凑成奇数的

  2. 偶数不够,2个奇数可以凑成一个偶数

  3. 在奇数够用的情况下, 先在k-p堆中每一堆都放一个奇数,


有解的情况,先放奇数, 每堆一个奇数。接下来要考虑偶数个数  < p的情况,





 n, k, p = map(int, raw_input().split());
a = map(int, raw_input().split());
b, c = [], [];
even, odd = 0, 0;
for i in xrange(n):
if a[i] % 2 == 0:
even += 1
odd = n - even;
if odd < k-p or (odd-(k-p))/2+even < p or (odd-(k-p))%2:
print "NO"
print "YES";
for i in xrange(k-p-1):
print 1, c[i]
if p == 0:
print n-(k-p-1),
for i in xrange(k-p-1, odd):
print c[i],
for i in xrange(0, even):
print b[i],
if k != p:
print 1, c[k-p-1]
j = k - p;
if even >= p and p:
for i in xrange(p-1):
print 1, b[i]
left = n - (k-p) - (p-1)
print left,
for i in xrange(k-p, odd):
print c[i],
for i in xrange(p-1, even):
print b[i],
elif even < p and p:
for i in xrange(even):
print 1, b[i]
for i in xrange(p-even-1):
print 2, c[j], c[j+1]
j += 2
left = n - even - j;
print left,
for i in xrange(j, j+left):
print c[i],

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