



Informatica Powercenter

9.5.1 for Linux 64 bit


Java Jdk

1.6.0_45 for Linux 64 bit


Oracle Client

11G R2 for Linux 64 bit



1、  首先安装JDK


chmod +x jdk-6u45-linux-x64.bin    --使用root用户,使安装介质赋予可执行权限

2、  创建Informatica资源库用户infa_domain与infa_rep

createuser infa_repidentifiedby infa_rep;

createuser infa_domainidentifiedby infa_domain;

grantconnect,resource,createviewto infa_rep,infa_domain;

3、  安装Oracle客户端(跳过,以后会讲解)

4、  创建infa用户与oinstall组。


vi/etc/hosts              --添加ip主机名映射

groupadd –g 501 oinstall      --使用root用户创建组

useradd –m infa –g 501       --使用root用户创建用户并且指定相应组

su – infa                   --切换到infa用户下配置java环境变量

vi .bash_profile             --编辑.bash_profile文件

export JAVA_HOME=/home/jdk1.6.0_45                    #添加JAVA_HOME环境变量

PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin                 #配置PATH变量

export PM_CODEPAGENAME="MS936"                     #配置INFA PAGE CODE

source .bash_profile         --使用.bash_profile文件生效

java –version               --测试java环境变量是否生效

exit                       --退出infa用户到root用户

mkdir –p /home/soft         --创建soft目录

tar –xvf 951HF1_Server_Installer_linux-x64.tar–C /home/soft --解压infa安装包到当前目录下/home/soft

chmod –R 775 /home/soft        --赋予安装介质相应权限

chown –R infa:oinstall /home/soft  --赋予安装介质归属用户与组

su – infa                   --切换到infa用户准备安装infa工具

cd /home/soft                      –回退到/home/soft目录

./install.sh                 --安装,由于PC虚拟机等待时间比较长……

[infa@rotmain soft]$ ./install.sh

OS detected is Linux

unjar task is in progress.............

unjar of ESD completed.....

Do you want to continue installation  (y/n) ?                   --输入y


Starting installation ...


\* Welcome to the Informatica 9.5.1  HotFix 1 Server Installer.  *


Before you continue, read the following  documents:

* Informatica 9.5.1 HotFix 1 Installation  Guide and Release Notes.

* B2B Data Transformation 9.5.1 HotFix 1  Installation, Configuration Guide and Release Notes.

You can find the 9.5.1 HotFix 1  documentation in the Product Documentation section at  http://mysupport.informatica.com.

Configure the LANG and LC_ALL variables  to generate appropriate code pages and

create and connect to repositories and  Repository Services.

Do you want to continue? (Y/N)y                     --输入y

Installer requires operating system Linux  version 2.6 and later.

Current operating system Linux version  2.6.

Current operating system meets minimum  requirements.

Select to install or upgrade:

1. Install or upgrade Informatica.

Select this option if the machine does not have Informatica services  installed or if it has Informatica 9.5.0 or an earlier version installed.

2.Install or upgrade Data Transformation Engine Only.

Select this option to install or upgrade only Data Transformation  Engine.

3.Apply Hotfix 1 to Informatica 9.5.1.

Select this option if the machine has Informatica 9.5.1 installed.

Enter the choice(1, 2 or 3):1                   --输入1选择安装


Checking for existing 9.5.1 HotFix 1  product installation.

To verify whether the machine meets the  system requirements for the Informatica installation or upgrade, run the  Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool before you start the installation  or upgrade process. It is recommended that you verify the minimum system  requirements.

Do you want to run the Pre-Installation  System Check Tool (i9Pi) before you start the installation process (y/n)?  (Default: n )n                 --不检查

Do you want to  continue the Informatica Server Installation (y/n) ?y

Select (G)UI mode (needs X Window  support) or (C)onsole mode (G/C):g --选择图形界面安装

Launching installer in GUI mode ...

Preparing to install...

Extracting the JRE from the installer  archive...

Unpacking the JRE...

Extracting the installation resources  from the installer archive...

Configuring the installer for this  system's environment...

















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