--master-data 的作用
- Use this option to dump a master replication server to produce a dump file that can be used to set up another server as a slave of the master. It causes the dump output to
- include a CHANGE MASTER TO statement that indicates the binary log coordinates (file name and position) of the dumped server. These are the master server coordinates from which
- the slave should start replicating.
- If the option value is 2, the CHANGE MASTER TO statement is written as an SQL comment, and thus is informative only; it has no effect when the dump file is reloaded. If the
- option value is 1, the statement takes effect when the dump file is reloaded. If the option value is not specified, the default value is 1.
- mysqldump导出数据时,当这个参数的值为1的时候,mysqldump出来的文件就会包括CHANGE MASTER TO这个语句,CHANGE MASTER TO后面紧接着就是file和position的记录,在slave上导入数据时就会执
- 行这个语句,salve就会根据指定这个文件位置从master端复制binlog。默认情况下这个值是1
- 当这个值是2的时候,chang master to也是会写到dump文件里面去的,但是这个语句是被注释的状态。
- master-data参数在建立slave数据库的时候会经常用到,因为这是一个比较好用的参数,默认值为1,默认情况下,会包含change master to,这个语句包含file和position的记录始位置。master-
- data=2的时候,在mysqldump出来的文件包含CHANGE MASTER TO这个语句,处于被注释状态
- dump出文件
- [root@aeolus1 c_learn]# mysqldump -uroot test --single-transaction --master-data=2 >master-data.sql
- 过滤出change master to信息
- [root@aeolus1 c_learn]# grep -i "change master to" master-data.sql
- 然后修改
- change master to master_host='xx.xx.xx.xx',
- master_user='repl',
- master_password='repl',
- master_port=3306,
- master_log_file='mysql-bin.000012',
- master_log_pos=107;
- 然后slave从库执行
- mysql> change master to master_host='xx.xx.xx.xx',
- master_user='repl',
- master_password='repl',
- master_port=3306,
- master_log_file='mysql-bin.000012',
- master_log_pos=107;
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