verilog HDL 进击之路
Verilog 进击之路 - 夯实基础第一节之结构化设计
随着数字电路设计的复杂化和专业化,传统的电路设计逐渐没落,Verilog HDL逐渐走入历史舞台。好多人并不是不会Verilog,而是缺乏细致的了解。最近一直在看 A Guide to Digital Deisgn and Synthesis 这本书,感觉许多的疑点得到解决,正好分享出来共勉。
对设计者来讲,最重要的是如何实现设计和优化设计。如下是 A typical design flow.
- specifications are written first. specificitions 简要描述了设计电路的function, interface, overall architecture.
- a behavioral description 来分析设计电路的function, peoformance,compliance to standards and high-level issues.
- behavioral description converted to RTL description.
- RTL description converted to gate-level netlist by logic synthesis tools.
- The netlist is input to an automatic place and route tool, which creats a layout.
在进行Verilog design时,必须follow design methodology and basic hierarchical modeling.
1.Design methodology: a combination of top-down and bottom-up. 先构建设计的架构,进行top_level and sub_block的逻辑关系实现,然后在sub_block中build leaf cell and optimized circuits in cell,从而实现top and bottom 的同时设计.
2. Basic hierarchical modeling: a module is the basic buliding block in verilog. 共有四个design level可以使用。behavioral level dataflow level gate level switch level.
3. Test bench include stimulus/monitor and design blocks,搭建仿真环境也要follow the design rules.
本次重点是了解一个verilog design的层次化结构是如何展开的,下节将会阐述作为 basic block 的 module framework是如何实现的.
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