PAT甲级——A1108 Finding Average【20】
The basic task is simple: given N real numbers, you are supposed to calculate their average. But what makes it complicated is that some of the input numbers might not be legal. A legal input is a real number in [−] and is accurate up to no more than 2 decimal places. When you calculate the average, those illegal numbers must not be counted in.
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line gives a positive integer N (≤). Then N numbers are given in the next line, separated by one space.
Output Specification:
For each illegal input number, print in a line ERROR: X is not a legal number
where X
is the input. Then finally print in a line the result: The average of K numbers is Y
where K
is the number of legal inputs and Y
is their average, accurate to 2 decimal places. In case the average cannot be calculated, output Undefined
instead of Y
. In case K
is only 1, output The average of 1 number is Y
Sample Input 1:
5 -3.2 aaa 9999 2.3.4 7.123 2.35
Sample Output 1:
ERROR: aaa is not a legal number
ERROR: 9999 is not a legal number
ERROR: 2.3.4 is not a legal number
ERROR: 7.123 is not a legal number
The average of 3 numbers is 1.38
Sample Input 2:
aaa -9999
Sample Output 2:
ERROR: aaa is not a legal number
ERROR: -9999 is not a legal number
The average of 0 numbers is Undefined
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#define inf 1000
double sum = 0.0, number;
int n, nums = ;
int main()
cin >> n;
char str1[], str2[];
while (n--)
cin >> str1;
bool flag = true;
sscanf(str1, "%lf", &number);//将字符转换为浮点数值
sprintf(str2, "%0.2f", number);//按要求输出
for (int i = ; str1[i] != '\0'&& flag; ++i)
if (str1[i] != str2[i])
flag = false;
if (!flag || number<-inf || number>inf)
cout << "ERROR: " << str1 << " is not a legal number" << endl;
sum += number;
cout << "The average of " << nums << (nums == ? " number is " : " numbers is ");
if (nums == )
cout << "Undefined" << endl;
printf("%0.2f\n", sum / nums);
return ;
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