December 31st, Week 53rd Tuesday, 2019
Nothing comes from nothing.
Nothing comes from nothing, and in some cases, even something can't gurantee something.
But if we don't invest anything, we would probably harvest anything.
I always want to be honoured as excellent programmer, who can earn enough money and respects from my work.
But so far, it seems I haven't fulfilled my expectation yet.
Why? I think that would be resulted from my pretending efforts.
Now that I know the reason, why not try to take some measures to make things correct? And this period would be the best time to do such things, the end of a year, and the start of a new one.
Be focused, keep learning, keep practising, sometimes those seemingly futile efforts, would turn out to be a process of accumulation, there will be certainly some return, if it can't change the world, at least, it will make us rich and smart.
If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.
From Paulo Coelho.
To see the new opportunities in life, we need to say goodbye to those bad choices and bad habits in the past.
And dont' forget to continue the advantages and efforts, don't abandon them, you know, it would be very difficult to build up some good traits, and it would be much more difficult, even impossible to resume good habits we had abandoned before.
Don't think too much. Actually things are very easy, just do it, just do it right, just make the result as good as possible, of course, the best is to always submit outcomes that can exceed people's expectations.
Very easy, isn't it? All depends on what we are doing now, and please still hope that some lucky bonus will be granted to us as some awards.
Be industrious, become a smart and high-efficient coder.
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