Basic configuration and use

Once installed, you can add django-registration to any Django-based
project you're developing. The default setup will enable user
registration with the following workflow:

1. A user signs up for an account by supplying a username, email
address and password.

2. From this information, a new ``User`` object is created, with its
``is_active`` field set to ``False``. Additionally, an activation
key is generated and stored, and an email is sent to the user
containing a link to click to activate the account.

3. Upon clicking the activation link, the new account is made active
(the ``is_active`` field is set to ``True``); after this, the user
can log in.

Note that the default workflow requires ``django.contrib.auth`` to be
installed, and it is recommended that ``django.contrib.sites`` be
installed as well. You will also need to have a working mail server
(for sending activation emails), and provide Django with the necessary
settings to make use of this mail server (consult `Django's
email-sending documentation
<>`_ for details).

Required settings

Begin by adding ``registration`` to the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting of
your project, and specifying one additional setting:

This is the number of days users will have to activate their
accounts after registering. If a user does not activate within
that period, the account will remain permanently inactive and may
be deleted by maintenance scripts provided in django-registration.

For example, you might have something like the following in your
Django settings file::

# ...other installed applications...

ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS = 7 # One-week activation window; you may, of course, use a different value.

Once you've done this, run `` syncdb`` to install the model
used by the default setup.

Setting up URLs

The :ref:`default backend <default-backend>` includes a Django
``URLconf`` which sets up URL patterns for :ref:`the views in
django-registration <views>`, as well as several useful views in
``django.contrib.auth`` (e.g., login, logout, password
change/reset). This ``URLconf`` can be found at
``registration.backends.default.urls``, and so can simply be included
in your project's root URL configuration. For example, to place the
URLs under the prefix ``/accounts/``, you could add the following to
your project's root ``URLconf``::

(r'^accounts/', include('registration.backends.default.urls')),

Users would then be able to register by visiting the URL
``/accounts/register/``, login (once activated) at
``/accounts/login/``, etc.

Another ``URLConf`` is also provided -- at ``registration.auth_urls``
-- which just handles the Django auth views, should you want to put
those at a different location.

Required templates

In the default setup, you will need to create several templates
required by django-registration, and possibly additional templates
required by views in ``django.contrib.auth``. The templates requires
by django-registration are as follows; note that, with the exception
of the templates used for account activation emails, all of these are
rendered using a ``RequestContext`` and so will also receive any
additional variables provided by `context processors


Used to show the form users will fill out to register. By default, has
the following context:

The registration form. This will be an instance of some subclass
of ``django.forms.Form``; consult `Django's forms documentation
<>`_ for
information on how to display this in a template.


Used after successful completion of the registration form. This
template has no context variables of its own, and should simply inform
the user that an email containing account-activation information has
been sent.


Used if account activation fails. With the default setup, has the following context:

The activation key used during the activation attempt.


Used after successful account activation. This template has no context
variables of its own, and should simply inform the user that their
account is now active.


Used to generate the subject line of the activation email. Because the
subject line of an email must be a single line of text, any output
from this template will be forcibly condensed to a single line before
being used. This template has the following context:

The activation key for the new account.

The number of days remaining during which the account may be

An object representing the site on which the user registered;
depending on whether ``django.contrib.sites`` is installed, this
may be an instance of either ``django.contrib.sites.models.Site``
(if the sites application is installed) or
``django.contrib.sites.models.RequestSite`` (if not). Consult `the
documentation for the Django sites framework
<>`_ for
details regarding these objects' interfaces.


Used to generate the body of the activation email. Should display a
link the user can click to activate the account. This template has the
following context:

The activation key for the new account.

The number of days remaining during which the account may be

An object representing the site on which the user registered;
depending on whether ``django.contrib.sites`` is installed, this
may be an instance of either ``django.contrib.sites.models.Site``
(if the sites application is installed) or
``django.contrib.sites.models.RequestSite`` (if not). Consult `the
documentation for the Django sites framework
<>`_ for
details regarding these objects' interfaces.

Note that the templates used to generate the account activation email
use the extension ``.txt``, not ``.html``. Due to widespread antipathy
toward and interoperability problems with HTML email,
django-registration defaults to plain-text email, and so these
templates should simply output plain text rather than HTML.

To make use of the views from ``django.contrib.auth`` (which are set
up for you by the default URLconf mentioned above), you will also need
to create the templates required by those views. Consult `the
documentation for Django's authentication system
<>`_ for details
regarding these templates.

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