requirement failed: Unacceptable value for property 'kafka.timeline.metrics.host_in_memory_aggregation', boolean values must be either 'true' or 'false

ambari 2.7.0 HDP 3.0



@li Hao

Additionally the "host_in_memory_aggregation" value is actually getting populated from "ams-site" as following:

  1. # grep '' /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/common-services/KAFKA//0.8.1/package/scripts/
  2. host_in_memory_aggregation = str(default("/configurations/ams-site/", True)).lower()


Hence please check your "ams-site" config in ambati UI to see if it has correct boolean values (true / false)?

  1. Ambari UI --> Ambari Metrics --> Configs --> Advanced --> Advanced ams-site --> "Enable in-memory aggreation on monitors" Property

Correct the above property value and then restrat AMS service followed by Kafka restart and then you should no longer see the mentioned error.

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