Cauchy sequence Hilbert space 希尔波特空间的柯西序列
A Hilbert space is a vector space with an inner product
such that the norm defined by
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turns into a complete metric space. If the metric defined by the norm is not complete, then
is instead known as an inner product space.
Examples of finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces include
1. The real numbers with
the vector dot product of
2. The complex numbers with
the vector dot product of
and the complex conjugate of
An example of an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space is , the set of all functions
such that the integral of
over the whole real line is finite. In this case, the inner product is
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A Hilbert space is always a Banach space, but the converse need not hold.
A (small) joke told in the hallways of MIT ran, "Do you know Hilbert? No? Then what are you doing in his space?" (S. A. Vaughn, pers. comm., Jul. 31, 2005).希尔伯特空间
The mathematical concept of a Hilbert space, named after David Hilbert, generalizes the notion of Euclidean space. It extends the methods of vector algebra and calculus from the two-dimensional Euclidean plane and three-dimensional space to spaces with any finite or infinite number of dimensions. A Hilbert space is an abstract vector space possessing the structure of an inner product that allows length and angle to be measured. Furthermore, Hilbert spaces are complete: there are enough limits in the space to allow the techniques of calculus to be used.
Hilbert spaces arise naturally and frequently in mathematics and physics, typically as infinite-dimensional function spaces. The earliest Hilbert spaces were studied from this point of view in the first decade of the 20th century by David Hilbert, Erhard Schmidt, and Frigyes Riesz. They are indispensable tools in the theories of partial differential equations, quantum mechanics, Fourier analysis (which includes applications to signal processing and heat transfer)—and ergodic theory, which forms the mathematical underpinning of thermodynamics. John von Neumann coined the term Hilbert space for the abstract concept that underlies many of these diverse applications. The success of Hilbert space methods ushered in a very fruitful era for functional analysis. Apart from the classical Euclidean spaces, examples of Hilbert spaces include spaces of square-integrable functions, spaces of sequences, Sobolev spaces consisting of generalized functions, and Hardy spaces of holomorphic functions.
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