Java for LeetCode 089 Gray Code
The gray code is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one bit.
Given a non-negative integer n representing the total number of bits in the code, print the sequence of gray code. A gray code sequence must begin with 0.
For example, given n = 2, return [0,1,3,2]
. Its gray code sequence is:
00 - 0
01 - 1
11 - 3
10 - 2
For a given n, a gray code sequence is not uniquely defined.
For example, [0,2,3,1]
is also a valid gray code sequence according to the above definition.
For now, the judge is able to judge based on one instance of gray code sequence. Sorry about that.
n=1 得到0 1
n=2 得到00 01 11 10(注意,11 和 10除了符号位外,和 00 01对称的)
n=3 得到000 001 011 010 110 111 101 100(后面四位除了符号位之外,和前四位对称)
n=4 依次类推
static public List<Integer> grayCode(int n) {
List<Integer> list=new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0;i<Math.pow(2, n);i++){
int result=0,num=i,temp=n;
if(num>=Math.pow(2, temp-1)){
num=(int) (2*Math.pow(2, temp-1)-num-1);
result+=Math.pow(2, temp-1);
return list;
public List<Integer> grayCode(int n) {
List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < (1<<n); ++i)
res.add(i ^ (i>>1));
return res;
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