




选择其中的examples,从basic看起。配合官方文档中的first step部分,和官方文档——代码写法即可很快上手。


  • 默认界面左边是代码,右边是预览图
  • Ctrl + D 可注释选中行(从edit菜单栏中得知)
  • 以下按钮预览(鼠标停留可显示文字preview)



  1. cube(10); //边长为10的正方体,锚点在其一角
  2. cube([2,3,4]); //长宽高分别为2,3,4的长方体,锚点在其一角
  3. cube(15, center=true); //边长为15的正方体,锚点在其中心
  4. sphere(10); //半径为10的球体
  5. polygon( points=[[0,0],[8,4],[4,8],[4,12],[12,16],[0,20]] ); //这几个点顺次连接构成的几何体


  1. translate([-24,0,0]) //平移
  2. union() //并
  3. intersection //交
  4. difference() // 差
  5. hull() //凸包,详情请百度


linear Extrude

  1. linear_extrude(
  2. height = fanwidth,
  3. center = true,
  4. convexity = 10,
  5. twist = -fanrot,
  6. slices = 20,
  7. scale = 1.0,
  8. $fn = 16) {...}

minkowski() (倒角,圆角,bevel)


  1. height = 10;
  2. length = 10;
  3. width = 20;
  4. bevelRadius = 2;
  5. $fn=50;
  6. cube([length-2*bevelRadius, width-2*bevelRadius,height]);
  7. cylinder(r=bevelRadius,h=height);
  8. translate([20,0,0])
  9. minkowski()
  10. {
  11. cube([length-2*bevelRadius, width-2*bevelRadius,height/2]);
  12. cylinder(r=bevelRadius,h=height/2);
  13. }

例二:minkowski()用于二维物体(之后可以叠加linear Extrude)

  1. height = 10;
  2. length = 10;
  3. width = 20;
  4. bevelRadius = 2;
  5. linear_extrude(height = height)
  6. square([length-2*bevelRadius, width-2*bevelRadius]);
  7. linear_extrude(height = height)
  8. circle(r=bevelRadius);
  9. $fn=50;
  10. translate([20,0,0])
  11. linear_extrude(height = height)
  12. minkowski()
  13. {
  14. square([length-2*bevelRadius, width-2*bevelRadius]);
  15. circle(r=bevelRadius);
  16. }



  1. projection(cut = true)
  2. import("projection.stl");





  1. text(letter,
  2. size=size*22/30,
  3. font="Bitstream Vera Sans",
  4. halign="center",
  5. valign="center");





  1. import("projection.stl"); //

use <xxx.scad>

  1. use <logo.scad> //Imports the Logo() module from logo.scad into this namespace
  2. Logo();


  1. cube(15,center = true);
  2. translate([0, 0, 20]){
  3. %cube(15,center = true); //% 是透明
  4. }
  5. translate([0, 0, -20]){
  6. #cube(15,center = true); //#是高亮
  7. }



分辨率:$fa, $fs and $fn

The $fa, $fs and $fn special variables control the number of facets used to generate an arc:

  • $fa is the minimum angle for a fragment. Even a huge circle does not have more fragments than 360 divided by this number. The default value is 12 (i.e. 30 fragments for a full circle). The minimum allowed value is 0.01. Any attempt to set a lower value will cause a warning.

  • $fs is the minimum size of a fragment. Because of this variable very small circles have a smaller number of fragments than specified using $fa. The default value is 2. The minimum allowed value is 0.01. Any attempt to set a lower value will cause a warning.

  • $fn is usually 0. When this variable has a value greater than zero, the other two variables are ignored and full circle is rendered using this number of fragments. The default value is 0.

初始视角 $vpr, $vpt and $vpd

  • $vpr shows rotation
  • $vpt shows translation (i.e. won't be affected by rotate and zoom)
  • $vpd shows the camera distance [Note: Requires version 2015.03]

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