D-Bus is a free and open-source inter-process communication (IPC) system, allowing multiple, concurrently-running computer programs (processes) to communicate with one another. It is mainly used by components of the freedesktop implementations such as GNOMEKDE SC or Xfce.

Heavily influenced by the DCOP system used by versions 2 and 3 of KDE, D-Bus has replaced DCOP in the KDE 4 release. An implementation of D-Bus supports most POSIX operating systems, and a port for Windows exists. It is used by Qt 4 and GNOME. In GNOME it has gradually replaced most parts of the earlier Bonobo mechanism.

D-Bus is developed as part of the project.


D-Bus is a message-bus system, a way for applications to talk to one another. D-Bus supplies both a system daemon (for events such as "new hardware device added" or "printer queue changed") and a per-user-login-session daemon (for general inter-process communication needs among user applications). The message bus builds on a general one-to-one message passing framework, which any two apps can use to communicate directly (without going through the message bus daemon). Most systems implement a privileged system channel, plus a private channelfor each logged-in user, so that available information in the D-Bus registry can be restricted.

D-Bus works with unix sockets between applications and daemons (applications communicate with each other through a fork of the D-Bus daemon), but work has started to create a "peer-to-peer" socket-type in the Linux kernel able to route messages between applications, leaving the daemon as a top-level manager.[3] The new approach improves speed by halving the number of memory-copy operations.


Example of usage in Linux-based systems. The dbus-daemon (named ubus in the illustration) is essentially at the core of the modern Linux graphical desktop environment. Binder is the counterpart used on Android.

D-Bus has three architectural layers:[4]

  1. libdbus - a library that allows two applications to connect to each other and exchange messages; in 2013 the systemd project rewrote libdbus in an effort to simplify the code, but it turned out to significantly increase the performance of D-Bus as well. In preliminary benchmarks, BMW found that the systemd D-Bus library increased performance by 360%.[5]
  2. dbus-daemon - a message-bus daemon executable, built on libdbus, that multiple applications can connect to. The daemon can route messages from one application to zero or more applications, thereby implementing the publish/subscribe paradigm.
  3. wrapper libraries based on particular application frameworks

The design of D-Bus addresses two specific cases:

  1. communication between desktop applications in the same desktop session; to allow integration of the desktop session as a whole, and address issues of the process lifecycle
  2. communication between the desktop session and the operating system, where the operating system would typically include the kernel and any system daemons or processes


Each application using D-Bus contains objects that usually map to GObjectQObjectC++ objects, or Python objects. Each D-bus object operates as an instance rather than as a type. Messages received over a D-Bus connection get routed to a specific object, not to the application as a whole. In this way, D-Bus resembles software componentry, as it appears to clients as if they are interacting with an object across the IPC connection, whether or not there is an object on the other side.

To allow messages to specify their destination object, the system needs a way to identify and address an object. For this purpose, D-Bus defines a name for each object. The name looks like a filesystem path, for example an object could have the name /org/kde/kspread/sheets/3/cells/4/5. D-Bus encourages human-readable paths, but developers are free to create an object named (e.g.) /com/mycompany/c5yo817y0c1y1c5b if it makes sense for their application.

The D-Bus objects' names are namespaced to help with independently developing code modules[citation needed]. Namespaces are generally prefixed with the developer's reversed domain namecomponents (e.g. /org/kde).


1.  进程间使用D-Bus通信



2.  D-Bus的基本概念






总线是D-Bus的进程间通信机制,一个系统中通常存在多条总线,这些总线由D-Bus总线守护进程管理。最重要的总线为系统总线(System Bus),Linux内核引导时,该总线就已被装入内存。只有Linux内核、Linux桌面环境和权限较高的程序才能向该总线写入消息,以此保障系统安全性,防止有恶意进程假冒Linux发送消息。

会话总线(Session Buses)由普通进程创建,可同时存在多条。会话总线属于某个进程私有,它用于进程间传递消息。



消息:D-Bus的消息分为信号(signals)、方法调用(method calls)、方法返回(method returns)和错误(errors)。信号是最基本的消息,注册的进程可简单地发送信号到总线上,其他进程通过总线读取消息。方法调用是通过总线传递参数,执行另一个进程接口函数的机制,用于某个进程控制另一个进程。方法返回是注册的进程在收到相关信息后,自动做出反应的机制,由回调函数实现。错误是信号的一种,是注册进程错误处理机制之一。


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