[React] Preventing extra re-rendering with function component by using React.memo and useCallback
Got the idea form this lesson. Not sure whether it is the ncessary, no othere better way to handle it.
Have a TodoList component, every time types in NewTodo input fields, will trigger the re-rendering for all components.
- import React, { useState, useContext, useCallback } from "react";
- import NewTodo from "./NewTodo";
- import TodoItem from "./TodoItem5";
- import { Container, List } from "./Styled";
- import About from "./About";
- import { useTodosWithLocalStorage, useKeyDown } from "./hooks";
- import { useTitle as useDocumentTitle } from "react-use";
- import ThemeContext from "./ThemeContext";
- const incompleteTodoCount = todos =>
- todos.reduce((memo, todo) => (!todo.completed ? memo + 1 : memo), 0);
- export default function TodoList() {
- const [newTodo, updateNewTodo] = useState("");
- const [todos, dispatch] = useTodosWithLocalStorage([]);
- const inCompleteCount = incompleteTodoCount(todos);
- const title = inCompleteCount ? `Todos (${inCompleteCount})` : "Todos";
- useDocumentTitle(title);
- let [showAbout, setShowAbout] = useKeyDown(
- { "?": true, Escape: false },
- false
- );
- const handleNewSubmit = e => {
- e.preventDefault();
- dispatch({ type: "ADD_TODO", text: newTodo });
- updateNewTodo("");
- };
- const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
- return (
- <Container todos={todos}>
- <NewTodo
- onSubmit={handleNewSubmit}
- value={newTodo}
- onChange={e => updateNewTodo(e.target.value)}
- />
- {!!todos.length && (
- <List theme={theme}>
- {todos.map(todo => (
- <TodoItem
- key={todo.id}
- todo={todo}
- onChange={id => dispatch({ type: "TOGGLE_TODO", id })}
- onDelete={id => dispatch({ type: "DELETE_TODO", id })}
- />
- ))}
- </List>
- )}
- <About isOpen={showAbout} onClose={() => setShowAbout(false)} />
- </Container>
- );
- }
The way to solve the problem is
1. For every callback:
- <TodoItem
- onChange={id => dispatch({ type: "TOGGLE_TODO", id })}
- onDelete={id => dispatch({ type: "DELETE_TODO", id })}
- />
- <About isOpen={showAbout} onClose={() => setShowAbout(false)} />
We should replace with useCallback hooks:
- const handleChange = useCallback(
- id => dispatch({ type: "TOGGLE_TODO", id }),
- []
- );
- const handleDelete = useCallback(
- id => dispatch({ type: "DELETE_TODO", id }),
- []
- );
- const handleClose = userCallback(
- () => setShowAbout(false), []
- )
- {!!todos.length && (
- <List theme={theme}>
- {todos.map(todo => (
- <TodoItem
- key={todo.id}
- todo={todo}
- onChange={handleChange}
- onDelete={handleDelete}
- />
- ))}
- </List>
- )}
- <About isOpen={showAbout} onClose={handleClose} />
This helps to reduce some extra re-rendering.
2. Using Reac.memo for function component:
- import React, { useContext } from "react";
- import Checkbox from "./Checkbox";
- import ThemeContext from "./ThemeContext";
- import { Button, Item } from "./Styled";
- const TodoItem = React.memo(({ todo, onChange, onDelete }) => {
- console.log("TodoItem5", { todo, onChange, onDelete });
- const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
- return (
- <Item key={todo.id} theme={theme}>
- <Checkbox
- id={todo.id}
- label={todo.text}
- checked={todo.completed}
- onChange={onChange.bind(this, todo.id)}
- />
- <Button onClick={onDelete.bind(this, todo.id)} theme={theme}>
- x
- </Button>
- </Item>
- );
- });
- export default TodoItem;
- import React from "react";
- import styled from "react-emotion";
- import { Dialog } from "@reach/dialog";
- ...
- export default React.memo(function TodoItem({ isOpen, onClose }) {
- return (
- <Dialog isOpen={isOpen}>
- ...
- </Dialog>
- );
- });
Assume that every times I should wrap function component with React.memo() and use useCallback
whenever necessary.
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