  • $nchan_channel_id
    The channel id extracted from a publisher or subscriber location request. For multiplexed locations, this is the first channel id in the list.

  • $nchan_channel_id1$nchan_channel_id2$nchan_channel_id3$nchan_channel_id4
    As above, but for the nth channel id in multiplexed channels.

  • $nchan_subscriber_type
    For subscriber locations, this variable is set to the subscriber type (websocket, longpoll, etc.).

  • $nchan_publisher_type
    For publisher locations, this variable is set to the subscriber type (http or websocket).

  • $nchan_prev_message_id$nchan_message_id The current and previous (if applicable) message id for publisher request or subscriber response.

  • $nchan_channel_event For channel events, this is the event name. Useful when configuring nchan_channel_event_string.

  • $nchan_version Current Nchan version. Available since 1.1.5.

Additionally, nchan_stub_status data is also exposed as variables. These are available only when nchan_stub_status is enabled on at least one location:

    • $nchan_stub_status_total_published_messages
    • $nchan_stub_status_stored_messages
    • $nchan_stub_status_shared_memory_used
    • $nchan_stub_status_channels
    • $nchan_stub_status_subscribers
    • $nchan_stub_status_redis_pending_commands
    • $nchan_stub_status_redis_connected_servers
    • $nchan_stub_status_total_ipc_alerts_received
    • $nchan_stub_status_ipc_queued_alerts
    • $nchan_stub_status_total_ipc_send_delay
    • $nchan_stub_status_total_ipc_receive_delay

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