运行平台:ubuntu 12.04/GCC 4.8.0




	string s("Hello World!!!");
// punct_cnt has the same type that s.size returns
decltype(s.size()) punct_cnt = 0;


\xxx 八进制

\x(xxx) 十六进制

unsigned char c = -1;   // assuming 8-bit chars, c has value 255
i = c; // the character with value 255 is an unprintable character
// assigns value of c (i.e., 255) to an int
std::cout << i << std::endl; // prints 255
	unsigned u = 10;
int i = -42;
std::cout << i + i << std::endl; // prints -84
std::cout << u + i << std::endl; // if 32-bit ints, prints 4294967264


string line;

	// read input a line at a time until end-of-file
while (getline(cin, line))
cout << line << endl;



const string hexdigits = "0123456789ABCDEF";  // possible hex digits

	cout << "Enter a series of numbers between 0 and 15"
<< " separated by spaces. Hit ENTER when finished: "
<< endl;
string result; // will hold the resulting hexify'd string string::size_type n; // hold numbers from the input
while (cin >> n)
if (n < hexdigits.size()) // ignore invalid input
result += hexdigits[n]; // fetch the indicated hex digit cout << "Your hex number is: " << result << endl;

而与之相关的则是size_t类型,size_t是标准C库中定义的,应为unsigned int,在64位系统中为 long unsigned int。

#include <cstddef>
using std::size_t; constexpr size_t rowCnt = 3, colCnt = 4;
int ia[rowCnt][colCnt]; // 12 uninitialized elements // for each row
for (size_t i = 0; i != rowCnt; ++i) {
// for each column within the row
for (size_t j = 0; j != colCnt; ++j) {
// assign the element's positional index as its value
ia[i][j] = i * colCnt + j;




short short_value = 32767; // max value if shorts are 16 bits

	short_value += 1; // this calculation overflows
cout << "short_value: " << short_value << endl;



int *p = elemPtr(6);         // p points to an int
int (*arrP)[5] = arrPtr(5); // arrP points to an array of five ints
int (&arrR)[5] = arrRef(4); // arrR refers to an array of five ints / two arrays
int odd[] = {1,3,5,7,9};
int even[] = {0,2,4,6,8}; // function that returns a pointer to an int in one of these arrays
int *elemPtr(int i)
// returns a pointer to the first element in one of these arrays
return (i % 2) ? odd : even;
} // returns a pointer to an array of five int elements
decltype(odd) *arrPtr(int i)
return (i % 2) ? &odd : &even; // returns a pointer to the array
} // returns a reference to an array of five int elements
int (&arrRef(int i))[5]
return (i % 2) ? odd : even;



// overloaded version takes only a list of strings
void error_msg(initializer_list<string> il)
for (auto beg = il.begin(); beg != il.end(); ++beg)
cout << *beg << " " ;
cout << endl;
} string expected = "description", actual = "some other case";
initializer_list<int> li = {0,1,2,3}; // expected, actual are strings
if (expected != actual)
error_msg({"functionX", expected, actual});
error_msg({"functionX", "okay"});



// use trailing return type
auto getFcn(const string&) -> string::size_type(*)(const string&, const string&);


decltype(sumLength) *getFcn(const string &);

// direct definition
string::size_type (*getFcn(const string&))(const string&, const string&); // define getFcn
getFcn(const string &fetch)
if (fetch == "sum")
return sumLength;
return largerLength;

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