


    promptStart:    .asciiz "This program does AxB without using mult or div"
getA: .asciiz "Please enter the first number(multiplicand): "
getB: .asciiz "Please enter the second number(multiplier): " space: .asciiz " " result: .asciiz "The product, using my program is: "
mipMult: .asciiz "The product, using MIPs multu is: " endLine: .asciiz "\n" .text main:
#"welcome" screen
li $v0, # code for print_string
la $a0,promptStart # point $a0 to prompt string
syscall # print the prompt li $v0, # code for print_string
la $a0,endLine # point $a0 to prompt string
syscall # print the prompt #prompt for multiplicand
li $v0, # code for print_string
la $a0,getA # point $a0 to prompt string
syscall # print the prompt #acquire multiplicand
li $v0, # code for read_int
syscall # get an int from user --> returned in $v0
move $s0,$v0 # move the resulting int to $s0
move $s5,$s0 # copy of multiplicand to use in multu #prompt for multiplier
li $v0, # code for print_string
la $a0,getB # point $a0 to prompt string
syscall # print the prompt #acquire multiplier
li $v0, # code for read_int
syscall # get an int from user --> returned in $v0
move $s1,$v0 # move the resulting int to $s0 move $s6,$s1 # copy of multiplier to use in multu jal MyMult
j print MyMult:
move $s3, $ # lw product
move $s4, $ # hw product beq $s1, $, done
beq $s0, $, done move $s2, $ # extend multiplicand to bits loop:
andi $t0, $s0, # LSB(multiplier)
beq $t0, $, next # skip if zero
addu $s3, $s3, $s1 # lw(product) += lw(multiplicand)
sltu $t0, $s3, $s1 # catch carry-out( or )
addu $s4, $s4, $t0 # hw(product) += carry
addu $s4, $s4, $s2 # hw(product) += hw(multiplicand)
# shift multiplicand left
srl $t0, $s1, # copy bit from lw to hw
sll $s1, $s1,
sll $s2, $s2,
addu $s2, $s2, $t0 srl $s0, $s0, # shift multiplier right
bne $s0, $, loop done:
jr $ra print:
# print result string
li $v0, # code for print_string
la $a0,result # point $a0 to string
syscall # print the result string # print out the result
li $v0, # code for print_int
move $a0,$s4 # put result in $a0
syscall # print out result li $v0, # code for print_string
la $a0,space # point $a0 to string
syscall # print the result string li $v0, # code for print_int
move $a0,$s3 # put result in $a0
syscall # print out result # print the line feed
li $v0, # code for print_string
la $a0,endLine # point $a0 to string
syscall # print the linefeed doMult:
#Do same computation using Mult
multu $s5, $s6
mfhi $t0
mflo $t1 li $v0, # code for print_string
la $a0,mipMult # point $a0 to string
syscall # print out the result
li $v0, # code for print_int
move $a0,$t0 # put high in $a0
syscall # print out result li $v0, # code for print_string
la $a0,space # point $a0 to string
syscall # print the result string # print out the result
li $v0, # code for print_int
move $a0,$t1 # put low in $a0
syscall # print out result # print the line feed
li $v0, # code for print_string
la $a0,endLine # point $a0 to string
syscall # print the linefeed # All done, thank you!
li $v0, # code for exit
syscall # exit program



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