


(function($) {
$.MsgBox = {
Alert: function (title, msg, callback) {
this._generateMsgboxHtml("alert", title, msg);
//$("body").append(Handlebars.compile(this._tplMsgHtm)({type: "alter", title: title, msg: msg}));
Confirm: function (title, msg, callback,cancelCallback) {
this._generateMsgboxHtml("confirm", title, msg);
//$("body").append(Handlebars.compile(this._tplMsgHtm)({type: "confirm", title: title, msg: msg}));
CustomizeConfirm: function (title, msg, leftButtonText,rightButtonText,callback,cancelCallback) {
this._generateMsgboxHtml("confirm", title, msg,leftButtonText,rightButtonText);
//$("body").append(Handlebars.compile(this._tplMsgHtm)({type: "confirm", title: title, msg: msg}));
_tplMsgHtm: $("#tpl_confirm_msgbox").html(),
_btnMsgOk: function(callback) {
var that = this;
$("#msg_btn_ok").click(function () {
if (callback && typeof (callback) == 'function') {
_btnMsgNo: function(cancelCallback) {
var that = this;
$("#msg_btn_no").click(function () {
if (cancelCallback && typeof (cancelCallback) == 'function') {
_generateMsgboxHtml: function (type, title, msg,leftButtonText,rightButtonText) { var okButtonText = (typeof leftButtonText == "undefined") ? '确定' : leftButtonText
, noButtonText = (typeof rightButtonText == "undefined") ? '取消': rightButtonText; var strHtm ='<div class="confirm-msgbox-popup-wrap">' +
' <div class="confirm-mask-bg"></div>' +
' <div id="confirm_content_wrap">' +
' <div class="msg-in">' +
' <div id="msg_header" class="text-center">' +
' <span id="msg_title">'+title+'</span>' +
' </div>' +
' <div id="msg_msg" class="text-center">' + msg + '</div>' +
' <div id="msg_btn_wrap" class="text-center">'; if(type == "alert")
strHtm += '<span id="msg_btn_ok" class="msg-btn cursor-point col-full">'+okButtonText+'</span>';
} if(type == "confirm"){
strHtm += '<span id="msg_btn_ok" class="msg-btn cursor-point col-half">'+okButtonText+'</span>';
strHtm +='<span id="msg_btn_no" class="msg-btn cursor-point col-half">'+noButtonText+'</span>';
} strHtm +=' </div>' +
' </div>' +
' </div>' +
' </div>'; this._removeMsgboxPopupWrap();
_removeMsgboxPopupWrap: function(){
})(jQuery); /*
<script type="text/x-handlebars-template" id="tpl_confirm_msgbox">
<div class="confirm-msgbox-popup-wrap">
<div class="confirm-mask-bg"></div>
<div id="confirm_content_wrap">
<div class="msg-in">
<div id="msg_header" class="text-center">
<span id="msg_title">{{title}}</span>
<div id="msg_msg" class="text-center">
<div id="msg_btn_wrap" class="text-center"> {{#ifCond type '==' 'alert'}}
<span id="msg_btn_ok" class="msg-btn cursor-point col-full">xxx</span>
{{/if}} {{#ifCond type '==' 'confirm'}}
<span id="msg_btn_ok" class="msg-btn cursor-point col-half">xxx</span>
<span id="msg_btn_no" class="msg-btn cursor-point col-half">xxx</span>


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margin: -125px 0 0 -200px; .msg-in{
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display: inline-block;
font-size: 15px;
color: #ffffff;
border: none;
border-right: 1px solid #e6e6e5; &:last-child{
border: none;
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color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);
} @media screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
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font-size: 28px;



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