

List<InvoiceQueryBean> invoiceQueryBeanList = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> invoices = Lists.newArrayList(Iterators.transform(
invoiceQueryBeanList.iterator(), new Function<InvoiceQueryBean, String>() {
public String apply(@Nullable InvoiceQueryBean input) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(input.getLoanInvoiceId())) {
return input.getLoanInvoiceId();
} else {
return null;
Iterators.removeIf(invoices.iterator(), StringUtils::isBlank);


public static List<PersonLoanInvoiceQueryPojo> getInvoiceQueryPojoList(List<InvoiceQueryBean> invoiceQueryBean) {
return Lists.newArrayList(Iterators.transform(invoiceQueryBean.iterator(),
input -> input == null ? null :
public class PersonLoanInvoiceQueryPojo implements Serializable{

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -408985049449365784L;

    private String loanInvoiceId;

    private String userId;

    private String userName;

    public static class Builder {
private PersonLoanInvoiceQueryPojo instance = new PersonLoanInvoiceQueryPojo(); private Builder(){} public static Builder getInstance() {
return new Builder();
} public static Builder getInstance(PersonLoanInvoiceQueryPojo instance){
Builder builder = new Builder();
builder.instance = instance;
return builder;
} public Builder addLoanInvoiceId(String loanInvoiceId) {
return this;
} public Builder addUserId(String userId) {
return this;
} public Builder addUserName(String userName) {
return this;
} public PersonLoanInvoiceQueryPojo build() {
return this.instance;
} } setters();&getters();






import com.google.common.collect.Iterators;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists; List<CreditPersonalInfoChangeApplySerial> applySerialList = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> operatorNoList = Lists.newArrayList(
Iterators.transform(applySerialList.iterator(), CreditPersonalInfoChangeApplySerial::getOperatorNo)); //这个叫做lambda的方法引用,注意方法引用的这个方法不需要()



import com.google.common.collect.Maps;

List<QueryUserAppInfoByUserIdListPojo> operatorInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, QueryUserAppInfoByUserIdListPojo> operatorMap
= Maps.uniqueIndex(operatorInfoList.iterator(), QueryUserAppInfoByUserIdListPojo::getUserId); public class QueryUserAppInfoByUserIdListPojo implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6876288995978264269L;
private String userId; public String getUserId() {
return this.userId;
} public void setUserId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
} }


List<UserPojo> list =  new ArrayList<>();
list.forEach(input -> {
if (input.getCertificateKind().equals(EnumCertificateKind.RESIDENT_IDENTITY_CARD)) {
userCertificateMap.put(pojo.getUserId(), input);


  遍历的时候需要使用到元素的索引,很可惜,Java8 的 Iterable 并没有提供一个带索引的 forEach 方法,自动动手写一个满足自己的需求。

import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer; /**
* Iterable 的工具类
public class Iterables { public static <E> void forEach(
Iterable<? extends E> elements, BiConsumer<Integer, ? super E> action) {
Objects.requireNonNull(action); int index = 0;
for (E element : elements) {
action.accept(index++, element);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "b", "c", "c", "c", "d", "d", "d", "f", "f", "g");

    Iterables.forEach(list, (index, str) -> System.out.println(index + " -> " + str));


注意:find()函数有两个重载方法,其中一个是带 defaultValue 的,注意如果别迭代的集合没有符合条件的数据的话,一定要定义一个默认值。否则会报NoSuchElementException异常

Iterators.find(pojoList.iterator(), input -> input != null, null);



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