

$ composer require topthink/think-worker


$ composer require topthink/think-worker
Using version ^2.0 for topthink/think-worker
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. Problem 1
- topthink/think-worker v2.0.5 requires topthink/framework 5.1.* -> satisfiable by topthink/framework[5.1.x-dev, v5.1-beta.1, v5.1-rc.1, v5.1-rc.2, v5.1-rc.3, v5.1.0, v5.1.1, v5.1.10, v5.1.11, v5.1.12, v5.1.13, v5.1.14, v5.1.15, v5.1.16, v5.1.17, v5.1.18, v5.1.19, v5.1.2, v5.1.3, v5.1.4, v5.1.5, v5.1.6, v5.1.7, v5.1.8, v5.1.9] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.
- topthink/think-worker v2.0.4 requires topthink/framework 5.1.* -> satisfiable by topthink/framework[5.1.x-dev, v5.1-beta.1, v5.1-rc.1, v5.1-rc.2, v5.1-rc.3, v5.1.0, v5.1.1, v5.1.10, v5.1.11, v5.1.12, v5.1.13, v5.1.14, v5.1.15, v5.1.16, v5.1.17, v5.1.18, v5.1.19, v5.1.2, v5.1.3, v5.1.4, v5.1.5, v5.1.6, v5.1.7, v5.1.8, v5.1.9] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.
- topthink/think-worker v2.0.3 requires topthink/framework 5.1.* -> satisfiable by topthink/framework[5.1.x-dev, v5.1-beta.1, v5.1-rc.1, v5.1-rc.2, v5.1-rc.3, v5.1.0, v5.1.1, v5.1.10, v5.1.11, v5.1.12, v5.1.13, v5.1.14, v5.1.15, v5.1.16, v5.1.17, v5.1.18, v5.1.19, v5.1.2, v5.1.3, v5.1.4, v5.1.5, v5.1.6, v5.1.7, v5.1.8, v5.1.9] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.
- topthink/think-worker v2.0.2 requires topthink/framework 5.1.* -> satisfiable by topthink/framework[5.1.x-dev, v5.1-beta.1, v5.1-rc.1, v5.1-rc.2, v5.1-rc.3, v5.1.0, v5.1.1, v5.1.10, v5.1.11, v5.1.12, v5.1.13, v5.1.14, v5.1.15, v5.1.16, v5.1.17, v5.1.18, v5.1.19, v5.1.2, v5.1.3, v5.1.4, v5.1.5, v5.1.6, v5.1.7, v5.1.8, v5.1.9] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.
- topthink/think-worker v2.0.1 requires topthink/framework 5.1.* -> satisfiable by topthink/framework[5.1.x-dev, v5.1-beta.1, v5.1-rc.1, v5.1-rc.2, v5.1-rc.3, v5.1.0, v5.1.1, v5.1.10, v5.1.11, v5.1.12, v5.1.13, v5.1.14, v5.1.15, v5.1.16, v5.1.17, v5.1.18, v5.1.19, v5.1.2, v5.1.3, v5.1.4, v5.1.5, v5.1.6, v5.1.7, v5.1.8, v5.1.9] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.
- topthink/think-worker v2.0.0 requires topthink/framework 5.1.* -> satisfiable by topthink/framework[5.1.x-dev, v5.1-beta.1, v5.1-rc.1, v5.1-rc.2, v5.1-rc.3, v5.1.0, v5.1.1, v5.1.10, v5.1.11, v5.1.12, v5.1.13, v5.1.14, v5.1.15, v5.1.16, v5.1.17, v5.1.18, v5.1.19, v5.1.2, v5.1.3, v5.1.4, v5.1.5, v5.1.6, v5.1.7, v5.1.8, v5.1.9] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.
- Installation request for topthink/think-worker ^2.0 -> satisfiable by topthink/think-worker[v2.0.0, v2.0.1, v2.0.2, v2.0.3, v2.0.4, v2.0.5]. Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.



这里后面的  -vvv 我也不知道是什么意思,有知道的朋友吗?欢迎留言告知,万分感谢。

composer require topthink/think-worker=1.0.* -vvv


composer require workerman/workerman-for-win -vvv



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