C 常量的类型
int --> long int --> long long int
无后缀的十进制整数常量:int,long int,long long int
以字母u或U为后缀的十进制整型常量:unsigned int,unsigned long int,unsigned long long int
以字母l或L为后缀的十进制整型常量:long int,long long int
同时以字母u或U和字母l或L为后缀的十进制整型常量:unsigned long int,unsigned long long int
以字母ll或LL为后缀的十进制整型常量:long long int
同时以字母u或U和字母ll或LL为后缀的十进制整型常量:unsigned long long int
无后缀的八进制或十六进制常量:int,unsigned int,long int,unsigned long int,long long int,unsigned long long int
以字母u或U为后缀的八进制或十六进制常量:unsigned int,unsigned long int,unsigned long long int
以字母l或L为后缀的八进制或十六进制常量:long int,unsigned long int,long long int,unsigned long long int
同时以字母u或U和字母l或L为后缀的八进制或十六进制常量:unsigned long int,unsigned long long int
以字母ll或LL为后缀的八进制或十六进制常量:long long int,unsigned long long int
同时以字母u或U和字母ll或LL为后缀的八进制或十六进制常量:unsigned long long int
Numbers characters and string constants.
See enum end const in data types page.
Data Type Constants
Syntax | Description | Example |
0xhexnum 0Xhexnum |
hexadecimal number | int x=0x7FFF0000; |
0 octnum |
octal number | int x=07654321; |
num u num U |
unsigned integer number constant | unsigned int x=1000U; |
num l num L |
long integer number constant | long x=-99999L; |
num ul num UL |
unsigned long integer number constant | unsigned long x=99999L; |
num ll num LL |
long long integer number constant | long long x=-888888LL; |
num ull num ULL |
unsigned long long integer number constant | unsigned long long x=100ULL; |
num f num F |
float number constant | float x=0.005F; |
num l num L |
long double number constant | long double x=0.005L; |
num e±exp num E±exp |
floating point exponent number constant | double x=5.2E-3; |
'char' |
character constant | char c='A'; |
"string" |
string constant | char name[6]="Hello"; |
These are constants in C and C++.
The suffix LL
means the constant is of type long long
, and UL
means unsigned long
In general, each L
or l
represents a long
each U
or u
represents anunsigned
. So, e.g.
1uLL // means the constant 1 with type unsigned long long.
This also applies to floating point numbers:
1.0f // of type 'float'
1.0 // of type 'double'
.0L // of type 'long double'
and strings and characters, but they are prefixes:
'A' // of type 'char'
L'A' // of type 'wchar_t'
u'A' // of type 'char16_t' (C++0x only)
U'A' // of type 'char32_t' (C++0x only)
In C and C++ the integer constants are evaluated using their original type,
which can cause bugs due to integer overflow:
long long nanosec_wrong = * ;
// ^ you'll get '-1295421440' since the constants are of type 'int'
// which is usually only 32-bit long, not big enough to hold the result. long long nanosec_correct = 1000000000LL *
// ^ you'll correctly get '600000000000' with this int secs = ;
long long nanosec_2 = 1000000000LL * secs;
// ^ use the '1000000000LL' to ensure the multiplication is done as 'long long's.
In Google Go, all integers are evaluated as big integers (no truncation happens),
var nanosec_correct int64 = *
and there is no "usual arithmetic promotion"
var b int32 =
var a int64 = * b
// ^ cannot use 1000000000 * b (type int32) as type int64 in assignment
so the suffixes are not necessary.
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