Spring MVC Beginner’s Guide勘误表
- 17 submitted: last submission 09 Dec 2016
Page number: 213
should be:
Page number: 167
should be:
Page number: 13
operating system architecture type (32 bit or 62 bit)
should be:
operating system architecture type (32 bit or 64 bit)
Pg no: 61 | Chapter 2: Time for action – creating a service object
(Step 4)
public void processOrder(String productId, long quantity) {
Product productById = productRepository.
if(productById.getUnitsInStock() < quantity){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Out of Stock. Available
Units in stock"+ productById.getUnitsInStock());
productById.setUnitsInStock(productById.getUnitsInStock() -
should be:
public void processOrder(String productId, int count) {
Product productById = productRepository.
if(productById.getUnitsInStock() < count){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Out of Stock. Available
Units in stock"+ productById.getUnitsInStock());
productById.setUnitsInStock(productById.getUnitsInStock() -
Pg no: 126 | Chapter 5: Pop quiz - static view (Option 2)
should be:
Errata type : Code Page No: 97
In the section Time for action – serving and processing forms, step no 7 on page 97,
form:textarea id="description" path="description" rows = "2"/>
There should be a "<" at the start. It should be <form:textarea id="description" path="description" rows = "2"/>
Errata type: Code
In section Have a go hero – accessing the product domain object via a service, on page 65, in step 1,
It is:
List <Products> getAllProducts();
but it should be:
List <Product> getAllProducts();
Errata type: Code
In section Have a go hero – listing all our customers, on page 66, in step 4. It is:
List <Customers> getAllCustomers();
but it should be:
List <Customer> getAllCustomers();
Errata type: Code
In section Time for action – serving and processing forms, on page 96, in step 7,
It is :
<!-- Similarly bind <form:input> tag for name,
unitPrice,manufacturer,category,unitsInStock and
unitsInOrder fields-->
It should be:
<%-- Similarly bind <form:input> tag for name,unitPrice,manufacturer,category,unitsInStock and unitsInOrder fields
Errata type: Code
In section Have a go hero – adding multiple filters to list products, on page 92, in bullet point 3 It is:
It should be
Errata type: Code
In section Time for action – creating a service object, on page 60 and 61. It is
void processOrder(String productId, int count);
It should be:
void processOrder(String productId, long quantity);
Type: Suggestion
On page 28, section Time for action – running the project, for step 1
The menu [Run As | Run on server] will not appear until you do [Maven |
Update Project]
On page 64, section Have a go hero – accessing the product domain object via a service"
The URL in step 5 should be:
instead of:
Page: 106, section Time for action – externalizing messages
<spring:message code="addProdcut.form.productId.label"/>
should be:
<spring:message code="addProduct.form.productId.label"/>
Page: 58
Also, we learned earlier that if we configure our web application context as mentioned,
it not only detects controllers (@controller),
should be:
Also, we learned earlier that if we configure our web application context as
mentioned, it not only detects controllers (@Controller),
Page: 57
Remember we learned that Spring creates and manages beans (objects) for every
@controller class?
should be:
Remember we learned that Spring creates and manages beans (objects) for every
@Controller class?
Page 252, Time for action – creating views for every view state (7th point)
<li><a href="<spring:URL value="/products/"/>">Products</a></li>
should be:
<li><a href="<spring:url value="/products/"/>">Products</a></li>
Page: 130, section Time for action – adding images to the product page
Given code is :
Correct code is:
Page 142. Time for action – adding an exception handler Given code is: if(productById == null){ throw new ProductNotFoundException("No products found with the product id: "+ productId); } Correct code is: if(productById == null){ throw new ProductNotFoundException("No product found", productId); }
Page 130. Time for action – adding images to the product page
Given Code:
productToBeAdded.getProductId() + ".png"));
A list of errors in this book are mentioned on this link along with their page numbers: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12fX-X23gfD_3scIS3MgAsSV3b2D87cFQaC94h3TYM-8/edit
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