Winfortune 01 - How to create an equivalent of fortune and cowsay for Windows, using Python
- YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdXX8Rr5JM8
This is the introduction to a series of video tutorials that explain how to create an equivalent of fortune and cowsay for Windows.
This will be a program that picks a random quote and displays it on the screen as a "speech bubble" coming out of an animal. You'll see this every time you start the command line interpreter.
Among the covered subjects:
- collect quotes from Internet sites
- retrieving HTML
- analyzing HTML, extracting data from it
- store quotes in a database, SQLite
- ASCII art
- integrate this into CMD
- make an installer, WiX
Winfortune 02 - Find a site with quotes we can harvest
- YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp6QnyJ3kcc
Examine the structure of the pages of a quotes site and find where the data we need are located.
The video also provides a very simple explanation of how browsers "talk" to different web-sites.
Winfortune 03 - XPath experiments and query examples
- YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RiW2g-AKbs
Explore the contents of the page and figure out which XPath queries will fetch the data we are looking for.
Winfortune 04 - Python and LXML, examples of XPath queries with Python
How to use Python LXML to perform XPath queries and extract data from HTML pages
Winfortune 05 - Automate page retrieving via HTTP and HTML parsing with lxml
- YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2fga8_mOcA
Winfortune 05 - Automate page retrieving via HTTP and HTML parsing with lxml
This part of the tutorial covers the creation of two primitive functions that will then be used as building blocks in a bigger program.
Winfortune 06 - Python and SQLite tutorial
- YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB7-aNpf1pY
In this very simple example I explain how to devise a database schema for a database of quotes.
Further, I explain how to use SQLite with Python to create a database, add records to it and retrieve records from it.
Winfortune 07 - Joining the building blocks, finally we can harvest all the quotes
- YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrZKIqbrGPs
At this point the program is actually ready to retrieve all the quotes from the site.
Keep in mind that some servers may apply throttling if you're connecting too often and copying a lot of data. Don't forget to be polite and pause every now and then.
You should also familiarize with the HTTP status codes and take care of the cases in which some errors occur.
Winfortune 08 - ASCII art experiments, listing directories and reading files with Python
- YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0WsWzfy0vA
We're getting closer to the desired result. In this tutorial I selected a few ASCII art characters and extended the program such that it can load the ASCII drawings, attach a message to them and print the result on the screen.
So far there are some graphical defects, we'll deal with them in the next tutorial.
XPath - Quick Tip
- YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btfc_d2rJKk
Using XPath with lxml library.
Jupyter Notebook: http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/Tw...
Learning BeautifulSoup and Python Requests in ONE VIDEO
- YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VxPNFejpfk
Dev Mountain Coding Bootcamp https://goo.gl/P4vgKS
Other Links:
Check out my tutorials, blogs and more at my website https://www.hipstercode.com/
I feel this video could have been better. I have not involved myself with BeautifulSoup in quite some time. I really think it's lack of xpath support is a major detriment.
Check out my Podcast on iTunes ... https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/c...
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